Perl 到了第五版增加了模块的概念,用来提供面向对象编程的能力。这是 Perl 语言发展史上的一个里程碑。此后,广大自由软件爱好者开发了大量功能强大、构思精巧的 Perl 模块,极大地扩展了 Perl 语言的功能。CPAN(Comprehensive Perl Archive Network)是Perl模块最大的集散地,包含了现今公布的几乎所有的perl模块。 安装方法 我在这里介绍一下各种平台下 perl 模块的安装方法。以安装Net-Server模块为例。 一 Linux/Unix下安装Perl模块有两种方法:手工安装和自动安装。 第一种方法是从CPAN上下载您需要的模块,手工编译、安装。第二种方法是使用CPAN模块自动完成下载、编译、安装的全过程。 A、手工安装的步骤: 从 CPAN(下载了Net-Server模块0.97版的压缩文件Net-Server-0.97.tar.gz,假设放在/usr/local/src/下。 cd /usr/local/src 解压缩这个文件,这时会新建一个Net-Server-0.97的目录。 tar xvzf Net-Server-0.97.tar.gz 换到解压后的目录: cd Net-Server-0.97 生成 makefile: perl Makefile.PL 生成模块:make 测试模块(这步可有可无): make test 安装模块前,先要确保您对 perl5 安装目录有可写权限(通常以 su 命令获得),执行: make install 现在,试试 DBI 模块吧。如果下面的命令没有给出任何输出,那就没问题。 $>perl -MNet::Server -e1 上述步骤适合于 Linux/Unix下绝大多数的Perl模块。可能还有少数模块的安装方法略有差别,所以最好先看看安装目录里的 README 或 INSTALL。
有的时候如果是build.pl的需要以下安装步骤:(需要Module::Build模块支持) perl Build.PL
B、使用CPAN模块自动安装方法一: 安装前需要先联上网,并且您需要取得root权限。 perl -MCPAN -e shell 初次运行CPAN时需要做一些设置,如果您的机器是直接与因特网相联(拨号上网、专线,etc.),那么一路回车就行了,只需要在最后一步选一个离您最近的 CPAN 镜像站点。例如我选的是位于国内的 。否则,如果您的机器位于防火墙之后,还需要设置ftp代理或http代理。下面是常用 cpan 命令。 获得帮助 列出CPAN上所有模块的列表 安装模块,自动完成Net::Server模块从下载到安装的全过程。 退出 C、使用CPAN模块自动安装方法二: cpan -i 模块名 例如:cpan -i Net::Server
二 windows上perl模块安装 A 手动(跟Linux类似) [解压后 perl nmake/dmake nmake/dmake install] nmake需要cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio X\VC\bin and execute vcvars32.bat;然后执行nmake; dmake 貌似是cpan环境配置好就有了在C:\Perl\site\bin下。 B Cpan (安装前需要对cpan配置,cpan需要安装其他的模块dmake和MinGw gcc compiler) (跟Linux类似)
C 如果使用ActivePerl,可以使用PPM(巧记Perl install PM module)来安装,使用PPM GUI或PPM Commandline。一般安装在site\lib下 PPM commandline实例如下: a) add correct repositories.. c:\perl\bin\ppm repo add c:\perl\bin\ppm repo add b) add the packages c:\perl\bin\ppm install Carp-Assert c:\perl\bin\ppm install Log-Log4perl c:\perl\bin\ppm install YAML-Syck 或 ppm install Path::Class
三 几个主要的CPAN站点有: 国内: 最新更新请查阅 网页镜像 四 使用cpan和ppm安装时要注意模块名字的大小写
五 To get a list of the standard pragmatics(相当于c的宏定义) and modules, see perldoc perlmodlib. 我们可以直接输入 perldoc perlmodlib 来查看pragmatics和modules Pragmatic Modules They work somewhat like compiler directives (pragmata) in that they tend to affect the compilation of your program, and thus will usually work well only when used within a "use", or "no". Most of these are lexically scoped, so an inner BLOCK may countermand them by saying: no integer; no strict 'refs'; no warnings; which lasts until the end of that BLOCK. Some pragmas are lexically scoped--typically those that affect the $^H hints variable. Others affect the current package instead, like "use vars" and "use subs", which allow you to predeclare a variables or subroutines within a particular file rather than just a block. Such declarations are effective for the entire file for which they were declared. You cannot rescind them with "no vars" or "no subs".
Standard Modules Standard, bundled modules are all expected to behave in a well-defined manner with respect to namespace pollution because they use the Exporter module. See their own documentation for details. To find out all modules installed on your system, including those without documentation or outside the standard release, just use the following command (under the default win32 shell, double quotes should be used instead of single quotes). % perl -MFile::Find=find -MFile::Spec::Functions -Tlwe \ 'find { wanted => sub { print canonpath $_ if /\.pm\z/ }, no_chdir => 1 }, @INC' (The -T is here to prevent '.' from being listed in @INC.) They should all have their own documentation installed and accessible via your system man(1) command. Note also that the command "perldoc perllocal" gives you a (possibly incomplete) list of the modules that have been further installed on your system. (The perllocal.pod file is updated by the standard MakeMaker install process.) Extension Modules Extension modules are written in C (or a mix of Perl and C). They are usually dynamically loaded into Perl if and when you need them, but may also be linked in statically. Supported extension modules include Socket, Fcntl, and POSIX. Many popular C extension modules do not come bundled (at least, not completely) due to their sizes, volatility, or simply lack of time for adequate testing and configuration across the multitude of platforms on which Perl was beta-tested. You are encouraged to look for them on CPAN (described below), or using web search engines like Alta Vista or Google.