unit uJSONDB;
interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Variants, DB, DBClient, SuperObject, Dialogs; type TJSONDB = class
private class function getJsonFieldNames(res: ISuperObject):TStringList ; class function getJsonFieldValues(res: ISuperObject):TStringList ; public class procedure JsonToClientDataSet(jsonArr: TSuperArray; dstCDS: TClientDataSet); //class procedure JsonToClientDataSetF(jsonArr: TSuperArray; dstCDS: TClientDataSet;fs:String); class function ClientDataSetToJSON(srcCDS: TClientDataSet):UTF8String; end; //type // TArrayDim = Array of ShortString;
function GetToken(var astring: string;const fmt:array of char): string; var i,j:integer; Found:Boolean; begin found:=false; result:=''; aString := TrimLeft(aString);
if length(astring)=0 then exit;
I:=1; while I<=length(Astring) do begin found:=false; if aString[i]<=#128 then begin for j:=Low(Fmt) to High(Fmt) do begin if (astring[i]<>Fmt[j]) then continue; found:=true; break; end; if Not found then I:=I+1; end else I:=I+2;
if found then break; end;
if found then begin result:=copy(astring,1,i-1); delete(astring,1,i); end else begin result:=astring; astring:=''; end; end;
function GetFieldParams(PropName, Source:string): string; var S1, S2: string; TmpParam: string; AChar: string; aValue, aPropName, aSource: string; begin Result:=''; if Source='' then Exit; aSource := Source; while aSource <> '' do begin aValue := GetToken(aSource,[',']); aPropName := GetToken(aValue,[':']); if CompareText(PropName,aPropName) <> 0 then continue; Result := aValue; break; end; end; //從json取得欄位名稱 class function TJSONDB.getJsonFieldNames(res: ISuperObject):TStringList ; var i: Integer; fieldList : TStringList; fieldNames :String;
begin try fieldList := TStringList.Create; fieldNames := res.AsObject.getNames.AsString;
fieldNames := StringReplace(fieldNames, '[', '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); fieldNames := StringReplace(fieldNames, ']', '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); fieldNames := StringReplace(fieldNames, '"', '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
fieldList.Delimiter := ','; fieldList.DelimitedText := fieldNames; Result:= fieldList; finally //fieldList.Free; end; end;
//從json取得欄位值 class function TJSONDB.getJsonFieldValues(res: ISuperObject):TStringList ; var i: Integer; fieldList : TStringList; fieldValues :String; begin try fieldList := TStringList.Create; fieldValues := res.AsObject.getValues.AsString; fieldValues := StringReplace(fieldValues, '[', '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); fieldValues := StringReplace(fieldValues, ']', '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); fieldValues := StringReplace(fieldValues, '"', '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
fieldList.Delimiter := ','; fieldList.DelimitedText := fieldValues; Result:= fieldList; finally //fieldList.Free; end; end; //json轉CDS class procedure TJSONDB.JsonToClientDataSet(jsonArr: TSuperArray; dstCDS: TClientDataSet); var fieldList: TStringList; valuesList: TStringList; jsonSrc: string; i, j: Integer; jo: ISuperObject;
jts: TSuperTableString; ja: TSuperArray;
iter: TSuperObjectIter; ss,s1:String; dps:TSupertype; ft:TFieldType; len:integer; // XJSon :TlkJSONobject; begin
fieldList:= getJsonFieldNames(SO[jsonArr[0].AsJson(False,False)]); if (dstCDS.FieldCount = 0) then begin jo:= so(jsonArr[0].AsString); // iter:=jo.AsObject.GetEnumerator; // xjson:= TlkJSON.ParseText(jsonArr[0]); for i := 0 to fieldList.Count -1 do begin
if ObjectFindFirst(jo, iter) then begin repeat dps:=iter.Ite.Current.Value.DataType; ss:=iter.Ite.Current.Name; if trim(ss)= trim(fieldList[i]) then break; until not ObjectFindNext(iter); end; ObjectFindClose(iter); ft := ftString; case dps of stNull: ft := ftString; stBoolean: ft := ftString; stDouble: ft := ftFloat; stCurrency: ft := ftFloat; stInt: ft := ftFloat; stString: ft := ftString; end; if (ft=ftFloat) then begin dstCDS.FieldDefs.Add(fieldList[i],ft); // s1:=s1+fieldList[i]+','; end; if (ft=ftString) then begin len:=100; //默认字段长度为100 s1:=copy(fieldList[i],1,3);//判断是否属于需要特殊设置长度的字段 if s1='AAA' then //根据设置的特殊字段名称AAA开始的字段,_开始后面的数字为字段长度 begin len:=pos('_',fieldList[i]) ; len:=strtointdef(copy(fieldList[i],len+1,length(fieldList[i])-len),100); //获取特殊字段的长度设置 end; dstCDS.FieldDefs.Add(fieldList[i],ft,len,false); // ftVarBytes ftString end; end; dstCDS.CreateDataSet; dstCDS.Close; dstCDS.Open; end; try dstCDS.DisableControls; for i := 0 to jsonArr.Length -1 do begin
jts:=jsonArr[i].AsObject; ja:=jts.GetValues.AsArray;
// jsonSrc:= SO[jsonArr[i].AsJson(False,False)].AsString; // jsonSrc := StringReplace(jsonSrc, '[', '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); // jsonSrc := StringReplace(jsonSrc, ']', '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); // jsonSrc := StringReplace(jsonSrc, '"', '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); // jsonSrc := StringReplace(jsonSrc, '{', '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); // jsonSrc := StringReplace(jsonSrc, '}', '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
dstCDS.Append; for j:= 0 to fieldList.Count -1 do begin {ss:= GetFieldParams(fieldList[j], jsonSrc);
} ss:=ja[j].AsString; if trim(ss)='null' then ss:=''; dstCDS.FieldByName(fieldList[j]).AsString:=ss; end; dstCDS.Post; end;
finally dstCDS.EnableControls; end; end;
//ClientDataSet轉JSON class function TJSONDB.ClientDataSetToJSON(srcCDS: TClientDataSet): UTF8String; var i, j: Integer; keyValue:String; jsonList:TStringList; jsonResult:String; begin if not srcCDS.Active then srcCDS.Open;
try jsonList := TStringList.Create; srcCDS.DisableControls; srcCDS.First; while not srcCDS.Eof do begin keyValue:= ''; for i := 0 to srcCDS.FieldDefs.Count -1 do begin keyValue:= keyValue + Format('"%s":"%s",',[srcCDS.Fields[i].FieldName, srcCDS.Fields[i].AsString]);
end; jsonList.Add(Format('{%s}',[Copy(keyValue, 0, Length(keyValue)-1)])); srcCDS.Next; end; for i := 0 to jsonList.Count -1 do begin jsonResult := jsonResult + jsonList[i] + ','; end; Result:= Utf8Encode(Format('[%s]', [Copy(jsonResult, 0, Length(jsonResult)-1)])); finally srcCDS.EnableControls; jsonList.Free; end; end;