原文出处 《Windows网络编程技术》第8章 完成端口模型
program CompletionIO;
uses SysUtils, WinSock2 in 'WinSock2.pas', Mains in 'Mains.pas';
begin main(); end.
// Module Name: iocmplt.cpp // // Description: // // This sample illustrates how to develop a simple echo server Winsock // application using the completeion port I/O model. This // sample is implemented as a console-style application and simply prints // messages when connections are established and removed from the server. // The application listens for TCP connections on port 5150 and accepts them // as they arrive. When this application receives data from a client, it // simply echos (this is why we call it an echo server) the data back in // it's original form until the client closes the connection. // // 2005-2-5 // cpp convert to delphi pas by johnson //
unit Mains;
uses Windows, WinSock2, WinSock, Sysutils;
const PORT = 5150; DATA_BUFSIZE = 8192;
LPPER_HANDLE_DATA = ^ PER_HANDLE_DATA; PER_HANDLE_DATA = packed record Socket: TSocket; end;
procedure main;
function ServerWorkerThread(CompletionPortID: LPVOID): DWORD; stdcall; forward;
procedure printf(Fmt: string; num: Integer); begin WriteLn(Format(Fmt, [num])); end;
procedure main; var InternetAddr: SOCKADDR_IN; Listen: TSOCKET; Accept: TSOCKET; CompletionPort: THANDLE ; SystemInfo: SYSTEM_INFO ; PerHandleData: LPPER_HANDLE_DATA ; PerIoData: LPPER_IO_OPERATION_DATA ; i: Integer; RecvBytes: DWORD; Flags: DWORD; ThreadID: DWORD ; wsaData: TWSADATA ; Ret: DWORD ;
ThreadHandle: THANDLE; begin Ret := WSAStartup($0202, wsaData); if (Ret <> 0) then begin printf('WSAStartup failed with error %d', Ret); Exit; end;
// Setup an I/O completion port. CompletionPort := CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, 0, 0); if (CompletionPort = 0) then begin printf( 'CreateIoCompletionPort failed with error: %d', GetLastError()); Exit; end;
// Determine how many processors are on the system.
// Create worker threads based on the number of processors available on the // system. Create two worker threads for each processor.
for i:= 0 to SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors * 2 - 1 do begin
// Create a server worker thread and pass the completion port to the thread. ThreadHandle := CreateThread(nil, 0, @ServerWorkerThread, Pointer(CompletionPort), 0, ThreadID); if (ThreadHandle = 0) then begin printf('CreateThread() failed with error %d', GetLastError()); Exit; end;
// Close the thread handle CloseHandle(ThreadHandle); end;
// Create a listening socket Listen := WSASocket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, nil, 0, WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED); if (Listen = INVALID_SOCKET) then begin printf('WSASocket() failed with error %d', WSAGetLastError()); exit; end;
InternetAddr.sin_family := AF_INET; InternetAddr.sin_addr.s_addr := htonl(INADDR_ANY); InternetAddr.sin_port := htons(PORT);
if (bind(Listen, InternetAddr, sizeof(InternetAddr)) = SOCKET_ERROR) then begin printf('bind() failed with error %d', WSAGetLastError()); exit; end;
// Prepare socket for listening
if (Winsock.listen(Listen, 5) = SOCKET_ERROR) then begin printf('listen() failed with error %d', WSAGetLastError()); exit; end else begin printf('Server listen on port = %d ...', PORT); end;
// Accept connections and assign to the completion port. while(TRUE) do begin Accept := WSAAccept(Listen, nil, nil, nil, 0); if (Accept = SOCKET_ERROR) then begin printf('WSAAccept() failed with error %d', WSAGetLastError()); exit; end;
// Create a socket information structure to associate with the socket PerHandleData := LPPER_HANDLE_DATA (GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(PER_HANDLE_DATA))); if (PerHandleData = nil) then begin printf('GlobalAlloc() failed with error %d', WSAGetLastError()); exit; end;
// Associate the accepted socket with the original completion port.
printf('Socket number %d connected', Accept); PerHandleData.Socket := Accept;
if (CreateIoCompletionPort(Accept, CompletionPort, DWORD(PerHandleData), 0) = 0) then begin printf('CreateIoCompletionPort() failed with error %d', WSAGetLastError()); exit; end;
// Create per I/O socket information structure to associate with the // WSARecv call below.
