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小程序把数据带给下一个页面_将营销数据的力量带给独立开发者 ...

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The Kochava SDK is free and easy to integrate into games. With it, game developers can gain insights into player performance and which marketing campaigns drive the best growth.

Kochava SDK是免费的,易于集成到游戏中。 借助它,游戏开发人员可以洞悉玩家的表现以及哪些营销活动可以推动最佳增长。

推动游戏发展,树立品牌 (Driving game growth, building your brand)

With millions of game titles in the app stores already –and more added daily–  indie developers need an advantage so their games stand out and grow. Real-time analytics help them understand how players are engaging with their games. Marketing measurement (also called attribution) enables them to see which ad campaigns are delivering new, quality players. This data is vital for driving sustained growth and building a lasting brand. To introduce developers to marketing analytics, the Unity Asset Store and Kochava have partnered to bring developers the Kochava SDK for FREE.  

应用商店中已经有数以百万计的游戏,而且每天都在增加,因此独立开发人员需要优势,才能使其游戏脱颖而出并发展壮大。 实时分析可帮助他们了解玩家如何玩游戏。 市场营销度量(也称为 归因 )使他们能够查看哪些广告系列正在投放新的优质参与者。 这些数据对于推动持续增长和建立持久品牌至关重要。 为了引进开发商营销分析,统一资源商店和Kochava已经合作,将开发人员的SDK Kochava为 免费

“Unity has made app development more accessible, and likewise, we want to further advance the marketing of those apps by providing free entry to our analytics and marketing toolset,” said Charles Manning, CEO of Kochava. “Developers can scale their apps by using our tools to better understand what their players are doing inside the game, in order to create new audiences for the game.”

Kochava首席执行官查尔斯·曼宁(Charles Manning)说:“ Unity使应用程序开发更易于访问,同样,我们希望通过免费提供我们的分析和营销工具集来进一步促进这些应用程序的营销。” “开发人员可以使用我们的工具来扩展其应用程序,以更好地了解其玩家在游戏中的行为,从而为游戏创造新的受众群体。”

游戏开发人员专用的游戏开发人员SDK (An SDK for gaming devs by gaming devs)

The Unified Audience Platform by Kochava gives developers access to the same marketing tools that mainstream gaming companies use to analyze, optimize, and advance their games. Kochava began as a company that provided these tools for game developers to understand the feedback loop of user acquisition and engagement while targeting quality users.

Kochava的统一受众平台使开发人员可以使用主流游戏公司用来分析,优化和改进其游戏的相同营销工具。 Kochava最初是一家公司,向游戏开发人员提供这些工具,以便他们在针对优质用户的同时了解用户获取和参与的反馈回路。

They’re also conscious of limiting the technical impact on indie apps. “The gaming development world is filled with resource-hungry plugins. From my background as an indie game developer, I’m happy to say the Kochava SDK is very light and barely touches the CPU,” said Nathan Darst, SDK Engineering Director at Kochava.

他们还意识到限制对独立应用程序的技术影响。 “游戏开发世界充满了资源匮乏的插件。 从我作为独立游戏开发人员的背景出发,我很高兴地说Kochava SDK非常轻巧,几乎不接触CPU。” Kochava SDK工程总监Nathan Darst说。

Developers can integrate the SDK and be up and running with no code required. With near-zero CPU usage, there’s no impact on game performance and player experience.

开发人员可以集成SDK,并且无需任何代码即可启动和运行。 由于CPU使用率接近零,因此不会影响游戏性能和玩家体验。

“Having Kochava on the Unity Asset Store provides our developers with additional tools to make the most out of the content they’re building in Unity,” said Peter O’Reilly, Head of the Unity Asset Store. “We know how much effort goes into creating compelling, engaging, and quality content, which is why we believe in partnering with companies like Kochava, who provides the tools necessary for developers to achieve success.”

“ Unity Asset Store拥有Kochava,可为我们的开发人员提供更多工具,以充分利用他们在Unity中构建的内容,” Unity Asset Store负责人Peter O'Reilly说。 “我们知道在创造引人注目的,引人入胜的高质量内容上需要付出很多努力,这就是为什么我们相信与Kochava这样的公司合作的原因,后者为开发人员取得成功提供了必要的工具。”

In terms of the SDK’s major functionality, developers can:


  • Easily track installs, purchases, level completes and other player actions


  • Visualize campaign performance with real-time analytics


  • Re-engage players likely to churn/uninstall



The Kochava Unified Audience Platform


为什么测量很重要 (Why measurement matters)

Measurement allows you to see what works and what doesn’t in your game or app and your marketing. It enables you to optimize and reach quality players vital to making your game a success.

