procedure TTMEImageDeviceIdentifyFrom.DrawText(AImage : TImage; AFile: string); var I: Integer; iWidth, iHeight: Integer; oInfo: TTextInfoAry; oRect, Rect: TRect; bmp, dbmp: TBitmap; iX, iY: Integer; zoom: double; NewW,NewH:Integer; begin bmp := TBitmap.Create; dbmp := TBitmap.Create; try bmp.LoadFromFile(AFile); if (bmp.Width > AImage.Width) or (bmp.Height > AImage.Height) then begin if bmp.Width > AImage.Width then zoom := AImage.Width/bmp.Width else zoom := AImage.Height / bmp.Height; NewH:=Round(bmp.Height * zoom); NewW:=Round(bmp.Width * zoom); with dbmp do begin Width:=NewW ; Height:=NewH ; dbmp.PixelFormat:=pfDevice; SetStretchBltMode(dbmp.Canvas.Handle,COLORONCOLOR);//设置指位图拉伸模式 stretchblt(dbmp.Canvas.Handle,0,0,dbmp.Width,dbmp.Height,bmp.Canvas.Handle,0,0,bmp.Width,bmp.Height,srccopy); //从源矩形中复制一个位图到目标矩形并适当压缩 // Rect.TopLeft:=Point(0,0); // Rect.BottomRight:=Point(NewW,NewH); // Canvas.Rectangle(0,0,Width,Height); // Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect,TGraphic(bmp)); end; oRect.Left := Round((AImage.ClientRect.Width - dbmp.Width)/2); oRect.Top := Round((AImage.ClientRect.Height - dbmp.Height)/2); oRect.Width := dbmp.Width; oRect.Height:= dbmp.Height; AImage.Canvas.StretchDraw(oRect, dbmp); end else begin oRect.Left := Round((AImage.ClientRect.Width - bmp.Width)/2); oRect.Top := Round((AImage.ClientRect.Height - bmp.Height)/2); oRect.Width := bmp.Width; oRect.Height:= bmp.Height; AImage.Canvas.StretchDraw(oRect, bmp); end;
iX := 6; iY := 0; AImage.Canvas.Font.Size := 14; AImage.Canvas.Pen.Style := psClear; AImage.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; ParseVectorDrawingText(FSelText, oInfo); for I := Low(oInfo) to High(oInfo) do begin iWidth := AImage.Canvas.TextWidth(oInfo[I].Text); iHeight := Round(AImage.Canvas.TextHeight(oInfo[I].Text)); oRect.Width := oRect.Width + iWidth; oRect.Height := oRect.Height + iHeight; if oRect.Left > iWidth then oRect.Left := oRect.Left - iWidth;
iY := I * iHeight; oInfo[I].InstPt.X := iX; oInfo[I].InstPt.Y := iY ; end; for I := Low(oInfo) to High(oInfo) do AImage.Canvas.TextOut(Round(oInfo[I].InstPt.X), Round(oInfo[I].InstPt.Y), oInfo[I].Text); finally bmp.Free; dbmp.Free; end; end;