unit YzDelphiFunc; interface uses ComCtrls, Forms, Windows, Classes, SysUtils, ComObj, ActiveX, ShlObj, Messages, Graphics, Registry, Dialogs, Controls, uProcess, uCpuUsage, StrUtils, CommCtrl, jpeg, WinInet, ShellAPI, SHFolder, ADODB, WinSock; { 保存日志文件 } procedure YzWriteLogFile(Msg: String); { 延时函数,单位为毫秒 } procedure YzDelayTime(MSecs: Longint); { 判断字符串是否为数字 } function YzStrIsNum(Str: string):boolean; { 判断文件是否正在使用 } function YzIsFileInUse(fName: string): boolean; { 删除字符串列表中的空字符串 } procedure YzDelEmptyChar(AList: TStringList); { 删除文件列表中的"Thumbs.db"文件 } procedure YzDelThumbsFile(AList: TStrings); { 返回一个整数指定位数的带"0"字符串 } function YzIntToZeroStr(Value, ALength: Integer): string; { 取日期年份分量 } function YzGetYear(Date: TDate): Integer; { 取日期月份分量 } function YzGetMonth(Date: TDate): Integer; { 取日期天数分量 } function YzGetDay(Date: TDate): Integer; { 取时间小时分量 } function YzGetHour(Time: TTime): Integer; { 取时间分钟分量 } function YzGetMinute(Time: TTime): Integer; { 取时间秒钟分量 } function YzGetSecond(Time: TTime): Integer; { 返回时间分量字符串 } function YzGetTimeStr(ATime: TTime;AFlag: string): string; { 返回日期时间字符串 } function YzGetDateTimeStr(ATime: TTime;ADate: TDate): string; { 获取计算机名称 } function YzGetComputerName(): string; { 通过窗体子串查找窗体 } procedure YzFindSpecWindow(ASubTitle: string); { 判断进程CPU占用率 } procedure YzJudgeCPU(ProcessName: string;CPUUsage: Single); { 分割字符串 } procedure YzSeparateTerms(Source: string;Separator: Char;Terms: TStringList); { 切换页面控件的活动页面 } procedure YzGotoNewPage(AOwerPage: TPageControl;ANewPage: TTabSheet); { 设置页面控件标签的可见性 } procedure YzSetTableVisible(PageControl: TPageControl;ShowFlag: Boolean); { 根据产品名称获取产品编号 } function YzGetLevelCode(AName:string;ProductList: TStringList): string; { 取文件的主文件名 } function YzGetMainFileName(AFileName: string): string; { 按下一个键 } procedure YzPressOneKey(AByteCode: Byte);overload; { 按下一个指定次数的键 } procedure YzPressOneKey(AByteCode: Byte;ATimes: Integer);overload; { 按下二个键 } procedure YzPressTwoKeys(AFirstByteCode, ASecByteCode: Byte); { 按下三个键 } procedure YzPressThreeKeys(AFirstByteCode, ASecByteCode, AThirdByteCode: Byte); { 创建桌面快捷方式 } procedure YzCreateShortCut(const sPath: string; sShortCutName: WideString); { 删除桌面快捷方式 } procedure YzDeleteShortCut(sShortCutName: WideString); { 通过光标位置进行鼠标左键单击 } procedure YzMouseLeftClick(X, Y: Integer);overload; { 鼠标左键双击 } procedure YzMouseDoubleClick(X, Y: Integer); { 通过窗口句柄进行鼠标左键单击 } procedure YzMouseLeftClick(lpClassName, lpWindowName: PAnsiChar);overload; { 通过光标位置查找窗口句柄 } function YzWindowFromPoint(X, Y: Integer): THandle; { 等待窗口在指定时间后出现 } function YzWaitWindowExist(lpClassName, lpWindowName: PAnsiChar; ASecond: Integer = 0): THandle;overload; { 通光标位置,窗口类名与标题查找窗口是否存在 } function YzWaitWindowExist(X, Y: Integer;AClassName, AWinName: string; ASecond: Integer = 0):THandle; overload; { 等待指定窗口消失 } procedure YzWaitWindowClose(lpClassName, lpWindowName: PAnsiChar; ASecond: Integer = 0); { 通过窗口句柄设置文本框控件文本 } procedure YzSetEditText(lpClassName, lpWindowName: PAnsiChar; AText: string);overload; { 通过光标位置设置文本框控件文本 } procedure YzSetEditText(X, Y: Integer;AText: string);overload; { 获取Window操作系统语言 } function YzGetWindowsLanguageStr: String; { 清空动态数组 } procedure YzDynArraySetZero(var A); { 动态设置屏幕分辨率 } function YzDynamicResolution(X, Y: WORD): Boolean; { 检测系统屏幕分辨率 } function YzCheckDisplayInfo(X, Y: Integer): Boolean; type