它每天都会根据用户设置的关键字自动抓取 NVD 数据,然后和前一天抓取的数据进行对比分析,当发现今天有新的数据时就发送邮件给用户,否则不发送.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w #[email protected] use 5.10.1; use strict; use LWP::Simple; use Net::SMTP; use MIME::Base64; use Encode qw/ decode encode /; my $REC_DIR = \'/home/hupeng/nvd\'; my @query_keywords = qw/ kernel tomcat apache spring /; my $TO_DAY = `date +%Y-%m-%d`; my $LAST_DAY = `date +%Y-%m-%d -d \'-1 days\'`; my $THIS_MONTH = `date +%m -d \'-1 months\'`; my $NEXT_MONTH = `date +%m`; my $THIS_YEAR = `date +%Y`; my $NEXT_YEAR = `date +%Y -d \'+1 months\'`; chomp($TO_DAY); chomp($LAST_DAY); chomp($THIS_MONTH); chomp($THIS_YEAR); chomp($NEXT_MONTH); chomp($NEXT_YEAR); $THIS_MONTH =~ s/^0+//g; my $nvdfile_lastday = "$REC_DIR/nvd_$LAST_DAY.txt"; my $nvdfile_today = "$REC_DIR/nvd_$TO_DAY.txt"; my $nvd_url_pre = \'http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=\'; #my $sev_base = \'MEDIUM_HIGH\'; my $theSmtpServer = \'XXXX\'; my $theSmtpUser = \'XXXX\'; my $theSmtpPasswd = \'XXXXX\'; my $theSmtpSend = \'XXXXX\'; my @theSmtpTo = (\'[email protected]\',\'[email protected]\'); my $theSmtpSubject = \'NVD 新记录 \'.$TO_DAY; my $query_keywords_str = &arr2str0(@query_keywords); my $theSmtpBody = \'<p>NVD 新记录</p><br><p>关键字:\'.$query_keywords_str.\'</p><br>\'; sub str2arr { my ($str) = @_; $str =~ s/^\n|\n$//g; my @arr = split /\n/,$str; @arr = sort(@arr); #@arr = keys %{{ map { $_ => 1 } @arr }}; return @arr; } sub arr2str { my @arr = @_; my $str = \'\'; @arr = sort(@arr); foreach(@arr){ $str = $str.$_."\n"; } return $str; } sub arr2str0 { my @arr = @_; my $str = \'\'; @arr = sort(@arr); foreach(@arr){ $str = $str.$_.\', \'; } $str =~ s/,\ $//g; return $str; } sub getContent { my ($query_keywords) = @_; my @content = (); foreach my $query_keyword (@query_keywords){ #my $url = "http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/search-results?adv_search=true\&cves=on\&query=$query_keyword\&pub_date_start_month=$start_month\&pub_date_start_year=$start_year\&cvss_sev_base=$sev_base\&cve_id="; #my $url = "http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/search-results?adv_search=true\&cves=on\&query=$query_keyword"; my $url = "http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/search-results?adv_search=true\&cves=on\&query=$query_keyword\&pub_date_start_month=$THIS_MONTH\&pub_date_start_year=$THIS_YEAR\&cve_id="; my $tmpStr = get($url); my @tmpArr = &str2arr($tmpStr); $tmpStr = \'\'; foreach(@tmpArr){ my $str = $_; chomp($str); $str =~ s/\s+//g; if( $str =~ m/BodyPlaceHolder_cplPageContent_plcZones_lt_zoneCenter_VulnerabilitySearchResults_VulnResultsRepeater_[\w]+(Anchor_.*$)/ ){ push(@content,$query_keyword.$1."\n"); } } @content = keys %{{ map { $_ => 1 } @content }}; @content = sort(@content); @tmpArr = (); } return @content; } sub getNvd { my ($nvd_file) = @_; my $maxnvd = \'0\'; my @nvds = (); my %result = (\'maxnvd\'=>\'0\',\'nvds\'=>[]); if( open(FILE, "$nvd_file") ){ while(<FILE>){ push(@nvds, $_); } close FILE; foreach(@nvds){ if( $_ gt $maxnvd ){ $maxnvd = $_; } } } $result{\'maxnvd\'} = $maxnvd; $result{\'nvds\'} = [@nvds]; @nvds = (); return %result; } sub putNvd { my ($content,$nvd_file) = @_; if ( open(FILE, "> $nvd_file") ){ foreach (@$content){ if ($_ =~ m/[\w-]+Anchor_[\d]+">([\w-]+)<\/a>/){ print FILE $1."\n"; } } close FILE; } } sub getNewNvdRds { my ($maxNvd_lastday,$nvdsToday,$content) = @_; my @newNvds = (); foreach (@{$nvdsToday}){ my $nvd = \'\'; if( $_ gt $maxNvd_lastday){ my $str = $_; chomp($str); foreach my $ln1 (@{$content}){ if( $ln1 =~ m/^([\w-]+Anchor_[\d]+\">)$str<\/a>$/ ){ my $nvdID = $1; foreach my $ln2 (@{$content}){ if( $ln2 =~ m/^$nvdID([\d.]+)<\/a>([\w]+)$/ ){ $nvd = \'<a href="\'.$nvd_url_pre.$str.\'">\'.$str.\'</a> CVSS Severity: \'.encode(\'UTF-8\',$1).\' \'.encode(\'UTF-8\',$2).\'<br>\'; } } } } push(@newNvds,$nvd); } } return @newNvds; } # get max value of last day my %tmpHsh = (); %tmpHsh = &getNvd($nvdfile_lastday); my $maxNvd_lastday = $tmpHsh{\'maxnvd\'}; # get content of today # nvd 记录的详细信息 my @content = &getContent(@query_keywords); # put values of today &putNvd([@content],$nvdfile_today); # get max value of today %tmpHsh = &getNvd($nvdfile_today); my $maxNvd_today = $tmpHsh{\'maxnvd\'}; # get all values of today my @nvdsToday = @{$tmpHsh{\'nvds\'}}; %tmpHsh = (); # find new values # 排版后新记录的详细信息 my @newNvdRds = &getNewNvdRds($maxNvd_lastday,[@nvdsToday],[@content]); # send email my $count = @newNvdRds; if( $count ){ $theSmtpBody .= &arr2str(@newNvdRds); $theSmtpBody .= \'<br><br>\'.$TO_DAY.\'<br><br>\'; my $theSmtp = Net::SMTP->new($theSmtpServer,Timeout=>10); $theSmtp->auth($theSmtpUser,$theSmtpPasswd); $theSmtp->mail($theSmtpSend); $theSmtp->to(@theSmtpTo); $theSmtp->data(); $theSmtp->datasend("To: @theSmtpTo\n"); $theSmtp->datasend("Content-Type:text/html;charset=UTF-8\n"); $theSmtp->datasend("Subject:=?UTF-8?B?".encode_base64($theSmtpSubject, \'\')."?=\n\n"); $theSmtp->datasend("\n"); $theSmtp->datasend($theSmtpBody); $theSmtp->dataend(); $theSmtp->quit; }