- 右键-打开git rebase;
- 输入:touch .gitignore,新建.gitignore文件;
- 输入内容,如当前目录下的projects文件下的Release文件不需要上传:/projects/Release/*
2.问题:ImportError: No module named XlsxWriter
window pip的安装:
- 要到pip.exe 所在目录 或者在Path设置环境变量
- 然后执行 pip install XlsxWriter
5.matlab 打印数字,没有e: disp(num2str(ans,'%f'))
>> 2000
ans =
>> disp(num2str(ans,'%f'))
a. Enable floating-point formatting support in newlib-nano
Open the Project > Build Settings > Arm GCC 4.7.3 > Linker > Command Line. Add “-u _printf_float” in the Custom Flags field. This change will result in an increase in flash usage on the order of 10 Kbytes to 15 Kbytes and a small increase in RAM usage in your application.
b.Change the whole library
The second method is to change the whole library. Open the Project > Build Settings > Arm GCC 4.7.3 > Linker > General and set “Use newlib-nano” to false. This switch in the library to newlib will enable support for all runtime library features but will result in an increase in flash usage on the order of 25 Kbytes to 35 Kbytes and an increase in RAM usage on the order of 2 Kbytes.
Work-around for sscanf: A similar issue is also present in the sscanf function. For example, consider the following code fragment.
char My_String [30]= “Pi is 3.14”;
char My_Str1[10], My_Str2[10];
float Pi = 2.0;
sscanf (My_String, “%s %s %f”, My_Str1,My_Str2,&Pi);
This would store “Pi” in My_Str1 and “is” in My_Str2, but 2.0 would remain in Pi instead of the expected 3.14.
We can use the same work-around as described while using sprintf to handle this. However, in the case of Method 1, the additional flag is “-u _scanf_float”. When using both printf and scanf functions with Method 1, both flags must be used.
The settings are slightly different for PSoC Creator 3.1 and higher versions; we have directly provided an option to enable floating-point support with newlib-nano. See the following figure for this configuration.