TFontedControl = class(TControl) public property Font; end; TFontMapping = record SWidth : Integer; SHeight: Integer; FName: string; FSize: Integer; end; procedure YzFixForm(AForm: TForm); procedure YzSetFontMapping; {--------------------------------------------------- 以下是关于获取系统软件卸载的信息的类型声明和函数 ----------------------------------------------------} type TUninstallInfo = array of record RegProgramName: string; ProgramName : string; UninstallPath : string; Publisher : string; PublisherURL : string; Version : string; HelpLink : string; UpdateInfoURL : string; RegCompany : string; RegOwner : string; end; { GetUninstallInfo 返回系统软件卸载的信息 } function YzGetUninstallInfo : TUninstallInfo; { 检测Java安装信息 } function YzCheckJavaInfo(AUninstallInfo: TUninstallInfo;CheckJava6 : Boolean = False): Boolean; { 窗口自适应屏幕大小 } procedure YzAdjustForm(Form: TForm;const OrgWidth, OrgHeight: integer); { 设置窗口为当前窗体 } procedure YzBringMyAppToFront(AppHandle: THandle); { 获取文件夹大小 } function YzGetDirSize(Dir: string;SubDir: Boolean): LongInt; { 获取文件夹文件数量 } function YzGetDirFiles(Dir: string;SubDir: Boolean): LongInt; { 获取文件大小(KB) } function YzGetFileSize(const FileName: String): LongInt; { 获取文件大小(字节) } function YzGetFileSize_Byte(const FileName: String): LongInt; { 算术舍入法的四舍五入取整函数 } function YzRoundEx (const Value: Real): LongInt; { 弹出选择目录对话框 } function YzSelectDir(const iMode: integer;const sInfo: string): string; { 获取指定路径下文件夹的个数 } procedure YzListFolders(const Path: String; const ShowPath: Boolean;var List: TStrings); { 禁用窗器控件的所有子控件 } procedure YzSetSubCtlState(AOwer: TWinControl;AState: Boolean); { 模拟键盘按键操作(处理字节码) } procedure YzFKeyent(byteCard: byte); overload; { 模拟键盘按键操作(处理字符串 } procedure YzFKeyent(strCard: string); overload; { 锁定窗口位置 } procedure YzLockWindow(ClassName,WinName: PChar;poX,poY: Integer); { 注册一个DLL形式或OCX形式的OLE/COM控件 参数strOleFileName为一个DLL或OCX文件名, 参数OleAction表示注册操作类型,1表示注册,0表示卸载 返回值True表示操作执行成功,False表示操作执行失败 } function YzRegisterOleFile (strOleFileName: STRING;OleAction: Byte): BOOLEAN; function YzListViewColumnCount(mHandle: THandle): Integer; function YzGetListViewText(mHandle: THandle; mStrings: TStrings): Boolean; { 删除目录树 } function YzDeleteDirectoryTree(Path: string): boolean; { Jpg格式转换为bmp格式 } function JpgToBmp(Jpg: TJpegImage): TBitmap; { 设置程序自启动函数 } function YzSetAutoRun(AFilePath: string;AFlag: Boolean): boolean; { 检测URL地址是否有效 } function YzCheckUrl(url: string): Boolean; { 获取程序可执行文件名 } function YzGetExeFName: string; { 目录浏览对话框函数 } function YzBrowseFolder(AOwer: TWinControl;ATitle: string):string; { 重启计算机 } function YzShutDownSystem(AFlag: Integer):BOOL; { 程序运行后删除自身 } procedure YzDeleteSelf; { 程序重启 } procedure YzAppRestart; { 压缩Access数据库 } function YzCompactAccessDB(const AFileName, APassWord: string): Boolean; { 标题:获取其他进程中TreeView的文本 } function YzTreeNodeGetNext(mHandle: THandle; mTreeItem: HTreeItem): HTreeItem; function YzTreeNodeGetLevel(mHandle: THandle; mTreeItem: HTreeItem): Integer; function YzGetTreeViewText(mHandle: THandle; mStrings: TStrings): Boolean; { 获取本地Application Data目录路径 } function YzLocalAppDataPath : string; { 获取Windows当前登录的用户名 } function YzGetWindwosUserName: String; {枚举托盘图标 } function YzEnumTrayNotifyWnd(AFindList: TStringList;ADestStr: string): BOOL; { 获取SQL Server用户数据库列表 } procedure YzGetSQLServerDBList(ADBHostIP, ALoginPwd: string;ADBList: