function CnPYIndex(const CnString: string): string; { 返回中文的拼音首字母 } const ChinaCode: array[0..25, 0..1] of Integer = ((1601, 1636), (1637, 1832), (1833, 2077), (2078, 2273), (2274, 2301), (2302, 2432), (2433, 2593), (2594, 2786), (9999, 0000), (2787, 3105), (3106, 3211), (3212, 3471), (3472, 3634), (3635, 3722), (3723, 3729), (3730, 3857), (3858, 4026), (4027, 4085), (4086, 4389), (4390, 4557), (9999, 0000), (9999, 0000), (4558, 4683), (4684, 4924), (4925, 5248), (5249, 5589)); var i, j, HzOrd, l_iHz: Integer; Hz: AnsiString; begin i := 1; l_iHz :=1; while i <= Length(CnString) do begin Hz := CnString[i]; if (Hz[l_iHz] >= #160) and (Hz[l_iHz +1] >= #160) then begin HzOrd := (Ord(Hz[l_iHz]) -160) *100+ Ord(Hz[l_iHz +1]) -160; for j :=0to25do begin if (HzOrd >= ChinaCode[j][0]) and (HzOrd <= ChinaCode[j][1]) then begin Result := Result + Char(Byte('A') + j);//改A为a就全部是小写 Break; end; end; end else Result := Result + CnString[i]; Inc(i); end; end;