Web开发常用这种风格,一来是用户找操作按钮的移动距离近,二来制作上也不麻烦,不过CS程序开发就很少能找到现成的控件可用了。 最近正好要做个类似的控件,虽然不是微博风格,但都是在列表上放按钮放图片的样式,做完之后总结了一下感觉列表上放神马已经都不在话下了,分享一下开发经验。 我们可以使用TListBox控件来完成这个需求,因为当TListBox的style属性设置为lbOwnerDrawVariable时,可以在DrawItem事件中对列表元素做完全的控制,相当于每个元素都是一张纸,可以绘制任意的内容。 研究阶段 虽然说可以绘制任意内容,那要是说纯粹去绘制复杂的图形难度还是很大的,经过研究总结后发现基本可以下两种方式绘制内容: 文字方面的,使用TCanvas直接绘制输出,比如上面的个人描述区域、按钮的文字;
了解了以上两个方式后,剩下的就是在TListBox的事件中写控制代码了。 我们需要做的功能可以列举如下: l 列表增加元素时每个元素显示头像和操作按钮 l 操作按钮在鼠标经过时、鼠标点击时有按钮效果 l 列表每个元素的文字,名称用粗体字,附带个人介绍用非粗体字,文字要自动折行 l l 每个元素之间有分割线,线条两边不要顶到边框 干活阶段 我们创建一个窗体工程,增加一个TListBox控件命名为lst1,另外至少包含一个对列表增加元素的Add按钮 在lst1的OnDrawItem事件中绘制头像、按钮、分割线,另外要在OnMeasureItem事件中计算一下每行的高度。代码如下:
在OnDrawItem画出的东西就已经具备我们需求中的模样了,只是按钮在鼠标操作时不会有变化,我们需要让按钮在鼠标经过、鼠标点击时候按钮样式有变化,且要能响应点击事件。 在OnMouseDown事件中将按钮重绘为按下状态
附: U_DrawUI.pas代码
unit U_DrawUI; { 用于在界面绘制控件UI时的数据对象 author: edhn } interface uses Generics.Collections, Windows, Forms, ComCtrls, Controls, Classes, Types, Messages, Graphics, ExtCtrls, SysUtils, StdCtrls, Buttons; const BUTTON_DRAW_NORMAL = 1; BUTTON_DRAW_HOVER = 2; BUTTON_DRAW_CLICK = 3; type TDrawUIBaseControl = class private FOwner: TObject; FLeft: Integer; FTop: Integer; FWidth: Integer; FHeight: Integer; FColor: TColor; FHint: String; FEnabled: Boolean; FVisbile: Boolean; function GetBrushRect: TRect; function GetEdgeRect: TRect; procedure SetEdgeRect(value: TRect); protected procedure SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer); public property Owner: TObject read FOwner write FOwner; property Left: Integer read FLeft write FLeft; property Top: Integer read FTop write FTop; property Width: Integer read FWidth write FWidth; property Height: Integer read FHeight write FHeight; property Color: TColor read FColor write FColor; property Hint: String read FHint write FHint; property Enabled: Boolean read FEnabled write FEnabled; property Visbile: Boolean read FVisbile write FVisbile; property BrushRect: TRect read GetBrushRect; property EdgeRect: TRect read GetEdgeRect write SetEdgeRect; constructor Create();overload; virtual; constructor Create(Owner: TObject);overload; virtual; destructor Destroy();override; procedure Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; param: Integer);virtual; abstract; end; { TDrawUIButton } TDrawUIButton = class(TDrawUIBaseControl) private FCaption: String; FFont: TFont; FEnabled: Boolean; FOnClick: TNotifyEvent; FNormalPicture: TPicture; FHoverPicture: TPicture; FClickPicture: TPicture; FDisablePicture: TPicture; FDrawState: TButtonState; FIcon: TPicture; public MouseOnButton: Boolean; property Caption: String read FCaption write FCaption; property Font: TFont read FFont write FFont; property Enabled: Boolean read FEnabled write FEnabled; property Icon: TPicture read FIcon write FIcon; property NormalPicture: TPicture read FNormalPicture; property HoverPicture: TPicture read FHoverPicture; property ClickPicture: TPicture read FClickPicture; property DisablePicture: TPicture read FDisablePicture; property DrawState: TButtonState read FDrawState; property OnClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick; constructor Create(Owner: TObject);override; destructor Destroy();override; procedure Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; param: Integer);override; end; { TDrawUIImage } TDrawUIImage = class(TDrawUIBaseControl) private FImage: TImage; public property Image: TImage read FImage write FImage; constructor Create(Owner: TObject);override; destructor Destroy();override; procedure Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; param: Integer);override; end; implementation { TDrawBaseControl } constructor TDrawUIBaseControl.Create(Owner: TObject); begin FOwner := Owner; FEnabled := True; FVisbile := True; end; constructor TDrawUIBaseControl.Create; begin FEnabled := True; FVisbile := True; end; destructor TDrawUIBaseControl.Destroy; begin inherited; end; function TDrawUIBaseControl.GetBrushRect: TRect; begin Result.Left := Left + 1; Result.Top := Top + 1; Result.Right := Left + Width - 1; Result.Bottom := Top + Height - 1; end; function TDrawUIBaseControl.GetEdgeRect: TRect; begin Result.Left := Left; Result.Top := Top; Result.Right := Left + Width; Result.Bottom := Top + Height; end; procedure TDrawUIBaseControl.SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer); begin FLeft := ALeft; FTop := ATop; FWidth := AWidth; FHeight := AHeight; end; procedure TDrawUIBaseControl.SetEdgeRect(value: TRect); begin with value do SetBounds(Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top); end; { TDrawButton } constructor TDrawUIButton.Create(Owner: TObject); begin inherited Create(Owner); FFont := TFont.Create; FEnabled := True; FIcon := TPicture.Create; FNormalPicture := TPicture.Create; FHoverPicture := TPicture.Create; FClickPicture := TPicture.Create; FDisablePicture := TPicture.Create; end; destructor TDrawUIButton.Destroy; begin FFont.Free; FIcon.Free; FNormalPicture.Free; FHoverPicture.Free; FClickPicture.Free; FDisablePicture.Free; inherited; end; procedure TDrawUIButton.Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; param: Integer); var rBtn, rEdge, iconRect: TRect; begin rBtn := BrushRect; rEdge := Self.EdgeRect; iconRect := Classes.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); if Assigned(FIcon.Graphic) and (not FIcon.Graphic.Empty) then begin iconRect := Classes.Rect(rEdge.Left + 2, rEdge.Top + 1, rEdge.Left + Self.Height - 2, rEdge.Top + Self.Height - 1); Canvas.StretchDraw(iconRect, FIcon.Graphic); end; rBtn.Left := rBtn.Left + RectWidth(iconRect); if not Enabled then begin Canvas.Brush.Color := $F4F4F4; if Assigned(DisablePicture.Graphic) and (not DisablePicture.Graphic.Empty) then begin Canvas.Draw(rEdge.Left, rEdge.Top, DisablePicture.Graphic); end else begin DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, rEdge, EDGE_RAISED, BF_RECT); Canvas.FillRect(rBtn); end; end else begin Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; if param = BUTTON_DRAW_CLICK then begin if Assigned(ClickPicture.Graphic) and (not ClickPicture.Graphic.Empty) then begin Canvas.Draw(rEdge.Left, rEdge.Top, ClickPicture.Graphic); end else begin DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, rEdge, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_RECT); Canvas.FillRect(rBtn); end; end else if param = BUTTON_DRAW_HOVER then begin if Assigned(HoverPicture.Graphic) and (not HoverPicture.Graphic.Empty) then begin Canvas.Draw(rEdge.Left, rEdge.Top, HoverPicture.Graphic); end else begin InflateRect(rEdge, 1, 1); DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, rEdge, EDGE_RAISED, BF_RECT); Canvas.FillRect(rBtn); end; end else begin if Assigned(NormalPicture.Graphic) and (not NormalPicture.Graphic.Empty) then begin Canvas.Draw(rEdge.Left, rEdge.Top, NormalPicture.Graphic); end else begin DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, rEdge, EDGE_RAISED, BF_RECT); Canvas.FillRect(rBtn); end; end; end; if Enabled then Canvas.Font.Color := Self.Font.Color else Canvas.Font.Color := clGrayText; Canvas.Font.Name := '微软雅黑'; Canvas.Font.Size := 9; SetBkMode(Canvas.Handle, TRANSPARENT); DrawText(Canvas.Handle, Caption, Length(Caption), rBtn, DT_CENTER + DT_SINGLELINE + DT_VCENTER); end; { TDrawImage } constructor TDrawUIImage.Create(Owner: TObject); begin inherited Create(Owner); FImage := TImage.Create(nil); end; destructor TDrawUIImage.Destroy; begin FImage.Free; inherited; end; procedure TDrawUIImage.Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; param: Integer); begin Canvas.Draw(Left, Top, Image.Picture.Bitmap); end; end. |