Child: >
- nav>ul>li
<nav> <ul> <li></li> </ul> </nav>
Sibling: +
- div+p+bq
<div></div> <p></p> <blockquote></blockquote>
Climb-up: ^
- div+div>p>span+em^bq
<div></div> <div> <p> <span></span> <em></em> </p> <blockquote></blockquote> </div>
- div+div>p>span+em^^bq
<div></div> <div> <p> <span></span> <em></em> </p> </div> <blockquote></blockquote>
Grouping: ()
- div>(header>ul>li*2>a)+footer>p
<div> <header> <ul> <li><a href=""></a></li> <li><a href=""></a></li> </ul> </header> <footer> <p></p> </footer> </div>
- (div>dl>(dt+dd)*3)+footer>p
<div> <dl> <dt></dt> <dd></dd> <dt></dt> <dd></dd> <dt></dt> <dd></dd> </dl> </div> <footer> <p></p> </footer>
Multiplication: *
- ul>li*5
<ul> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul>
Item numbering: $
- ul>li.item$*5
<ul> <li class="item1"></li> <li class="item2"></li> <li class="item3"></li> <li class="item4"></li> <li class="item5"></li> </ul>
- h$[title=item$]{Header $}*3
<h1 title="item1">Header 1</h1> <h2 title="item2">Header 2</h2> <h3 title="item3">Header 3</h3>
- ul>li.item$$$*5
<ul> <li class="item001"></li> <li class="item002"></li> <li class="item003"></li> <li class="item004"></li> <li class="item005"></li> </ul>
- ul>li.item$@-*5
<ul> <li class="item5"></li> <li class="item4"></li> <li class="item3"></li> <li class="item2"></li> <li class="item1"></li> </ul>
- ul>li.item$@3*5
<ul> <li class="item3"></li> <li class="item4"></li> <li class="item5"></li> <li class="item6"></li> <li class="item7"></li> </ul>
ID and CLASS attributes
- #header
<div id="header"></div>
- .title
<div class="title"></div>
- form#search.wide
<form id="search" class="wide"></form>
- p.class1.class2.class3
<p class="class1 class2 class3"></p>
Custom attributes
- p[title="Hello world"]
<p title="Hello world"></p>
- td[rowspan=2 colspan=3 title]
<td rowspan="2" colspan="3" title=""></td>
- [a='value1' b="value2"]
<div a="value1" b="value2"></div>
Text: {}
- a{Click me}
<a href="">Click me</a>
- p>{Click }+a{here}+{ to continue}
<p>Click <a href="">here</a> to continue</p>
Implicit tag names
- .class
<div class="class"></div>
- em>.class
<em><span class="class"></span></em>
- ul>.class
<ul> <li class="class"></li> </ul>
- table>.row>.col
<table> <tr class="row"> <td class="col"></td> </tr> </table>
All unknown abbreviations will be transformed to tag, e.g. foo
→ <foo></foo>
- !
Alias of html:5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> </body> </html>
- a
<a href=""></a>
- a:link
<a href="http://" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank" ></a>
- a:mail
<a href="mailto:"></a>
- abbr
<abbr title=""></abbr>
- acronym, acr
<acronym title=""></acronym>
- base
<base href="" />
- basefont
<basefont />
- br
<br />
- frame
<frame />
- hr
<hr />
- bdo
<bdo dir=""></bdo>
- bdo:r
<bdo dir="rtl"></bdo>
- bdo:l
<bdo dir="ltr"></bdo>
- col
<col />
- link
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
- link:css
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
- link:print
<link rel="stylesheet" href="print.css" media="print" />
- link:favicon
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico" />
- link:touch
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="favicon.png" />
- link:rss
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="rss.xml" />
- link:atom
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Atom" href="atom.xml" />
- link:import, link:im
<link rel="import" href="component.html" />
- meta
<meta />
- meta:utf
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
- meta:win
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=windows-1251" />
- meta:vp
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale= 1.0, minimum-scale=1.0" />
- meta:compat
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" />
- style
- script
- script:src
<script src=""></script>
- img
<img src="" alt="" />
- img:srcset, img:s
<img srcset="" src="" alt="" />
- img:sizes, img:z
<img sizes="" srcset="" src="" alt="" />
- picture
- source, src
<source />
- source:src, src:sc
<source src="" type="" />
- source:srcset, src:s
<source srcset="" />
- source:media, src:m
<source media="(min-width: )" srcset="" />
- source:type, src:t
<source srcset="" type="image/" />
- source:sizes, src:z
<source sizes="" srcset="" />
- source:media:type, src:mt
<source media="(min-width: )" srcset="" type="image/" />
- source:media:sizes, src:mz
<source media="(min-width: )" sizes="" srcset="" />
- source:sizes:type, src:zt
<source sizes="" srcset="" type="image/" />
- iframe
<iframe src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
- embed
<embed src="" type="" />
- object
<object data="" type=""></object>
- param
<param name="" value="" />
- map
<map name=""></map>
- area
<area shape="" coords="" href="" alt="" />