TStringList); { 读取据库中所有的表 } procedure YzGetTableList(ConncetStr: string;ATableList: TStringList); { 将域名解释成IP地址 } function YzDomainToIP(HostName: string): string; { 等待进程结束 } procedure YzWaitProcessExit(AProcessName: string); { 移去系统托盘失效图标 } procedure YzRemoveDeadIcons(); { 转移程序占用内存至虚拟内存 } procedure YzClearMemory; { 检测允许试用的天数是否已到期 } function YzCheckTrialDays(AllowDays: Integer): Boolean; { 指定长度的随机小写字符串函数 } function YzRandomStr(aLength: Longint): string; var FontMapping : array of TFontMapping; implementation uses uMain; { 保存日志文件 } procedure YzWriteLogFile(Msg: String); var FileStream: TFileStream; LogFile : String; begin try { 每天一个日志文件 } Msg := '[' + DateTimeToStr(Now)+ '] '+ Msg; LogFile := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + '/Logs/' + DateToStr(Now) + '.log'; if not DirectoryExists(ExtractFilePath(LogFile)) then CreateDir(ExtractFilePath(LogFile)); if FileExists(LogFile) then FileStream := TFileStream.Create(LogFile, fmOpenWrite or fmShareDenyNone) else FileStream:=TFileStream.Create(LogFile,fmCreate or fmShareDenyNone); FileStream.Position:=FileStream.Size; Msg := Msg + #13#10; FileStream.Write(PChar(Msg)^, Length(Msg)); FileStream.Free; except end; end; { 延时函数,单位为毫秒 } procedure YZDelayTime(MSecs: Longint); var FirstTickCount, Now: Longint; begin FirstTickCount := GetTickCount(); repeat Application.ProcessMessages; Now := GetTickCount(); until (Now - FirstTickCount>=MSecs) or (Now < FirstTickCount); end; { 判断字符串是否为数字 } function YzStrIsNum(Str: string):boolean; var I: integer; begin if Str = '' then begin Result := False; Exit; end; for I:=1 to length(str) do if not (Str[I] in ['0'..'9']) then begin Result := False; Exit; end; Result := True; end; { 判断文件是否正在使用 } function YzIsFileInUse(fName: string): boolean; var HFileRes: HFILE; begin Result := false; if not FileExists(fName) then exit; HFileRes := CreateFile(pchar(fName), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); Result := (HFileRes = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if not Result then CloseHandle(HFileRes); end; { 删除字符串列表中的空字符串 } procedure YzDelEmptyChar(AList: TStringList); var I: Integer; TmpList: TStringList; begin TmpList := TStringList.Create; for I := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do if AList.Strings[I] <> '' then TmpList.Add(AList.Strings[I]); AList.Clear; AList.Text := TmpList.Text; TmpList.Free; end; { 删除文件列表中的"Thumbs.db"文件 } procedure YzDelThumbsFile(AList: TStrings); var I: Integer; TmpList: TStringList; begin TmpList := TStringList.Create; for I := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do if ExtractFileName(AList.Strings[I]) <> 'Thumbs.db' then TmpList.Add(AList.Strings[I]); AList.Clear; AList.Text := TmpList.Text; TmpList.Free; end; {------------------------------------------------------------- 功能: 返回一个整数指定位数的带"0"字符串 参数: Value:要转换的整数 ALength:字符串长度 返回值: string --------------------------------------------------------------} function YzIntToZeroStr(Value, ALength: Integer): string; var I, ACount: Integer; begin Result := ''; ACount := Length(IntToStr(Value)); if ACount >= ALength then Result := IntToStr(Value) else begin for I := 1 to ALength-ACount do Result := Result + '0'; Result := Result + IntToStr(Value) end; end; { 取日期年份分量 } function YzGetYear(Date: TDate): Integer; var y, m, d: WORD; begin