MATLAB中用wnoise函数测试去噪算法 sqrt_snr=3; init=231434; [x,xn]=wnoise(3,11,sqrt_snr,init); % WNOISE generate noisy wavelet test data. % X= WNOISE(FUN,N) returns values of the test function given by FUN, on a % 2^N sample of [0,1]. [X,XN] = WNOISE(FUN,N,SQRT_SNR) returns the % previous vector X rescaled such that std(x) = SQRT_SNR. The returned % vector XN contains the same test vector X corrupted by an additive Gaussian % white noise N(0,1). Then XN has a signal-to-noise ratio of (SQRT_SNR^2). % [X,XN] = WNOISE(FUN,N,SQRT_SNR,INIT) returns previous vectors X and % XN, but the generator seed is set to INI value. subplot(3,2,1),plot(x) title('original test function') subplot(3,2,2),plot(xn) title('noised function') %产生一个长为2**11点,包含高斯白噪声的正弦信号,噪声的的标准偏差为3。
lev=5; xd=wden(x,'heursure','s','one',lev,'sym8'); % [XD,CXD,LXD] = WDEN(X,TPTR,SORH,SCAL,N,'wname') % returns a de-noised version XD of input signal X obtained by thresholding the % wavelet coefficients. Additional output arguments [CXD,LXD] are the wavelet % decomposition structure of de-noised signal XD.(WDEN根据信号小波分解% 结构[C,L]对信号进行去噪处理,返回处理信号XD,以及XD的小波分解% 结构 {CXD,LXD})。 % TPTR(contains threshold selection rule)='heursure', % 'heursure' is an heuristic variant of the first option % (选择基于Stein无偏估计理论的自适应域值的启发式改进) % SORH ('s' or 'h') is for soft or hard thresholding(决定域值的使用方式) % SCAL(='onedefines multiplicative threshold rescaling:'one' for no rescaling %(决定域值是否随噪声变化) 'wname'='sym8' subplot(3,2,3),plot(xd) title('One de-noised function') % 利用’sym8’小波对信号分解,在分解的第5层上,利用启发式SURE域值选择法对信号去噪。
xd=wden(x,'heursure','s','sln',lev,'sym8'); % 'sln' for rescaling using a single estimation % of level noise based on first level coefficients(根据第一层小波分解的噪声方% 差调整域值) subplot(3,2,4),plot(xd) title('Sln de-noised function') % 同上’sym8’小波对信号分解条件,但用软SURE域值选择算法对信号去噪。
xd=wden(x,'sqtwolog','s','sln',lev,'sym8'); % for universal threshold sqrt(2*log(.))(固定域值选择算法去噪). subplot(3,2,5),plot(xd) title('Sqtwolog de-noised function') % 同上’sym8’小波对信号分解条件,但用固定域值选择算法去噪。
[c,l]=wavedec(x,lev,'sym8'); % WAVEDEC performs a multilevel 1-D wavelet analysis using either a specific wavelet 'wname' or a specific set of wavelet decomposition filters (see WFILTERS).[C,L] = WAVEDEC(X,N,'wname') returns the wavelet decomposition of the signal X at level N, using 'wname'. The output decomposition structure contains the wavelet decomposition vector C(按照一定顺序存储信号小波分解的近似分量和细节分量的系数)and the bookkeeping vector L(各近似分量和细节分量系数的长度). |