{PASCAL INTERFACE for AVICAP32 DLL} interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, MMSystem; //This part might be buggy. POINT = record FOURCC = record
// Defines start of the message range const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const // Following added post VFW 1.1 // Defines end of the message range // ------------------------------------------------------------------ type type // Default values in parenthesis type //Type TVideoHDR is not present in avicap32.. we might need it so we add it
const const const
type type type type type type // ------------------------------------------------------------------ const // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function {VFWAPI} capCreateCaptureWindow(lpszWindowName: LPCSTR; function {VFWAPI} capGetDriverDescription(wDriverIndex: word;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------ const // ------------------------------------------------------------------ const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const const { status string IDs } const const const const const const const const const const const const const { "Dropped %ld of %ld frames (%d.%02d%%) during capture." } function capSetCallbackOnStatus(Handle: HWND; fpProc: Pointer): integer;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
function capSetCallbackOnError(hwnd: integer; fpProc: Pointer): integer; function capSetCallbackOnStatus(Handle: HWND; fpProc: Pointer): integer; function capSetCallbackOnYield(Handle: HWND; fpProc: Pointer): integer; function capSetCallbackOnFrame(Handle: HWND; fpProc: Pointer): integer; function capSetCallbackOnVideoStream(Handle: HWND; fpProc: Pointer): integer; function capSetCallbackOnWaveStream(Handle: HWND; fpProc: Pointer): integer; function capSetCallbackOnCapControl(Handle: HWND; fpProc: Pointer): integer; function capSetUserData(Handle: HWND; lUser: integer): integer; function capGetUserData(Handle: HWND): integer; function capDriverConnect(Handle: HWND; i: integer): integer; function capDriverDisconnect(Handle: HWND): integer; function capDriverGetName(Handle: HWND; szName: PChar; wSize: integer): integer; function capDriverGetVersion(Handle: HWND; szVer: integer; wSize: integer): integer; function capDriverGetCaps(Handle: HWND; s: LPCapDriverCaps; wSize: integer): integer; function capFileSetCaptureFile(Handle: HWND; szName: PChar): integer; function capFileGetCaptureFile(Handle: HWND; szName: PChar; wSize: integer): integer; function capFileAlloc(Handle: HWND; dwSize: integer): integer; function capFileSaveAs(Handle: HWND; szName: PChar): integer; function capFileSetInfoChunk(Handle: HWND; lpInfoChunk: LPCapInfoChunk): integer; function capFileSaveDIB(Handle: HWND; szName: PChar): integer; function capEditCopy(Handle: HWND): integer; function capSetAudioFormat(Handle: HWND; s: PWaveFormatEx; wSize: integer): integer; function capGetAudioFormat(Handle: HWND; s: PWaveFormatEx; wSize: integer): DWord; function capGetAudioFormatSize(Handle: HWND): DWord; function capDlgVideoFormat(Handle: HWND): integer; function capDlgVideoSource(Handle: HWND): integer; function capDlgVideoDisplay(Handle: HWND): integer; function capDlgVideoCompression(Handle: HWND): integer; function capGetVideoFormat(Handle: HWND; s: integer; wSize: integer): DWord; function capGetVideoFormatSize(Handle: HWND): DWord; function capSetVideoFormat(Handle: HWND; s: integer; wSize: integer): integer; function capPreview(Handle: HWND; f: longbool): integer; function capPreviewRate(Handle: HWND; wMS: integer): integer; function capOverlay(Handle: HWND; f: longbool): integer; function capPreviewScale(Handle: HWND; f: longbool): integer; function capGetStatus(Handle: HWND; s: LPCapStatus; wSize: integer): integer; function capSetScrollPos(Handle: HWND; lpP: LPPOINT): integer; function capGrabFrame(Handle: HWND): integer; function capGrabFrameNoStop(Handle: HWND): integer; function capCaptureSequence(Handle: HWND): integer; function capCaptureSequenceNoFile(Handle: HWND): integer; function capCaptureStop(Handle: HWND): integer; function capCaptureAbort(Handle: HWND): integer; function capCaptureSingleFrameOpen(Handle: HWND): integer; function capCaptureSingleFrameClose(Handle: HWND): integer; function capCaptureSingleFrame(Handle: HWND): integer; function capCaptureGetSetup(Handle: HWND; s: LPCaptureParms; wSize: integer): integer; function capCaptureSetSetup(Handle: HWND; s: LPCaptureParms; wSize: integer): integer; function capSetMCIDeviceName(Handle: HWND; szName: PChar): integer; function capGetMCIDeviceName(Handle: HWND; szName: PChar; wSize: integer): longbool; function capPaletteOpen(Handle: HWND; szName: PChar): integer; function capPaletteSave(Handle: HWND; szName: PChar): integer; function capPalettePaste(Handle: HWND): integer; function capPaletteAuto(Handle: HWND; iFrames: integer; iColors: integer): integer; function capPaletteManual(Handle: HWND; fGrab: integer; iColors: integer): integer;