delphi webservice服务端开发 1)引用单元 ueses 2)WebModuleUnit1单元,DELPHI WEBSERVICE向导自动生成的 if Web.WebReq.WebRequestHandler <> nil then 3)创建indy通讯 var FServer: TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge; 4)接口声明单元,DELPHI WEBSERVICE向导自动生成的。 unit WebservicesIntf; interface uses Soap.InvokeRegistry, System.Types; type TGoods = class(TRemotable) private FGoodsId: String; FGoodsName: String; published property GoodId: String read FGoodsId write FGoodsId; property GoodName: String read FGoodsName write FGoodsName; end; TGoodsArray = array of TGoods; TClass1 = class(TRemotable) private FId: String; FName: UnicodeString; published property Id: String read FId write FId; property Name: String read FName write FName; end; TClass1Array = array of TClass1; { Invokable interfaces must derive from IInvokable } IynServices = interface(IInvokable) ['{91ACA512-4204-4FAF-A26D-05E265BEAA72}'] { Methods of Invokable interface must not use the default } { calling convention; stdcall is recommended } function getClass1Array: TClass1Array; stdcall; function saveClass1Array(value: TClass1Array): Boolean; stdcall; function GetGoodsArray(AAccountNo, ASQL: string): TGoodsArray; stdcall; function GetGoods(AAccountNo, ASQL: string): string; stdcall; end; implementation initialization { Invokable interfaces must be registered } InvRegistry.RegisterInterface(TypeInfo(IynServices)); end. 5)接口实现单元,DELPHI WEBSERVICE向导自动生成的 { Invokable implementation File for TTest which implements ITest } unit WebservicesImpl; interface uses ynJsonSerial, System.SysUtils, uUnidacPool, uUnidac, uLog, Soap.InvokeRegistry, System.Types, WebservicesIntf; type { TynServices } TynServices = class(TInvokableClass, IynServices) public function getClass1Array: TClass1Array; stdcall; function saveClass1Array(value: TClass1Array): Boolean; stdcall; function GetGoodsArray(AAccountNo, ASQL: string): TGoodsArray; stdcall; function GetGoods(AAccountNo, ASQL: string): string; stdcall; end; implementation { TynServices } function TynServices.getClass1Array: TClass1Array; begin SetLength(Result, 2); Result[0] := TClass1.Create; Result[0].Id := '编号1'; Result[0].Name := '名称1'; Result[1] := TClass1.Create; Result[1].Id := '编号2'; Result[1].Name := '名称2'; end; function TynServices.GetGoods(AAccountNo, ASQL: string): string; begin var pool: TUnidacPool := GetDBPool(AAccountNo); var js: TynJsonCross := TynJsonCross.Create; var dm: TUnidac := pool.Lock; try try dm.qry.Close; dm.qry.SQL.Clear; dm.qry.SQL.Add(ASQL); dm.qry.Open; Result := js.DataSetToJson(dm.qry); except on E: Exception do Log.WriteLog('TynServices.GetGoods ' + E.Message); end; finally js.Free; pool.Unlock(dm); end; end; function TynServices.GetGoodsArray(AAccountNo, ASQL: string): TGoodsArray; //var // dbpool: TDBPool; // firedac: TynFiredac; begin // dbpool := GetDBPool(AAccountNo); // firedac := dbpool.Lock; // try // try // firedac.FDQuery1.Close; // firedac.FDQuery1.SQL.Clear; // firedac.FDQuery1.SQL.Add(ASQL); // firedac.FDQuery1.Open; // SetLength(Result, firedac.FDQuery1.RecordCount); // firedac.FDQuery1.First; // while not firedac.FDQuery1.Eof do // begin // Result[firedac.FDQuery1.RecNo].GoodId := firedac.FDQuery1.FieldByName('goodsid').AsString; // Result[firedac.FDQuery1.RecNo].GoodName := firedac.FDQuery1.FieldByName('goodsname').AsString; // firedac.FDQuery1.Next; // end; // except // on E: Exception do // begin // Log.WriteLog('TynServices.GetGoodsArray ' + E.Message); // end; // end; // finally // firedac.FDQuery1.Close; // firedac.FDConnection1.Close; // dbpool.Unlock(firedac); // end; end; function TynServices.saveClass1Array(value: TClass1Array): Boolean; begin Result := False; end; initialization { Invokable classes must be registered } InvRegistry.RegisterInvokableClass(TynServices); end.