上一篇的hello world里,示例过于简单,仅仅只是返回了一个字符串,实际上axum的response能返回各种格式,包括: plain_text axum = "0.4.3" tokio = { version="1", features = ["full"] } serde = { version="1", features = ["derive"] } serde_json = "1" http = "0.2.1" 这是依赖项,下面的代码主要来自官方文档,在此基础上补充了中文及“自定义错误”及“自定义结构”的返回示例(包括了web开发中大部分的常用返回格式) use axum::{ body::{self,Body}, http::header::{HeaderMap, HeaderName, HeaderValue}, response::{Headers, Html, IntoResponse, Json,Response}, routing::get, Router, }; use http::{ StatusCode, Uri}; use serde::Serialize; use serde_json::{json, Value}; // We've already seen returning &'static str async fn plain_text() -> &'static str { "foo" } // String works too and will get a `text/plain; charset=utf-8` content-type async fn plain_text_string(uri: Uri) -> String { format!("Hi from {}", uri.path()) } // Bytes will get a `application/octet-stream` content-type async fn bytes() -> Vec<u8> { vec![1, 2, 3, 4] } // `()` gives an empty response async fn empty() {} // `StatusCode` gives an empty response with that status code async fn empty_with_status() -> StatusCode { StatusCode::NOT_FOUND } // A tuple of `StatusCode` and something that implements `IntoResponse` can // be used to override the status code async fn with_status() -> (StatusCode, &'static str) { (StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Something went wrong") } // A tuple of `HeaderMap` and something that implements `IntoResponse` can // be used to override the headers async fn with_headers() -> (HeaderMap, &'static str) { let mut headers = HeaderMap::new(); headers.insert( HeaderName::from_static("x-foo"), HeaderValue::from_static("foo"), ); (headers, "foo") } // You can also override both status and headers at the same time async fn with_headers_and_status() -> (StatusCode, HeaderMap, &'static str) { let mut headers = HeaderMap::new(); headers.insert( HeaderName::from_static("x-foo"), HeaderValue::from_static("foo"), ); (StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, headers, "foo") } // `Headers` makes building the header map easier and `impl Trait` is easier // so you don't have to write the whole type async fn with_easy_headers() -> impl IntoResponse { Headers(vec![("x-foo", "foo")]) } // `Html` gives a content-type of `text/html` async fn html() -> Html<&'static str> { Html("<h1>Hello, World!</h1>") } // `Json` gives a content-type of `application/json` and works with any type // that implements `serde::Serialize` async fn json() -> Json<Value> { Json(json!({ "data": 42 })) } // `Result<T, E>` where `T` and `E` implement `IntoResponse` is useful for // returning errors async fn result() -> Result<&'static str, StatusCode> { Ok("all good") } // `Response` gives full control async fn response() -> Response<Body> { Response::builder().body(Body::empty()).unwrap() } #[derive(Serialize)] struct Blog { title: String, author: String, summary: String, } async fn blog_struct() -> Json<Blog> { let blog = Blog { title: "axum笔记(2)-response".to_string(), author: "菩提树下的杨过".to_string(), summary: "response各种示例".to_string(), }; Json(blog) } async fn blog_struct_cn() -> (HeaderMap, Json<Blog>) { let blog = Blog { title: "axum笔记(2)-response".to_string(), author: "菩提树下的杨过".to_string(), summary: "response各种示例".to_string(), }; let mut headers = HeaderMap::new(); headers.insert( HeaderName::from_static("content-type"), HeaderValue::from_static("application/json;charset=utf-8"), ); (headers, Json(blog)) } struct CustomError { msg: String, } impl IntoResponse for CustomError { fn into_response(self) -> Response { let body= body::boxed(body::Full::from(self.msg)); Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) .body(body) .unwrap() } } async fn custom_error() -> Result<&'static str, CustomError> { Err(CustomError { msg: "Opps!".to_string(), }) } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { // our router let app = Router::new() .route("/plain_text", get(plain_text)) .route("/plain_text_string", get(plain_text_string)) .route("/bytes", get(bytes)) .route("/empty", get(empty)) .route("/empty_with_status", get(empty_with_status)) .route("/with_status", get(with_status)) .route("/with_headers", get(with_headers)) .route("/with_headers_and_status", get(with_headers_and_status)) .route("/with_easy_headers", get(with_easy_headers)) .route("/html", get(html)) .route("/json", get(json)) .route("/result", get(result)) .route("/response", get(response)) .route("/blog", get(blog_struct)) .route("/blog_cn", get(blog_struct_cn)) .route("/custom_error", get(custom_error)); // run it with hyper on localhost:3000 axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()) .serve(app.into_make_service()) .await .unwrap(); }
最后再补1个返回图片的示例: use axum::{ routing::get, Router,http::header::{HeaderMap,HeaderValue,HeaderName} }; use std::fs::*; async fn image() -> (HeaderMap, Vec<u8>) { let mut headers = HeaderMap::new(); headers.insert( HeaderName::from_static("content-type"), HeaderValue::from_static("image/png"), ); (headers, read(String::from("/Users/Downloads/avatar.png")).unwrap()) }
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