呵呵,使用Perl语言连接DB2数据库,好玩吧 本文是摘抄杂志里的一文,原作者Michael Hoy & Grant Hutchison 原文参见http://www.db2mag.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=59301551
1. Perl的DB2驱动 Perl语言本身就不多做介绍了。 1994年发布的DBI是Perl语言连接关系性数据库的标准。可以从dbi.perl.org获得DBI的源代码和文档。 IBM在1995年发布了对于Perl的DB2驱动,这个驱动是符合DBI标准的,在Perl里这个驱动称为DBD::DB2 。可以从ibm.com/software/db2/perl获得DBD::DB2驱动的最新信息。
注意:最近的DB2驱动需要至少Perl 5.005_03和DBI 1.21或以上的版本。
2. 准备环境 步骤如下 (1)安装Perl语言环境 Windows下可以从www.activestate.com获得Perl的安装包。 安装后可以使用perl -v看看Perl的版本信息。 DBI驱动和DBD::DB2驱动都是作为Perl的附加模块使用ppm工具安装的。安装方法参见(2), (3),安装时最好先去ibm.com/software/db2/perl上看看ppm后面的参数有没有变化。
(2)安装DBI驱动 ppm install http://ftp.esoftmatic.com/outgoing/DBI/5.8.4/DBI.ppd
(3)安装DBD::DB2驱动 ppm install http://ftp.esoftmatic.com/outgoing/DBI/5.8.4/DBD-DB2.ppd
(4)安装DB2 runtime client
3. 使用Perl连接DB2 (1)使用DBI函数DBI->data_sources 来扫描DB2数据库目录并返回一个包含了有效数据源名称(DSN)的数组。 ----------------datasources.pl------------- #!/usr/lib/perl -w # # This perl script prints the list of cataloged DB2 data-sources # use DBI; use DBD::DB2; use DBD::DB2::Constants;
print "Operating Systems = $^O\n"; print "Perl Binary = $^X\n"; print "Perl Version = $]\n"; print "DBI Version = $DBI::VERSION\n"; print "DBD::DB2 Version = $DBD::DB2::VERSION\n\n";
my @DB2DataSources = DBI->data_sources("DB2");
print "Available DB2 DSNs:\n\n";
foreach my $dsn ( @DB2DataSources ) { print " $dsn \n"; } -------------------END----------------------
(2)获取db2数据库的信息 ----------datasourceInfo.pl-------------------------- #!/usr/lib/perl -w # # This perl script prints the information DB2 database # use DBI; use DBD::DB2; use DBD::DB2::Constants;
my $dsn = 'dbi:DB2:SAMPLE'; my $uid = 'henry'; my $pwd = 'happyday';
my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $uid, $pwd ) || die "$DBI::errstr";
print "Database Connection Information \n\n"; printf( "Server Instance : %s\n", $dbh->get_info( SQL_SERVER_NAME ) ); printf( "Database Server : %s\n", $dbh->get_info( SQL_DBMS_NAME ) ); printf( "Database Version : %s\n", $dbh->get_info( SQL_DBMS_VER ) ); printf( "Database Alias : %s\n", $dbh->get_info( SQL_DATA_SOURCE_NAME ) ); printf( "Database Codepage : %s\n", $dbh->get_info( 2519 ) ); printf( "Application Codepage: %s\n", $dbh->get_info( 2520 ) ); printf( "Authoriztion Id : %s\n", $dbh->get_info( SQL_USER_NAME ) ); printf( "Max Idntifier Len : %s\n", $dbh->get_info( SQL_MAX_IDENTIFIER_LEN ) ); printf( "Max Table Name Len : %s\n", $dbh->get_info( SQL_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN ) ); printf( "Max Index Size : %s\n", $dbh->get_info( SQL_MAX_INDEX_SIZE ) ); printf( "Max Columns in Table: %s\n", $dbh->get_info( SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_TABLE ) ); -------------------END----------------------
(3)获取db2数据库的元数据(比如, 表结构) ----------tableinfo.pl-------------------------- #!/usr/lib/perl -w # # This perl script prints the information of cataloged DB2 table # use DBI; use DBD::DB2; use DBD::DB2::Constants;
$dsn = 'dbi:DB2:SAMPLE'; $uid = 'henry'; $pwd = 'happyday';
# Connect to the SAMPLE database $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $uid, $pwd ) || die "$DBI::errstr";
# Get the tables for schema HENRY $sth = $dbh->table_info( { 'TABLE_CSHEM' => "HENRY" } );
$table_counter = 0; while ( @row = $sth->fetchrow_array ) { $catalog = $row[0]; $schema = $row[1]; $table = $row[2];
$table_counter++; printf( "Table %d %s\n", $table_counter, $table );
# Now get the column information for this table $sth_col = $dbh->column_info( $catalog, $schema, $table, '%' ); if( $sth_col ) { while( @row_col = $sth_col->fetchrow_array ) { # @row_col has a lot more information. I'll just take # these three fields as an example $column_name = $row_col[3]; $type_name = $row_col[5]; $column_size = $row_col[6];
printf( " %-24s%s(%s)\n", $column_name, $type_name, $column_size ); }
$sth_col->finish(); } }
$sth->finish(); $dbh->disconnect; -------------------END----------------------
(4)执行SQL ----------executesql.pl-------------------------- #!/usr/lib/perl -w # # This perl script manipulate DB2 table # use DBI; use DBD::DB2; use DBD::DB2::Constants;
$dsn = 'dbi:DB2:SAMPLE'; $uid = 'henry'; $pwd = 'happyday';
# Connect to the SAMPLE database $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $uid, $pwd ) || die "$DBI::errstr";
# Prepare our insert statement $sth = $dbh->prepare( "INSERT INTO sales VALUES('2005-06-25', 'Tom', 'Beijing', 15)"); $sth->execute(); $sth->finish(); $dbh->disconnect; -------------------END----------------------