原文发表在网易博客 2010-11-19 13:10:11 第1题根据输入的人名打印其姓氏 #!perl -w #getfamilyname use strict; my %nameTable=("fred"=>"flintstone","barney"=>"rubble","wilma"=>"flintstone"); print "input person name,and the program will print his familyname.\n"; my $personName=<STDIN>; chomp($personName); if(exists $nameTable{$personName}){ print "peron ${personName}'s familyname is $nameTable{$personName}\n"; }else{ print "no such person\n"; } 第2题打印输入的每个单词出现的个数 #!perl -w use strict; my %wordCounter; my $word; #while(chomp($word=<STDIN>))会报错说使用了一个未初始化的$word值 while($word=<STDIN>){ chomp($word); if(exists $wordCounter{$word}){ $wordCounter{$word}+=1; }else{ $wordCounter{$word}=1; } } my $key; my $value; print "print wordCounter without order.\n"; while(($key,$value)= each %wordCounter){ print "$key,\t$value\n"; } print "print wordCounter with ascii order\n"; my @orderdkeys=sort keys %wordCounter; foreach(@orderdkeys){ print "$_,\t$wordCounter{$_}\n"; } 第3题打印系统的环境变量 #!perl -w use strict; print "print system ENV with ascii orders\n"; my @keys=sort(keys %ENV); my $key_len=0; foreach(@keys){ if(length($_)> $key_len){ #length是常规函数,因此调用时不需要使用&length($_)的方式. $key_len=length($_); } } my $format="%-${key_len}s\t%s\n"; foreach(@keys){ printf $format,"$_","$ENV{$_}"; }