今天开始翻译JSON-RPC。在翻译的过程中,碰到一些语言方面的问题,如: 1、Java支持垃圾回收,Delphi不支持,在此我使用Delphi中的智能指针替代。 2、Java中有Boolean、Integer、Long等类,Delphi没有,我便按照Java的方法分别创建了TBooleanObject、TIntegerObject、TLongObject等类。 3、在C语法和Pascal语法之间切换,头有点疼……
但我已下定决心把DJson做完! 现在用Delphi的人不多,原因有两点: 1、公司管理层的问题。 2、关于Delphi相关成熟的库太少。
{ Copyright (c) 2002 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. } { * A JSONTokener takes a source string and extracts characters and tokens from * it. It is used by the JSONObject and JSONArray constructors to parse * JSON source strings. * @author * @version 2 } unit JSONTokener; interface uses SysUtils, StrUtils, AutoPtr, JSONException; type TJSONTokener = class private fMyIndex: Integer; fMySource: string; public constructor Create(aMySource: string); virtual; procedure Back; class function DeHexChar(c: Char): Integer; function More: Boolean; function Next: Char; overload; function Next(c: Char): Char; overload; function Next(n: Integer): string; overload; function SyntaxError(aMsg: string): EJSONException; function ToString: string; override; function NextClean: Char; function NextString(quote: Char): string; function NextTo(d: Char): string; overload; function NextTo(delimiters: string): string; overload; function NextValue: IAutoPtr<TObject>; function SkipTo(toc: Char): Char; function SkipPast(tos: string): Boolean; end; implementation uses StringObject, BooleanObject, IntegerObject, LongObject, DoubleObject, Utils, JSONObject, JSONArray; { TJSONTokener } procedure TJSONTokener.Back; begin if fMyIndex > 0 then Dec(fMyIndex); end; constructor TJSONTokener.Create(aMySource: string); begin inherited Create; fMyIndex := 0; fMySource := aMySource; end; class function TJSONTokener.DeHexChar(c: Char): Integer; begin if (c >= '0') and (c <= '9') then Exit(Ord(c) - Ord('0')); if (c >= 'A') and (c <= 'F') then Exit(Ord(c) - (Ord('A') - 10)); if (c >= 'a') and (c <= 'f') then Exit(Ord(c) - (Ord('a') - 10)); Result := -1; end; function TJSONTokener.More: Boolean; begin Result := fMyIndex < Length(fMySource); end; function TJSONTokener.Next(n: Integer): string; var i, j: Integer; begin i := fMyIndex; j := i + Ord(n); if j >= Length(fMySource) then raise SyntaxError('Substring bounds error'); Inc(fMyIndex, n); Result := SubString(fMySource, i, j); end; function TJSONTokener.NextClean: Char; var c: Char; begin while True do begin c := Next; if Ord(c) = Ord('/') then begin case Next of '/': begin repeat c := Next; until (Ord(c) = 13) or (Ord(c) = 10) or (Ord(c) = 0); end; '*': begin while True do begin c := Next; if Ord(c) = 0 then raise SyntaxError('Unclosed comment'); if Ord(c) = Ord('*') then begin if Ord(Next) = Ord('/') then Break; Back; end; end; end; else begin Back; Exit('/'); end; end; end else if Ord(c) = Ord('#') then begin repeat c := Next; until (Ord(c) = 13) or (Ord(c) = 10) or (Ord(c) = 0); end else if (Ord(c) = 0) or (Ord(c) > Ord(' ')) then begin Exit(c); end; end; end; function TJSONTokener.NextString(quote: Char): string; var c: Char; begin while True do begin c := Next; case c of #0, #13, #10: begin raise SyntaxError('Unterminated string'); end; #92: // '\\' begin c := Next; case c of 'b': Result := Result + #8; 't': Result := Result + #9; 'n': Result := Result + #10; 'f': Result := Result + #12; 'r': Result := Result + #13; 'u': Result := Result + Char(StrToInt('$' + Next(4))); 'x': Result := Result + Char(StrToInt('$' + Next(2))); else begin Result := Result + c; end; end; end; else begin if Ord(c) = Ord(quote) then Exit; Result := Result + c; end; end; end; end; function TJSONTokener.NextTo(delimiters: string): string; var c: Char; begin while True do begin c := Next; if (Pos(c, delimiters) >= 1) or (Ord(c) = 0) or (Ord(c) = 13) or (Ord(c) = 10) then begin if Ord(c) <> 0 then Break; Exit(Trim(Result)); end; Result := Result + c; end; end; function TJSONTokener.NextValue: IAutoPtr<TObject>; var c, b: Char; s, sb: string; begin c := NextClean; case c of '"', '''': Exit(TAutoPtr<TObject>.New(TStringObject.Create(NextString(c)))); '{': begin Back; Exit(TAutoPtr<TObject>.New(TJSONObject.Create(Self))); end; '[', '(': begin Back; Exit(TAutoPtr<TObject>.New(TJSONArray.Create(Self))); end; end; { /* * Handle unquoted text. This could be the values true, false, or * null, or it can be a number. An implementation (such as this one) * is allowed to also accept non-standard forms. * * Accumulate characters until we reach the end of the text or a * formatting character. */ } b := c; while (Ord(c) >= Ord(' ')) and (Pos(c, ',:]}/\"[{;=#') < 1) do begin sb := sb + c; c := Next; end; Back; // If it is true, false, or null, return the proper value. s := Trim(sb); if Length(s) = 0 then raise SyntaxError('Missing value'); if LowerCase(s) = 'true' then Exit(TAutoPtr<TObject>.New(TBooleanObject.TRUE)); if LowerCase(s) = 'false' then Exit(TAutoPtr<TObject>.New(TBooleanObject.FALSE)); if LowerCase(s) = 'null' then Exit(TAutoPtr<TObject>.New(TJSONObject.NULL)); { /* * If it might be a number, try converting it. We support the 0- and 0x- * conventions. If a number cannot be produced, then the value will just * be a string. Note that the 0-, 0x-, plus, and implied string * conventions are non-standard. A JSON parser is free to accept * non-JSON forms as long as it accepts all correct JSON forms. */ } if ((Ord(b) >= Ord('0')) and (Ord(b) <= Ord('9'))) or (Ord(b) = Ord('.')) or (Ord(b) = Ord('-')) or (Ord(b) = Ord('+')) then begin if Ord(b) = Ord('0') then begin if (Length(s) > 2) and ((s[2] = 'x') or (s[2] = 'X')) then begin try Exit(TAutoPtr<TObject>.New(TIntegerObject.Create( StrToInt('$' + SubString(s, 2))))); except // Ignore the error end; end else begin try Exit(TAutoPtr<TObject>.New(TIntegerObject.Create( Utils.Base8(s)))); except end; end; end; try Exit(TAutoPtr<TObject>.New(TIntegerObject.Create( StrToInt(s)))); except try Exit(TAutoPtr<TObject>.New(TLongObject.Create( StrToInt64(s)))); except try Exit(TAutoPtr<TObject>.New(TDoubleObject.Create( StrToFloat(s)))); except Exit(TAutoPtr<TObject>.New(TStringObject.Create(s))); end; end; end; end; Exit(TAutoPtr<TObject>.New(TStringObject.Create(s))); end; function TJSONTokener.NextTo(d: Char): string; var c: Char; begin while True do begin c := Next; if (Ord(c) = Ord(d)) or (Ord(c) = 0) or (Ord(c) = 13) or (Ord(c) = 10) then begin if Ord(c) <> 0 then Break; Exit(Trim(Result)); end; Result := Result |