该段代码分为两个部分:(1)控件代码 (2)调用代码 (1)控件代码:由于该控件没有封装成Delphi控件格式,其使用方法有些原始,就是将它的源文件BrowseForFolderU.pas复制到当前项目目录并添加到当前项目中。代码如下{是别人高手写的,致敬呀......} unit BrowseForFolderU;
interface function BrowseForFolder(const browseTitle: String; const initialFolder: String = ''): String;
implementation uses Windows, shlobj; var lg_StartFolder: String;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Call back function used to set the initial browse directory. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function BrowseForFolderCallBack(Wnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; lParam, lpData: LPARAM): Integer stdcall; begin if uMsg = BFFM_INITIALIZED then SendMessage(Wnd,BFFM_SETSELECTION,1,Integer(@lg_StartFolder[1])); result := 0; end;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function allows the user to browse for a folder // // Arguments:- // browseTitle : The title to display on the browse dialog. // initialFolder : Optional argument. Use to specify the folder // initially selected when the dialog opens. // // Returns: The empty string if no folder was selected (i.e. if the // user clicked cancel), otherwise the full folder path. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function BrowseForFolder(const browseTitle: String; const initialFolder: String =''): String; const BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE = $40; var browse_info: TBrowseInfo; folder: array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; find_context: PItemIDList; begin FillChar(browse_info,SizeOf(browse_info),#0); lg_StartFolder := initialFolder; browse_info.pszDisplayName := @folder[0]; browse_info.lpszTitle := PChar(browseTitle); browse_info.ulFlags := BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS or BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE; if initialFolder <> '' then browse_info.lpfn := BrowseForFolderCallBack; find_context := SHBrowseForFolder(browse_info); if Assigned(find_context) then begin if SHGetPathFromIDList(find_context,folder) then result := folder else result := ''; GlobalFreePtr(find_context); end else result := ''; end;
(2)调用代码:和一般函数调用很类似。先在调用窗口pas文件前引用一下该控件文件 uses BrowseForFolderU; 然后是"八股"代码 procedure TForm1.BtnSampleExecute(Sender: TObject); //演示按钮Click事件函数 var oPath,oPath1,outMsg:String; begin oPath1 := 'c:\';//目录对话框的初始目录 outMsg := 'Windows目录对话框演示';//目录对话框上显示的提示信息 oPath := BrowseForFolder(outMsg,oPath1);//启动Windows目录对话框,一句话就解决了。 if oPath = '' then //如果返回地址为空,则报错 begin outMsg := '你没有选取任何目录!'; Application.MessageBox(PChar(outMsg),'WARNING',0); Exit; end; else //否则由oPath中提取选取目录地址,进行操作 begin //你的操作代码 end; end;