1. settings.txt的说明
a. 通过配置settings.txt,填源端和目标端路径,如果用反斜杠结尾表示填的是文件夹,如果不是反斜杠结尾则代表填的是文件
b. 如果是按日期自动生成的文件夹,则用{YYYYMMMDD}或{MMDD}等替代
c. 文件支持*匹配任意名字
d. 在no_create_ok_file组中,表示不生成ok标识,在create_ok_file组中表示生成ok标识
e. 如果settings.txt填写不正确,运行这个小程序就会生成一个error.log,但是不影响后面的拷贝
D:\test3\{YYYYMMDD}\ = E:\test4\{YYYYMMDD}\,如果在执行程序的时候不填日期,直接回车,这个{YYYYMMDD}就自动替换为当天的日期,如果填了日期(如20191115),那{YYYYMMDD}就自动替换为20191115
D:\test1\fa* = E:\test2\,这个就表示把D:\test1目录下的以fa开头的文件全部拷贝到E:\test2中去
2. okfile.txt的说明
pip isntall PyInstaller # 安装PyInstaller包
pyinstaller -F filetran.py --icon=rocket.ico # 将.py文件和.ico文件放在一起,在dist目录下面生成exe文件
# autor: yangbao # date: 2019-10-16 import os import time import datetime import re import shutil import configparser def variable_replace(variable): """路径替换""" global customer_input local_customer_input = customer_input if local_customer_input: curr_year = local_customer_input[0:4] curr_month = local_customer_input[4:6] curr_day = local_customer_input[6:8] else: curr_year = str(time.strftime(\'%Y\')) curr_month = str(time.strftime(\'%m\')) curr_day = str(time.strftime(\'%d\')) if re.search(\'{YYYYMMDD}\', variable): variable = variable.replace(\'{YYYYMMDD}\', curr_year+curr_month+curr_day) if re.search(\'{YYYYMM}\', variable): variable = variable.replace(\'{YYYYMM}\', curr_year+curr_month) if re.search(\'{MMDD}\', variable): variable = variable.replace(\'{MMDD}\', curr_month+curr_day) if re.search(\'{YYYY}\', variable): variable = variable.replace(\'{YYYY}\', curr_year) if re.search(\'{MM}\', variable): variable = variable.replace(\'{MM}\', curr_month) if re.search(\'{DD}\', variable): variable = variable.replace(\'{DD}\', curr_day) return variable def source_to_target(): """读取settings.txt文件,将源端和目标端映射关系对上""" source_to_target_dict = {} with open(\'settings.txt\', \'r\', encoding=\'utf-8-sig\') as f: for line in f.readlines(): # 排除注释和空行和格式不正确的 if not line.startswith(\'#\') and line.strip() != \'\' and re.search(\'=\', line): source = line.split(\'=\')[0].strip() target = line.split(\'=\')[1].strip() source_to_target_dict[source] = target return source_to_target_dict def create_ok_file(source): """读取配置文件""" cf = configparser.ConfigParser(delimiters=(\'=\')) cf.read("settings.txt", encoding=\'utf-8-sig\') options = cf.options("create_ok_file") for i in options: if source.lower() == i.lower().strip(): return True return False def filecopy(): """文件拷贝""" # 得到映射表 source_to_target_dict = source_to_target() # 读取每一个目标路径 for ori_source, ori_target in source_to_target_dict.items(): source = variable_replace(ori_source) target = variable_replace(ori_target) # 如果源端填的是文件夹 if source.endswith(os.sep): if os.path.exists(source): file_list = os.listdir(source) for filename in file_list: # 如果目标路径不存在,就创建 if not os.path.exists(target): os.makedirs(target) source_file = source + filename target_file = target + filename print(\'[\', time.strftime(\'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\'), \'] \', source_file, \' ----> \', target_file, \' 开始拷贝\', sep=\'\') try: shutil.copyfile(source_file, target_file) if create_ok_file(ori_source): ok_file = target_file + \'.ok\' fp = open(ok_file, \'w\') fp.close() except Exception