- area:d
<area shape="default" href="" alt="" />
- area:c
<area shape="circle" coords="" href="" alt="" />
- area:r
<area shape="rect" coords="" href="" alt="" />
- area:p
<area shape="poly" coords="" href="" alt="" />
- form
<form action=""></form>
- form:get
<form action="" method="get"></form>
- form:post
<form action="" method="post"></form>
- label
<label for=""></label>
- input
<input type="text" />
- inp
<input type="text" name="" id="" />
- input:hidden, input:h
Alias of input[type=hidden name]
<input type="hidden" name="" />
- input:text, input:t
Alias of inp
<input type="text" name="" id="" />
- input:search
Alias of inp[type=search]
<input type="search" name="" id="" />
- input:email
Alias of inp[type=email]
<input type="email" name="" id="" />
- input:url
Alias of inp[type=url]
<input type="url" name="" id="" />
- input:password, input:p
Alias of inp[type=password]
<input type="password" name="" id="" />
- input:datetime
Alias of inp[type=datetime]
<input type="datetime" name="" id="" />
- input:date
Alias of inp[type=date]
<input type="date" name="" id="" />
- input:datetime-local
Alias of inp[type=datetime-local]
<input type="datetime-local" name="" id="" />
- input:month
Alias of inp[type=month]
<input type="month" name="" id="" />
- input:week
Alias of inp[type=week]
<input type="week" name="" id="" />
- input:time
Alias of inp[type=time]
<input type="time" name="" id="" />
- input:tel
Alias of inp[type=tel]
<input type="tel" name="" id="" />
- input:number
Alias of inp[type=number]
<input type="number" name="" id="" />
- input:color
Alias of inp[type=color]
<input type="color" name="" id="" />
- input:checkbox, input:c
Alias of inp[type=checkbox]
<input type="checkbox" name="" id="" />
- input:radio, input:r
Alias of inp[type=radio]
<input type="radio" name="" id="" />
- input:range
Alias of inp[type=range]
<input type="range" name="" id="" />
- input:file, input:f
Alias of inp[type=file]
<input type="file" name="" id="" />
- input:submit, input:s
<input type="submit" value="" />
- input:image, input:i
<input type="image" src="" alt="" />
- input:button, input:b
<input type="button" value="" />
- isindex
<isindex />
- input:reset
Alias of input:button[type=reset]
<input type="reset" value="" />
- select
<select name="" id=""></select>
- select:disabled, select:d
Alias of select[disabled.]
<select name="" id="" disabled="disabled"></select>
- option, opt
<option value=""></option>
- textarea
<textarea name="" id="" cols="30" rows="10"> </textarea>
- marquee
<marquee behavior="" direction=""></marquee>
- menu:context, menu:c
Alias of menu[type=context]>
<menu type="context"></menu>
- menu:toolbar, menu:t
Alias of menu[type=toolbar]>
<menu type="toolbar"></menu>
- video
<video src=""></video>
- audio
<audio src=""></audio>
- html:xml
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"></html>
- keygen
<keygen />
- command
<command />
- button:submit, button:s, btn:s
Alias of button[type=submit]
<button type="submit"></button>
- button:reset, button:r, btn:r
Alias of button[type=reset]
<button type="reset"></button>
- button:disabled, button:d, btn:d
Alias of button[disabled.]
<button disabled="disabled"></button>
- fieldset:disabled, fieldset:d, fset:d, fst:d
Alias of fieldset[disabled.]
<fieldset disabled="disabled"></fieldset>
- bq
Alias of blockquote
- fig
Alias of figure
- figc
Alias of figcaption
- pic
Alias of picture
- ifr
Alias of iframe
<iframe src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
- emb
Alias of embed
<embed src="" type="" />
- obj
Alias of object
<object data="" type=""></object>
- cap
Alias of caption
- colg
Alias of colgroup
- fst, fset
Alias of fieldset
- btn
Alias of button
- optg
Alias of optgroup
- tarea
Alias of textarea
<textarea name="" id="" cols="30" rows="10"> </textarea>
- leg
Alias of legend
- sect
Alias of section
- art
Alias of article
- hdr
Alias of header
- ftr
Alias of footer
- adr
Alias of address
- dlg
Alias of dialog
- str
Alias of strong
- prog
Alias of progress
- mn
Alias of main
- tem
Alias of template
- datag
Alias of datagrid
- datal
Alias of datalist
- kg
Alias of keygen
<keygen />
- out
Alias of output
- det
Alias of details
- cmd
Alias of command
<command />
- doc
Alias of html>(head>meta[charset=${charset}]+title{${1:Document}})+body
<html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> </body> </html>
- doc4
Alias of html>(head>meta[http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=${charset}"]+title{${1:Document}})+body
<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> </body> </html>
- ri:dpr, ri:d
Alias of img:s
<img srcset="" src="" alt="" />
- ri:viewport, ri:v
Alias of img:z
<img sizes="" srcset="" src="" alt="" />
- ri:art, ri:a
Alias of