DecodeDate(Date, y, m, d); Result := y; end; { 取日期月份分量 } function YzGetMonth(Date: TDate): Integer; var y, m, d: WORD; begin DecodeDate(Date, y, m, d); Result := m; end; { 取日期天数分量 } function YzGetDay(Date: TDate): Integer; var y, m, d: WORD; begin DecodeDate(Date, y, m, d); Result := d; end; { 取时间小时分量 } function YzGetHour(Time: TTime): Integer; var h, m, s, ms: WORD; begin DecodeTime(Time, h, m, s, ms); Result := h; end; { 取时间分钟分量 } function YzGetMinute(Time: TTime): Integer; var h, m, s, ms: WORD; begin DecodeTime(Time, h, m, s, ms); Result := m; end; { 取时间秒钟分量 } function YzGetSecond(Time: TTime): Integer; var h, m, s, ms: WORD; begin DecodeTime(Time, h, m, s, ms); Result := s; end; { 返回时间分量字符串 } function YzGetTimeStr(ATime: TTime;AFlag: string): string; var wTimeStr: string; FH, FM, FS, FMS: WORD; const HOURTYPE = 'Hour'; MINUTETYPE = 'Minute'; SECONDTYPE = 'Second'; MSECONDTYPE = 'MSecond'; begin wTimeStr := TimeToStr(ATime); if Pos('上午', wTimeStr) <> 0 then wTimeStr := Copy(wTimeStr, Pos('上午', wTimeStr) + 4, 10) else if Pos('下午', wTimeStr) <> 0 then wTimeStr := Copy(wTimeStr, Pos('下午', wTimeStr) + 4, 10); DecodeTime(ATime, FH, FM, FS, FMS); if AFlag = HOURTYPE then begin { 如果是12小时制则下午的小时分量加12 } if Pos('下午', wTimeStr) <> 0 then Result := YzIntToZeroStr(FH + 12, 2) else Result := YzIntToZeroStr(FH, 2); end; if AFlag = MINUTETYPE then Result := YzIntToZeroStr(FM, 2); if AFlag = SECONDTYPE then Result := YzIntToZeroStr(FS, 2); if AFlag = MSECONDTYPE then Result := YzIntToZeroStr(FMS, 2); end; { 返回日期时间字符串 } function YzGetDateTimeStr(ATime: TTime;ADate: TDate): string; var wYear, wMonth, wDay: string; wHour, wMinute, wSecond: string; begin wYear := RightStr(YzIntToZeroStr(YzGetYear(ADate), 4), 2); wMonth := YzIntToZeroStr(YzGetMonth(ADate), 2); wDay := YzIntToZeroStr(YzGetDay(ADate), 2); wHour := YzGetTimeStr(ATime, 'Hour'); wMinute := YzGetTimeStr(ATime, 'Minute'); wSecond := YzGetTimeStr(ATime, 'Second'); Result := wYear + wMonth + wDay + wHour + wMinute + wSecond; end; { 通过窗体子串查找窗体 } procedure YzFindSpecWindow(ASubTitle: string); function EnumWndProc(AWnd: THandle;AWinName: string): Boolean;stdcall; var WindowText: array[0..255] of Char; WindowStr: string; begin GetWindowText(AWnd, WindowText, 255); WindowStr := StrPas(WindowText); WindowStr := COPY(WindowStr, 1, StrLen(PChar(AWinName))); if CompareText(AWinName, WindowStr) = 0 then begin SetForegroundWindow(AWnd); Result := False; Exit; end; Result := True; end; begin EnumWindows(@EnumWndProc, LongInt(@ASubTitle)); YzDelayTime(1000); end; { 获取计算机名称 } function YzGetComputerName(): string; var pcComputer: PChar; dwCSize: DWORD; begin dwCSize := MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; Result := ''; GetMem(pcComputer, dwCSize); try if Windows.GetComputerName(pcComputer, dwCSize) then Result := pcComputer; finally FreeMem(pcComputer); end; end; { 判断进程CPU占用率 } procedure YzJudgeCPU(ProcessName: string;CPUUsage: Single); var cnt: PCPUUsageData; usage: Single; begin cnt := wsCreateUsageCounter(FindProcess(ProcessName)); while True do begin usage := wsGetCpuUsage(cnt); if usage <= CPUUsage then begin wsDestroyUsageCounter(cnt); YzDelayTime(2000); Break; end; YzDelayTime(10); Application.ProcessMessages; end; end; { 分割字符串 } procedure YzSeparateTerms(Source: string;Separator: Char;Terms: TStringList); |