PerIoData := LPPER_IO_OPERATION_DATA(GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(PER_IO_OPERATION_DATA))); if (PerIoData = nil) then begin printf('GlobalAlloc() failed with error %d', WSAGetLastError()); exit; end;
ZeroMemory( @PerIoData.Overlapped, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); PerIoData.BytesSEND := 0; PerIoData.BytesRECV := 0; PerIoData.DataBuf.len := DATA_BUFSIZE; PerIoData.DataBuf.buf := @PerIoData.Buffer;
Flags := 0; if (WSARecv(Accept, @(PerIoData.DataBuf), 1, @RecvBytes, @Flags, @(PerIoData.Overlapped), nil) = SOCKET_ERROR) then begin if (WSAGetLastError() <> ERROR_IO_PENDING) then begin printf('WSARecv() failed with error %d', WSAGetLastError()); exit; end end;
end; end;
function ServerWorkerThread(CompletionPortID: LPVOID): DWORD; stdcall; var CompletionPort: THANDLE; BytesTransferred: DWORD ; // Overlapped: POVERLAPPED; PerHandleData: LPPER_HANDLE_DATA ; PerIoData: LPPER_IO_OPERATION_DATA ; SendBytes, RecvBytes: DWORD; Flags: DWORD ; begin CompletionPort := THANDLE( CompletionPortID);
Result:= 0;
while(TRUE) do begin
if (GetQueuedCompletionStatus(CompletionPort, BytesTransferred, DWORD(PerHandleData), POverlapped(PerIoData), INFINITE) = False) then begin printf('GetQueuedCompletionStatus failed with error %d', GetLastError()); exit; end;
// First check to see if an error has occured on the socket and if so // then close the socket and cleanup the SOCKET_INFORMATION structure // associated with the socket.
if (BytesTransferred = 0) then begin printf('Closing socket %d\', PerHandleData.Socket);
if (closesocket(PerHandleData.Socket) = SOCKET_ERROR) then begin printf('closesocket() failed with error %d', WSAGetLastError()); exit; end;
GlobalFree(DWORD(PerHandleData)); GlobalFree(DWORD(PerIoData)); continue; end;
// Check to see if the BytesRECV field equals zero. If this is so, then // this means a WSARecv call just completed so update the BytesRECV field // with the BytesTransferred value from the completed WSARecv() call.
if (PerIoData.BytesRECV = 0) then begin PerIoData.BytesRECV := BytesTransferred; PerIoData.BytesSEND := 0; end else begin PerIoData.BytesSEND := PerIoData.BytesSEND + BytesTransferred; end;
if (PerIoData.BytesRECV > PerIoData.BytesSEND) then begin
// Post another WSASend() request. // Since WSASend() is not gauranteed to send all of the bytes requested, // continue posting WSASend() calls until all received bytes are sent.
ZeroMemory(@(PerIoData.Overlapped), sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
PerIoData.DataBuf.buf := PerIoData.Buffer + PerIoData.BytesSEND; PerIoData.DataBuf.len := PerIoData.BytesRECV - PerIoData.BytesSEND;
if (WSASend(PerHandleData.Socket, @(PerIoData.DataBuf), 1, @SendBytes, 0, @(PerIoData.Overlapped), nil) = SOCKET_ERROR) then begin if (WSAGetLastError() <> ERROR_IO_PENDING) then begin printf('WSASend() failed with error %d', WSAGetLastError()); Exit; end; end; end else begin PerIoData.BytesRECV := 0;
// Now that there are no more bytes to send post another WSARecv() request.
Flags := 0; ZeroMemory(@(PerIoData.Overlapped), sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
PerIoData.DataBuf.len := DATA_BUFSIZE; PerIoData.DataBuf.buf := @PerIoData.Buffer;
if (WSARecv(PerHandleData.Socket, @(PerIoData.DataBuf), 1, @RecvBytes, @Flags, @(PerIoData.Overlapped), nil) = SOCKET_ERROR) then begin if (WSAGetLastError() <> ERROR_IO_PENDING) then begin printf('WSARecv() failed with error %d', WSAGetLastError()); exit; end; end; end; end; end;