{下面是unit1.pas} {==============================================} // ColorMix: Additive and Subtractive Colors // efg, January 1999 unit unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ExtDlgs; type TForm1 = class(TForm) CheckBoxRed: TCheckBox; CheckBoxGreen: TCheckBox; CheckBoxBlue: TCheckBox; ComboBoxPrimaries: TComboBox; ButtonSaveToFile: TButton; ButtonPrint: TButton; Image: TImage; LabelLab1: TLabel; LabelLab2: TLabel; LabelDescribe: TLabel; SavePictureDialog: TSavePictureDialog; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure CheckBoxClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ButtonSaveToFileClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ButtonPrintClick(Sender: TObject); private PROCEDURE UpdateEverything; public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} USES Printers; // Printer CONST PixelCountMax = 32768; TYPE TRGBTripleArray = ARRAY[0..PixelCountMax-1] OF TRGBTriple; pRGBTripleArray = ^TRGBTripleArray; //== Bitmap Manipulations ============================================== // Based on posting to borland.public.delphi.winapi by Rodney E Geraghty, // 8/8/97. Used to print bitmap on any Windows printer. PROCEDURE PrintBitmap(Canvas: TCanvas; DestRect: TRect; Bitmap: TBitmap); VAR BitmapHeader: pBitmapInfo; BitmapImage : POINTER; HeaderSize : DWORD; // Use DWORD for compatibility with D3 and D4 ImageSize : DWORD; BEGIN GetDIBSizes(Bitmap.Handle, HeaderSize, ImageSize); GetMem(BitmapHeader, HeaderSize); GetMem(BitmapImage, ImageSize); TRY GetDIB(Bitmap.Handle, Bitmap.Palette, BitmapHeader^, BitmapImage^); StretchDIBits(Canvas.Handle, DestRect.Left, DestRect.Top, // Destination Origin DestRect.Right - DestRect.Left, // Destination Width DestRect.Bottom - DestRect.Top, // Destination Height 0, 0, // Source Origin Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height, // Source Width & Height BitmapImage, TBitmapInfo(BitmapHeader^), DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY) FINALLY FreeMem(BitmapHeader); FreeMem(BitmapImage) END END {PrintBitmap}; // Use parametric assignment of fitting circles inside cube // of specified size. FUNCTION CreateRGBCircles(CONST size: INTEGER; CONST Rflag, Gflag, Bflag: BOOLEAN): TBitmap; VAR AdjustedSize : INTEGER; Border : INTEGER; i, iR,iG,iB : INTEGER; j, jR,jG,jB : INTEGER; jOffset : INTEGER; RadiusSquared: INTEGER; row : pRGBTripleArray; FUNCTION DistanceSquared(CONST x1,y1, x2,y2: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RESULT := SQR(x1 - x2) + SQR(y1 - y2) END {DistanceSquared}; BEGIN Border := MulDiv(size, 5, 1000); AdjustedSize := size - 2*Border; RadiusSquared := SQR( MulDiv(AdjustedSize, 2,6) ); iR := Border + MulDiv(AdjustedSize, 2, 6); iG := Border + MulDiv(AdjustedSize, 3, 6); iB := Border + MulDiv(AdjustedSize, 4, 6); jOffset := ROUND(AdjustedSize * (2 - SQRT(3))/12); jR := jOffset + Border + Round(AdjustedSize * (2 + SQRT(3)) / 6); jG := jOffset + Border + MulDiv(AdjustedSize, 2, 6); jB := jR; RESULT := TBitmap.Create; RESULT.Width := size; RESULT.Height := size; RESULT.PixelFormat := pf24bit; RESULT.Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(0,0,0); // black RESULT.Canvas.FillRect(RESULT.Canvas.ClipRect); FOR j := 0 TO RESULT.Height-1 DO BEGIN row := RESULT.Scanline[j]; FOR i := 0 TO RESULT.Width-1 DO BEGIN WITH row[i] DO BEGIN IF Rflag AND (DistanceSquared(i,j, iR,jR) < RadiusSquared) THEN rgbtRed := 255; IF GFlag AND (DistanceSquared(i,j, iG,jG) < RadiusSquared) THEN rgbtGreen := 255; IF BFlag AND (DistanceSquared(i,j, iB,jB) < RadiusSquared) THEN rgbtBlue := 255 END END END END {CreateRGBCircles}; // Use parametric assignment of fitting circles inside cube // of specified size. FUNCTION CreateCMYCircles(CONST size: INTEGER; CONST Cflag, Mflag, Yflag: BOOLEAN): TBitmap; VAR AdjustedSize : INTEGER; Border : INTEGER; i, iC,iM,iY : INTEGER; j, jC,jM,jY : INTEGER; jOffset : INTEGER; RadiusSquared: INTEGER; row : pRGBTripleArray; FUNCTION DistanceSquared(CONST x1,y1, x2,y2: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RESULT := SQR(x1 - x2) + SQR(y1 - y2) END {DistanceSquared}; BEGIN Border := MulDiv(size, 5, 1000); AdjustedSize := size - 2*Border; RadiusSquared := SQR( MulDiv(AdjustedSize, 2,6) ); iC := Border + MulDiv(AdjustedSize, 2, 6); iM := Border + MulDiv(AdjustedSize, 3, 6); iY := Border + MulDiv(AdjustedSize, 4, 6); jOffset := ROUND(AdjustedSize * (2 - SQRT(3))/12); jC := jOffset + Border + Round(AdjustedSize * (2 + SQRT(3)) / 6); jM := jOffset + Border + MulDiv(AdjustedSize, 2, 6); jY := jC; RESULT := TBitmap.Create; RESULT.Width := size; RESULT.Height := size; RESULT.PixelFormat := pf24bit; RESULT.Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(255,255,255); // white RESULT.Canvas.FillRect(RESULT.Canvas.ClipRect); FOR j := 0 TO RESULT.Height-1 DO BEGIN row := RESULT.Scanline[j]; FOR i := 0 TO RESULT.Width-1 DO BEGIN WITH row[i] DO BEGIN IF Cflag AND (DistanceSquared(i,j, iC,jC) < RadiusSquared) THEN rgbtRed := 0; IF MFlag AND (DistanceSquared(i,j, iM,jM) < RadiusSquared) THEN rgbtGreen := 0; IF YFlag AND (DistanceSquared(i,j, iY,jY) < RadiusSquared) THEN rgbtBlue := 0; END END END END {CreateCMYCircles}; PROCEDURE TForm1.UpdateEverything; VAR Bitmap: TBitmap; BEGIN IF ComboBoxPrimaries.ItemIndex = 0 THEN Bitmap := CreateRGBCircles(Image.Width, CheckBoxRed.Checked, CheckBoxGreen.Checked, CheckBoxBlue.Checked) ELSE Bitmap := CreateCMYCircles(Image.Width, CheckBoxRed.Checked, CheckBoxGreen.Checked, CheckBoxBlue.Checked); TRY Image.Picture.Graphic := Bitmap; FINALLY Bitmap.Free END; END; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ComboBoxPrimaries.ItemIndex := 0; UpdateEverything end; procedure TForm1.CheckBoxClick(Sender: TObject); begin IF ComboBoxPrimaries.ItemIndex = 0 THEN LabelDescribe.Caption := 'Add to Black' ELSE LabelDescribe.Caption := 'Subtract from White'; UpdateEverything end; procedure TForm1.ButtonSaveToFileClick(Sender: TObject); CONST ImageSizeForFile = 512; VAR Bitmap: TBitmap; BEGIN IF SavePictureDialog.Execute THEN BEGIN IF ComboBoxPrimaries.ItemIndex = 0 THEN Bitmap := CreateRGBCircles(ImageSizeForFile, CheckBoxRed.Checked, CheckBoxGreen.Checked, CheckBoxBlue.Checked) ELSE Bitmap := CreateCMYCircles(ImageSizeForFile, CheckBoxRed.Checked, CheckBoxGreen.Checked, CheckBoxBlue.Checked); TRY Bitmap.SavetoFile(SavePictureDialog.Filename); ShowMessage('File ' + SavePictureDialog.Filename + ' written.') FINALLY Bitmap.Free END END end; procedure TForm1.ButtonPrintClick(Sender: TObject); CONST iMargin = 8; // 8% margin left and right jMargin = 10; // 10% margin top and bottom VAR iFromLeftMargin : INTEGER; iPrintedImageWidth : INTEGER; jFromPageMargin : INTEGER; jPrintedImageHeight: INTEGER; s : STRING; TargetRectangle : TRect; begin Printer.Orientation := poPortrait; Printer.BeginDoc; TRY iFromLeftMargin := MulDiv(Printer.PageWidth, iMargin, 100); jFromPageMargin := MulDiv(Printer.PageHeight, jMargin, 100); iPrintedImageWidth := MulDiv(Printer.PageWidth, 100-2*iMargin, 100); jPrintedImageHeight := iPrintedImageWidth; // Aspect ratio is 1 for these images TargetRectangle := Rect(iFromLeftMargin, jFromPageMargin, iFromLeftMargin + iPrintedImageWidth, jFromPageMargin + jPrintedImageHeight); // Header Printer.Canvas.Font.Size := 14; Printer.Canvas.Font.Name := 'Arial'; Printer.Canvas.Font.Color := clBlack; Printer.Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold]; s := ComboBoxPrimaries.Text; Printer.Canvas.TextOut( (Printer.PageWidth - Printer.Canvas.TextWidth(s)) DIV 2, // center jFromPageMargin - 3*Printer.Canvas.TextHeight(s) DIV 2, s); // Bitmap PrintBitmap(Printer.Canvas, TargetRectangle, Image.Picture.Bitmap); // Footer Printer.Canvas.Font.Size := 12; Printer.Canvas.Font.Name := 'Arial'; Printer.Canvas.Font.Color := clBlue; Printer.Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold, fsItalic]; s := 'efg''s Computer Lab'; Printer.Canvas.TextOut(iFromLeftMargin, Printer.PageHeight - Printer.Canvas.TextHeight(s), s); Printer.Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold]; s := ''; Printer.Canvas.TextOut(Printer.PageWidth - iFromLeftMargin - Printer.Canvas.TextWidth(s), Printer.PageHeight - Printer.Canvas.TextHeight(s), s) FINALLY Printer.EndDoc END; ShowMessage ('Image Printed') end; end.
{下面是unit1.dfm} {==============================================} object Form1: TForm1 Left = 635 Top = 90 Width = 696 Height = 480 Caption = 'CheckBoxBlue' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object Image: TImage Left = 54 Top = 204 Width = 105 Height = 105 end object LabelLab1: TLabel Left = 229 Top = 208 Width = 50 Height = 13 Caption = 'LabelLab1' end object LabelLab2: TLabel Left = 235 Top = 246 Width = 50 Height = 13 Caption = 'LabelLab2' end object LabelDescribe: TLabel Left = 243 Top = 270 Width = 68 Height = 13 Caption = 'LabelDescribe' end object CheckBoxRed: TCheckBox Left = 61 Top = 45 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'CheckBoxRed' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = CheckBoxClick end object CheckBoxGreen: TCheckBox Left = 58 Top = 75 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'CheckBoxGreen' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = CheckBoxClick end object CheckBoxBlue: TCheckBox Left = 56 Top = 106 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'CheckBoxBlue' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = CheckBoxClick end object ComboBoxPrimaries: TComboBox Left = 52 Top = 139 Width = 145 Height = 21 ItemHeight = 13 TabOrder = 3 Text = 'ComboBoxPrimaries' Items.Strings = ( #27491#24120 #32418 #32511 #34013) end object ButtonSaveToFile: TButton Left = 17 Top = 345 Width = 151 Height = 25 Caption = 'ButtonSaveToFile' TabOrder = 4 end object ButtonPrint: TButton Left = 19 Top = 383 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = 'ButtonPrint' TabOrder = 5 end object SavePictureDialog: TSavePictureDialog Left = 249 Top = 139 end end |