代码是从网上找的,注释是我加的 #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use threads; use threads::shared; use Thread::Queue; use Thread::Semaphore; use Bloom::Filter; use URI; use URI::URL; use Web::Scraper; use LWP::Simple; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; #use HTTP::Cookies::Guess; use String::Diff; use String::Diff qw(diff_fully diff diff_merge diff_regexp); use URI::Split qw(uri_split uri_join); my $fid : shared;#下载的页面以递增的数字命名 share($fid); #多线程共享该变量 $fid=0; #crawling with signed cookie my $cookie_jar = '.mozilla/firefox/bg146ia6.default/cookies.sqlite'; my $tmp_ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; #UserAgent用来发送网页访问请求 $tmp_ua->timeout(15); ##连接超时时间设为15秒 $tmp_ua->protocols_allowed( [ 'http', 'https' ] ); ##只允许http和https协议 $tmp_ua->agent( "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727;.NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)" ) ; ##用来在header中告诉服务器你用的是什么"浏览器",设置文件头的User-Agent $tmp_ua->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new('file'=>"$ENV{'HOME'}/$cookie_jar",'autosave'=>1)); # 设置cookie,在运行过程中必须执行两个方法,extract_cookies($request) 和 add_cookie_header($response)。在运行的过程中实际用到了HTTP::Cookies模块。如: # $ua->cookie_jar({ file => "$ENV{HOME}/.cookies.txt" }); # 等价于 # require HTTP::Cookies; # $ua->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new(file => "$ENV{HOME}/.cookies.txt")); push @{$tmp_ua->requests_redirectable}, 'POST';#告诉LWP在POST请求发送后如果发生重新定向就自动跟随 my $max_threads = 5; my $base_url = $ARGV[0] || ''; my $host = URI::URL->new($base_url)->host; print "Host Name: $host.\n"; my $queue = Thread::Queue->new( ); #线程队列,每个线程负责去处理一个url my $semaphore = Thread::Semaphore->new( $max_threads ); my $mutex = Thread::Semaphore->new( 1 ); #my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime; #my $logfile = "crawler".($year+1900).($mon+1).$mday.$hour.$min.$sec.".log"; #open(BANLOG,">>$logfile") or die("can't open logfile:$!\n"); # Bloom::Filter使用更少的内存采用一种基于概率的算法来进行存在性测试。 my $filter = shared_clone( Bloom::Filter->new(capacity => 1000000, error_rate => 0.001) ); $queue->enqueue( $base_url ); #放入线程队列的URL就要被线程所处理 $filter->add( $base_url ); #放入filter中好判断该URL是否已经存在 my @tmp_url = (); #@tmp_url存在处理过的url push(@tmp_url,$base_url); while( 1 ) { # join所有可以被join的线程 #my $joined = 0; foreach ( threads->list(threads::joinable) ) { #$joined ++; $_->join( ); } #print $joined, " joinedn"; # if there are no url need process. my $item = $queue->pending();#返回队列中url的个数 # 线程队列为空 if( $item == 0 ) { my $active = threads->list(threads::running); # 已经没有active线程了,结束所有的工作 if( $active == 0 ) { print "All done!\n"; last; } # 如果还有活动线程,那么主线程sleep,等待处理URL的子线程结束 else { #print "[MAIN] 0 URL, but $active active threadn"; sleep 1; next; } } # 线程队列不为空,信号量减1,占用一个线程来处理url #print "[MAIN] $item URLn"; $semaphore->down; #print "[MAIN]Create thread.n"; threads->create( \&ProcessUrl ); } # join all threads which can be joined foreach ( threads->list() ) { $_->join( ); } sub ProcessUrl { my $scraper = scraper { process '//a', 'links[]' => '@href';#根据XPath表达式寻找所有的标签a,把href属性存到散列的value中 }; my $res; my $link; while( my $url = $queue->dequeue_nb() ) { eval#eval BLOCK,BLOCK只会被解析一次,并且在编译时进行代码语法检查。 { print "开始下载",URI->new($url)->as_string,"\t\$fid=$fid\n"; LWP::Simple::getstore(URI->new($url)->as_string,"$ENV{'HOME'}/master/cnblog/cn$fid") or print "Can't download the web page."; $fid+=1; $scraper->user_agent($tmp_ua);#设置$scraper的user_agent $res = $scraper->scrape( URI->new($url) )->{'links'};#把URI传给scrape函数。scrape函数返回一个数组引用,因为links是数组 }; if( $@ )# 当BLOCK中有语法错误、运行时错误遇到 die 语句, eval 将返回 undef 。错误码被保存在 $@ 中。 { warn "$@\n"; next; } next if (! defined $res );#如果HTML文档中没有发现a标签 #print "there are ".scalar(threads->list(threads::running))." threads, ", $queue->pending(), " urls need process.n"; foreach( @{$res} ) { # $_ => URI->new("") 所以要调用sa_string来获取"" $link = $_->as_string; $link = URI::URL->new($link, $url); #$u1 = URI::URL->new($str, $base); #$u2 = $u1->abs; # not http and not https? next if( $link->scheme ne 'http' && $link->scheme ne 'https' ); #The three forms of URI reference syntax are summarized as follows: #<scheme>:<scheme-specific-part>#<fragment> #<scheme>://<authority><path>?<query>#<fragment> #<path>?<query>#<fragment> #可以通过URL::Split把名个部分分离出来 # another domain? # next if( $link->host ne $host ); #search for the sub domain next if(!($link->host =~ /$host/)); $link = $link->abs->as_string;#获得绝对路径 if( $link =~ /(.*?)#(.*)/ )#去除书签锚点,即#以后的内容 { $link = $1; } next if( $link =~ /rss|.(jpg|png|bmp|mp3|wma|wmv|gz|zip|rar|iso|pdf)$/i );#这些文件格式我们不抓取 #print "test:$link\n"; #EscapeUrl,skip query form values my $tmp_link = &EscapeUrl($link);#$tmp_link中已经把查询参数的值去掉了 #print "Escape:".$tmp_link."\n"; $mutex->down(); #互质体减1,进入线程临界资源区 my $tmp_mark = 0; #print "test start:$link\n"; if( ! $filter->check($tmp_link) ) #如果$tmp_link不在$filter中 { #print "Test filter ok:$tmp_link\n"; #DiffUrl,diff $link from queue with number foreach(@tmp_url) { #print "Test Queue:".$tmpurl."\n"; #print "test-1:$_\ntest-2:$tmp_link\n"; if(&DiffUrl($_,$link))#如果发现@tmp_url中的url和当前页面中的一个链接url仅是在某些数字上不同(很可能是查询参数值不同),则跳过该链接,即跳到else里面去。 { $tmp_mark = 2; last; } } if( $tmp_mark != 2 ) { $queue->enqueue($link); #把页面上的链接$link交给线程进行处理 #print "add queue:$link\n"; $filter->add($tmp_link);#$tmp_link放入$filter #print "add filter:$tmp_link\n"; #print BANLOG $filter->key_count(), " ", $link, "\n"; #print $filter->key_count(), " ", $link, "\n"; push(@tmp_url,$link);#把$link放入已处理的url数组@tmp_url } else { #print "pass:$link\n";#$link被忽略 } } #print "pass:$link\n"; $mutex->up();#互斥信号量加1 undef $link; } undef $res;#清除创建的一些object,否则在while循环中这些object越积越多 } undef $scraper; $semaphore->up( );##普通信号量加1 } #close(BANLOG); print "ALL DONE.\n"; #把URL尾部的request参数置为空 #比如被处理为 sub EscapeUrl { my $urlold = shift; my ($scheme,$auth,$path,$query,$frag) = uri_split($urlold);#把一个url的各部分分离出来 my $urlnew = uri_join($scheme,$auth,$path); my $u = URI->new($urlold); my @tmp_array = $u->query_form(); my $tmp = ''; my $i = 0; for($i=0;$i<@tmp_array;$i+=2)#把request参数的值去掉 { $tmp .=$tmp_array[$i]."=&"; } if(@tmp_array != 0) { $tmp =~ s/&$//; $urlnew .= "?".$tmp; } undef $u;#清除子例程中创建的object #print $urlnew."\n"; return $urlnew; } sub DiffUrl { my $urlold = shift; my $urlnew = shift; my $urloldx = &EscapeUrl($urlold); my $urlnewx = &EscapeUrl($urlnew); my($old,$new) = String::Diff::diff($urloldx,$urlnewx); #my($old,$new) = String::Diff::diff($urlold,$urlnew); if (($old =~ m/(\[\d+\])/i) && ($new =~ m/{\d+}/i)) #如果两个url仅是在某些数字上不同 #if ($new =~ m/{\d+}/i) { #print "test num success.\n"; return 1; } else { #print "test num failed.\n"; return 0; } } |