考虑如下几种常用情况: - VC传入int,返回int 为简化问题,传递的字符串参数只考虑ANSI格式,不考虑UNICODE。 Delphi 2007的代码如下: library DemoDll; uses SysUtils, Classes, Windows, StrUtils; {$R *.res} // Write to log file procedure AddLog(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const); overload; var LogFile: TextFile; FileName: string; begin FileName := GetEnvironmentVariable('TEMP') + '\DemoDll.log'; try AssignFile(LogFile, FileName); if FileExists(FileName) then Append(LogFile) else ReWrite(LogFile); Writeln(LogFile, Format('[%s] ', [DateTimeToStr(Now)]) + Format(AFormat, Args)); finally CloseFile(LogFile); end; end; // Write to log file procedure AddLog(const AFormat: string); overload; begin AddLog(AFormat, []); end; // return a+b function TestAdd(a, b: Integer): Integer; stdcall; begin AddLog('TestAdd(%d,%d)', [a, b]); Result := a + b; end; // do nothing, just log input string function TestInputStr(PInStr: PChar): Integer; stdcall; var str: string; begin str := StrPas(PInStr); AddLog('TestInputStr(%s)', [str]); Result := 0; end; // reverse first string and write to second string function TestOutputStr(PInStr, POutStr: PChar): Integer; stdcall; var str: string; begin str := StrPas(PInStr); str := ReverseString(str); StrCopy(POutStr, PChar(str)); AddLog('TestOutputStr(%s)', [str]); Result := 0; end; exports TestAdd, TestInputStr, TestOutputStr; begin AddLog('BEGIN'); end.
VC2013的代码如下: // Put DemoDll.dll in the same dir // DemoDll.dll is developed by Delphi #include "windows.h" #include <iostream> typedef int(__stdcall *fTestAdd)(int, int); typedef int(__stdcall *fTestInputStr)(char *); typedef int(__stdcall *fTestOutputStr)(char *, char *); using namespace std; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { HINSTANCE hDllLibrary = NULL; fTestAdd TestAdd = NULL; fTestInputStr TestInputStr = NULL; fTestOutputStr TestOutputStr = NULL; hDllLibrary = LoadLibraryA("DemoDll.dll"); if (hDllLibrary){ TestAdd = (fTestAdd)GetProcAddress(hDllLibrary, "TestAdd"); TestInputStr = (fTestInputStr)GetProcAddress(hDllLibrary, "TestInputStr"); TestOutputStr = (fTestOutputStr)GetProcAddress(hDllLibrary, "TestOutputStr"); // check if a == 3 int a = TestAdd(1, 2); cout << "TestAdd(1,2)=" << a << endl; // check if input string has output to log file char b[] = "nothing"; TestInputStr(b); cout << "TestInputStr(" << b << ")" << endl; // check if output string is reversed char c[] = "nothing"; char d[256] = { 0 }; TestOutputStr(c, d); cout << "TestOutputStr(" << c << ")=" << d << endl; } getchar(); return 0; } // Console output: // // TestAdd(1, 2) = 3 // TestInputStr(nothing) // TestOutputStr(nothing) = gnihton // // %Temp%/DemoDll.log //[2017 / 6 / 4 14:48 : 46] BEGIN //[2017 / 6 / 4 14:48 : 46] TestAdd(1, 2) //[2017 / 6 / 4 14:48 : 46] TestInputStr(nothing) //[2017 / 6 / 4 14:48 : 46] TestOutputStr(gnihton)