通过测量,您可以查看在您的游戏或应用中以及在市场营销中哪些有效,哪些无效。 它使您可以优化并吸引对成功游戏至关重要的优质玩家。

Real-time tracking of app installs and player activity, such as sessions, level completes, and purchases, reveal how users are interacting with your app. In some cases, it may inform user experience enhancements.

实时跟踪 应用安装和播放器活动(例如会话,关卡完成和购买),可以揭示用户如何与您的应用进行交互。 在某些情况下,它可能会通知用户体验增强。

For example, one Kochava client, the maker of a world-building game, used analytics and saw that their players were dropping off during the onboarding tutorial or not going on to play the game. This observation prompted them to shorten the length of the tutorial drastically; almost immediately, player conversions in real gameplay improved.

例如,一个开发世界性游戏的Kochava客户使用了分析方法,发现他们的玩家在入门教程中退出或不再玩游戏。 这种观察促使他们大大缩短了教程的长度。 几乎立即,真实游戏玩法中的玩家转化率得到了改善。

The Kochava SDK supports over 4,000 media partner integrations, so you can easily launch campaigns with a wide array of ad partners (including Facebook, Google Ads, Twitter, and others), reaching new potential players across the globe. Kochava tracks every ad viewed (called an impression) by a player and every ad clicked (or tapped) against all your campaigns. When a conversion occurs, Kochava correlates (a.k.a. attributes) each conversion back to the precise marketing campaign that drove it.

Kochava SDK支持4,000多个媒体 合作伙伴集成 ,因此您可以轻松地与众多广告合作伙伴(包括Facebook,Google Ads,Twitter和其他广告合作伙伴)一起发起广告系列,从而 吸引 全球新的潜在参与者。 Kochava会跟踪玩家观看的每个广告(称为展示)以及针对您所有广告系列的点击(或点击)的每个广告。 发生转化时,Kochava将每次转化与相关的aka营销活动关联起来(又称为属性)。

安装验证和欺诈保护 (Install validation and fraud protection)

Ad fraud costs marketers billions of dollars every year, and gaming, in particular, has been targeted. With Kochava, you get a comprehensive suite of anti-fraud tools. Among them, is install validation, which flags fake installs through a combination of install-receipt verification on iOS and other security protocols [ADD LINK to webpage identifying other security protocols). Other anti-fraud features detect, flag, and block various forms of abnormal activity.

广告欺诈每年给营销人员造成数十亿美元的损失,尤其是针对游戏。 使用Kochava,您可以获得 一整套完善的反欺诈工具 。 其中包括 安装验证 ,它通过结合iOS上的安装收据验证和其他安全协议[ADD LINK识别其他安全协议的网页]来标记虚假安装。 其他反欺诈功能可检测,标记和阻止各种形式的异常活动。

每天有成千上万的游戏客户 (Thousands of gaming clients served daily)

Kochava serves thousands of mobile gaming firms, including MZ, MobilityWare, Skillz, DoubleDown Interactive, GSN, and Random Logic Games. These brands rely on Kochava to precisely measure in-app performance against their paid and non-paid marketing efforts. Kochava data then drives decisions and strategy impacting millions of dollars in advertising spend as brands strive to capture a share of the 2.1 billion mobile gamers around the world.

Kochava为数千家移动游戏公司提供服务,包括MZ,MobilityWare,Skillz,DoubleDown Interactive,GSN和Random Logic Games。 这些品牌依靠Kochava来根据其付费和非付费营销工作来准确衡量应用内性能。 然后,随着品牌努力占领全球21亿移动游戏玩家的份额,Kochava数据将推动影响数百万美元广告支出的决策和策略。

MobilityWare, developer of the first Solitaire game to appear in the app stores, uses Kochava to measure the success of their marketing campaigns. With the complete Kochava fraud prevention suite, they also offer premium defense from mobile ad fraud. Measuring installs and in-app gameplay activity, they’re able to understand player performance trends in relation to their partners, campaigns, and channels to fine-tune marketing strategies.

MobilityWare是第一个出现在应用商店中的纸牌游戏的开发商,它使用Kochava来衡量其营销活动的成功。 借助完整的Kochava欺诈预防套件,他们还可以提供 针对移动广告欺诈的 高级防御 。 通过衡量安装量和应用内游戏活动,他们能够了解玩家与合作伙伴,广告活动和渠道有关的性能趋势,以调整营销策略。

学到更多 (Learn more)

To get started with Kochava for free (and upgrade with the push of a button when you’re ready to grow and monetize), download it from the Asset Store.

要 免费 开始使用 Kochava (并在准备成长和获利时按一下按钮即可升级),请从 Asset Store 下载 。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/06/04/bringing-the-power-of-marketing-data-to-indie-devs/









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