1. 提取字符串中指定子字符串前的字符串 Function Before( Src:string ; S:string ): string ; Var F: Word ; begin F:= POS(Src,S) ; if F=0 then Before := S else Before := COPY(S,1,F-1) ; end ; eg: Before('123','helloworld_123') 返回结果:helloworld_
2. 提取字符串中指定子字符串后的字符串 function After(Src: string; S: string):string; var F: Word; begin F:= Pos(Src, S); if F = 0 then After:= '' else After:= Copy(S, F+Length(Src), Length(S)); end;
3. Delphi 替换函数 procedure Replace(var s:string;const SourceChar:pchar;const RChar:pchar); //第一个参数是原串,第二个是模式串,第三个是替换串 var ta,i,j:integer; m,n,pn,sn:integer; SLen,SCLen,RCLen:integer;//SLen表示原串的长度,SCLen表示模式传的长度,RCLen表示替换串的长度 IsSame:integer; newp:array of char;//用来保存替换后的字符数组 begin SLen:=strlen(pchar(s));SCLen:=strlen(SourceChar);RCLen:=strlen(RChar); j:=pos(string(SourceChar),s); s:=s+chr(0);ta:=0;i:=j; while s[i]<>chr(0) do //这个循环用ta统计模式串在原串中出现的次数 begin n:=0;IsSame:=1; for m:=i to i+SCLen-1 do begin if m>SLen then begin IsSame:=0;break; end; if s[m]<>sourceChar[n] then begin IsSame:=0;break; end; n:=n+1; end; if IsSame=1 then begin ta:=ta+1;i:=m; end else i:=i+1; end; if j>0 then begin pn:=0;sn:=1; setlength(newp,SLen-ta*SCLen+ta*RCLen+1);//分配newp的长度,+1表示后面还有一个#0结束符 while s[sn]<>chr(0) do //主要循环,开始替换 begin n:=0;IsSame:=1; for m:=sn to sn+SCLen-1 do //比较子串是否和模式串相同 begin if m>SLen then begin IsSame:=0;break; end; if s[m]<>sourceChar[n] then begin IsSame:=0;break; end; n:=n+1; end; if IsSame=1 then//相同 begin for m:=0 to RCLen-1 do begin newp[pn]:=RChar[m];pn:=pn+1; end; sn:=sn+SCLen; end else begin //不同 newp[pn]:=s[sn]; pn:=pn+1;sn:=sn+1; end; end; newp[pn]:=#0; s:=string(newp); //重置s,替换完成! end; end;
4. Delphi StringReplace() 替换字符串的用法 str:= '{"UserName":"helloworld","UserPass":"helloworld_123","UserEmail":"[email protected]"}'; str:= StringReplace(str,'"','\"',[rfReplaceAll]); StringReplace(源字符串,'被替换字符','替换后字符',[rfReplaceAll]);
5. 查找字符串中指定字符及字符串最后一次出现的位置 function RightPosEx(const Substr,S: string): Integer; var iPos: Integer; TmpStr: string; i,j,len: Integer; PCharS,PCharSub: PChar; begin PCharS:=PChar(s); //将字符串转化为PChar格式 PCharSub:=PChar(Substr); Result:=0; len:=length(Substr); for i:=0 to length(S)-1 do begin for j:=0 to len-1 do begin if PCharS[i+j]<>PCharSub[j] then break; end; if j=len then Result:=i+1; end; end; 调用方式:RightPosEx(‘\’,’123456\7\’); |