norm(A,p) Returns sum(abs(A).^zhip)^(/p), for any <= p <= ∞.
norm(A) Returns norm(A,)
norm(A,inf) Returns max(abs(A)).
norm(A,-inf) Returns min(abs(A)).
n = norm(A) returns the largest singular value of A, max(svd(A))
n = norm(A,) The -norm, or largest column sum of A, max(sum(abs(A)).
n = norm(A,) The largest singular value (same as norm(A)).
n = norm(A,inf) The infinity norm, or largest row sum of A, max(sum(abs(A\')))
n = norm(A,\'fro\') The Frobenius-norm of matrix A, sqrt(sum(diag(A\'*A))).
解 (i)∇f (x) =(2x(1) ,50x(2) )T 编写 M 文件detaf.m,定义函数 f (x)及其梯度列向量如下 function [f,df]=detaf(x); f=x(1)^2+25*x(2)^2; df=[2*x(1) 50*x(2)]; (ii)编写主程序文件zuisu.m如下: clc x=[2;2]; [f0,g]=detaf(x); while norm(g)>0.000001 p=-g/norm(g); t=1.0;f=detaf(x+t*p); while f>f0 t=t/2; f=detaf(x+t*p); end x=x+t*p; [f0,g]=detaf(x); end x,f0