as e: with open(error_log_name, \'a+\', encoding=\'utf-8-sig\') as f: f.write(str(e)) f.write(\'\n\') break # print(\'[\', time.strftime(\'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\'), \'] \', source_file, \' ----> \', target_file, \' 拷贝完成\', sep=\'\') # 如果源端填的是文件 else: source_dir = source[0:source.rfind(os.sep)+1] # 得到该文件所在的文件夹 file_name_pattern = source[source.rfind(os.sep)+1:] # 得到该文件的文件样式 if os.path.exists(source_dir): file_list = os.listdir(source_dir) for filename in file_list: # 只有匹配上的才拷贝 if re.match(file_name_pattern, filename): # 如果目标路径不存在,就创建 if not os.path.exists(target): os.makedirs(target) source_file = source_dir + filename target_file = target + filename print(\'[\', time.strftime(\'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\'), \'] \', source_file, \' ----> \', target_file, \' 开始拷贝\', sep=\'\') try: shutil.copyfile(source_file, target_file) if create_ok_file(ori_source): ok_file = target_file + \'.ok\' fp = open(ok_file, \'w\') fp.close() except Exception as e: with open(error_log_name, \'a+\', encoding=\'utf-8-sig\') as f: f.write(str(e)) f.write(\'\n\') break # print(\'[\', time.strftime(\'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\'), \'] \', source_file, \' ----> \', target_file, \' 拷贝完成\', sep=\'\') def warnlog(): """警告日志""" with open(\'okfile.txt\', \'r\', encoding=\'utf-8\') as f: for line in f.readlines(): # 排除注释和空行和格式不正确的 if not line.startswith(\'#\') and line.strip() != \'\': okfile = variable_replace(line.strip()) if not os.path.isfile(okfile): with open(warn_log_name, \'a+\', encoding=\'utf-8-sig\') as t: t.write(okfile + \' 该文件不存在!\') t.write(\'\n\') if __name__ == \'__main__\': # 主程序 customer_input = input(\'请输入需要拷贝的8位指定日期,如20191114,如果不输入,默认拷贝当天\n\') # 如果没输入,或者输入格式正确,就拷贝 if re.match(\'\d{8}\',customer_input) or not customer_input: begin_time = datetime.datetime.now() error_log_name = \'error_\' + str(time.strftime(\'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S\')) + \'_.log\' warn_log_name = \'warn_\' + str(time.strftime(\'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S\')) + \'_.log\' print(\'[\', time.strftime(\'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\'), \'] \', \'文件开始拷贝...\', sep=\'\') print(\'-\' * 50) filecopy() warnlog() end_time = datetime.datetime.now() cost_time = (end_time - begin_time).seconds print(\'-\' * 50) print(\'[\', time.strftime(\'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\'), \'] \', \'文件拷贝结束,总耗时\', cost_time, \'秒\', sep=\'\') # 如果输入格式不正确 elif not re.match(\'\d{8}\', customer_input): print(\'请输入正确的格式\') input(\'按回车键退出\')
# 拷贝路径设置 # 源端路径不存在就不复制,目标端路径不存在会自动创建目录 # 说明事项: # 1. 格式为源端路径 = 目标路径 # 2. 文件夹后面以反斜杠结束\ # 3. 如果是变量,则以大括号阔起来,如今天是20191012, {YYYYMMDD}会替换为20191012,则使用{MMDD}替换为1012,{DD}替换为12 # 4. YYYY MM DD都填大写 # 以下是示例 # 拷贝整个文件夹 --> P:\信息技术部\YangBao\oa\ = E:\test2\ # 拷贝指定名称,*表示匹配任意字符 --> D:\test3\{YYYYMMDD}\ab* = E:\test4\{YYYYMMDD}\ [no_create_ok_file] # 将不需要生成ok标识的路径或文件填在这下面 D:\test3\{YYYYMMDD}\ = E:\test4\{YYYYMMDD}\ [create_ok_file] # 将需要生成ok标识的路径或文件填在这下面 D:\test1\ = E:\test2\
# ok文件设置设置 # 以下是示例 # {YYYYMMDD}会替换成指定日期,D:\test3\{YYYYMMDD}\ab.txt # D:\test3\{YYYYMMDD}\sdfg