无类别,图像混合放置: clear close all addpath ./matlab model= './models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/deploy.prototxt'; weights= './models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel'; mean = load('./matlab/+caffe/imagenet/ilsvrc_2012_mean.mat'); net = caffe.Net(model, weights, 'test'); % create net and load weights mean_data = mean.mean_data; net.blobs('data').reshape([227 227 3 1]); net.reshape(); rt_img_dir='/ImageNet/ILSVRC2012_img_val/'; rt_data_dir='ImageNet/Fea/ILSVRC2012_img_val/'; %disp('Extracting CNN features...'); frames = dir(fullfile(rt_img_dir, '*')); frames(1)=[]; frames(1)=[]; c_num = length(frames); gray_num=0;error_num_CMYK_JPEG=0; % database.path=[]; for jj = 1:c_num, imgpath = fullfile(rt_img_dir, frames(jj).name); try %% prepare the image im_data =; %% subtract mean_data (already in W x H x C, BGR) width = 256; height = 256; im_data = imresize(im_data, [width, height]); % resize using Matlab's imresize feaSet.iscolor=1; if size(im_data,3)==1 imdata=zeros([size(im_data),3]); imdata(:,:,1)=im_data; imdata(:,:,2)=im_data; imdata(:,:,3)=im_data; im_data=imdata; feaSet.iscolor=0; gray_num=gray_num+1; end im_data = im_data - (mean_data); width = 227; height = 227; im_data = imresize(im_data, [width, height]); % resize using Matlab's imresize res = net.forward({im_data}); fc6_data = net.blobs('fc6').get_data(); fc7_data = net.blobs('fc7').get_data(); feaSet.fc6_data = fc6_data; feaSet.fc7_data = fc7_data; [pdir, fname] = fileparts(frames(jj).name); fpath = fullfile(rt_data_dir, [fname, '.mat']); save(fpath, 'feaSet'); %database.path = [database.path; fpath]; catch str= fullfile(frames(jj).name); disp(str); error_num_CMYK_JPEG=error_num_CMYK_JPEG+1; error_CMYK_JPEG{error_num_CMYK_JPEG}=str; end end; 有类别,不同类图像按不同文件夹放置 clear close all addpath ./matlab model= './models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/deploy.prototxt'; weights= './models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel'; mean = load('./matlab/+caffe/imagenet/ilsvrc_2012_mean.mat'); net = caffe.Net(model, weights, 'test'); % create net and load weights mean_data = mean.mean_data; %% obtain params in diff layers and show %pdata = net.params('conv1',1).get_data(); %vis_square(pdata,2,0.5); net.blobs('data').reshape([227 227 3 1]); net.reshape(); rt_img_dir='mageNet/ILSVRC2012_img_train/'; rt_data_dir='ImageNet/Fea/ILSVRC2012_img_train/'; disp('Extracting CNN features...'); subfolders = dir(rt_img_dir); siftLens = []; database = []; database.imnum = 0; % total image number of the database database.cname = {}; % name of each class database.label = []; % label of each class database.path = {}; % contain the pathes for each image of each class database.nclass = 0; error_num_CMYK_JPEG=0; for ii = 1:length(subfolders), subname = subfolders(ii).name; if ~strcmp(subname, '.') & ~strcmp(subname, '..'), database.nclass = database.nclass + 1; database.cname{database.nclass} = subname; frames = dir(fullfile(rt_img_dir, subname, '*')); frames(1)=[];frames(1)=[]; c_num = length(frames); database.imnum = database.imnum + c_num; database.label = [database.label; ones(c_num, 1)*database.nclass]; siftpath = fullfile(rt_data_dir, subname); if ~isdir(siftpath), mkdir(siftpath); end; for jj = 1:c_num, imgpath = fullfile(rt_img_dir, subname, frames(jj).name); try im_data =; %% subtract mean_data (already in W x H x C, BGR) width = 256; height = 256; im_data = imresize(im_data, [width, height]); % resize using Matlab's imresize feaSet.iscolor=1; if size(im_data,3)==1 imdata=zeros([size(im_data),3]); imdata(:,:,1)=im_data; imdata(:,:,2)=im_data; imdata(:,:,3)=im_data; im_data=imdata; feaSet.iscolor=0; gray_num=gray_num+1; end feaSet.label= database.nclass; im_data = im_data - (mean_data); width = 227; height = 227; im_data = imresize(im_data, [width, height]); % resize using Matlab's imresize res = net.forward({im_data}); fc6_data = net.blobs('fc6').get_data(); fc7_data = net.blobs('fc7').get_data(); feaSet.fc6_data = fc6_data; feaSet.fc7_data = fc7_data; [pdir, fname] = fileparts(frames(jj).name); fpath = fullfile(rt_data_dir, subname, [fname, '.mat']); save(fpath, 'feaSet'); catch str= fullfile(subname,frames(jj).name); disp(str); error_num_CMYK_JPEG=error_num_CMYK_JPEG+1; error_CMYK_JPEG{error_num_CMYK_JPEG}=str; end end; end; end;