关键字:delphi 对Excel编程,TDataSet(Tquery,TTabe)导到Excel,如何设置Excel字体、文本对齐方式,如何设置单元格边框,如何合并单元格,如何Excel打印设置,如何设置单元格为文本格式
unit ExcelReport;
SysUtils, Variants, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComObj, ComCtrls, DB, excel2000, StdCtrls, Graphics, Windows, Grids; {**************************************************************************************
数据集导出到Excel函数,自动设置列宽,自动调节适应A4纸张 Columns:可以是DataSet的Fields,ListView的Columns,StringGrid之一 DataSet:数据集 Caption:大标题, SubCaption:子标题, LeftCaption:左标题, CenterCaption:中标题 RightCaption:右标题 Flag:1:预览,2:直接打印,0:打开Excel编辑 ColAutoSize:是否允许自动列宽 **************************************************************************************} procedure DataSetToExcel(Columns: TObject; DataSet: TDataSet; Caption: String = '';
SubCaption: String = ''; LeftCaption: String = ''; CenterCaption: String = ''; RightCaption: String = ''; Flag: Integer = 1; ColAutoSize: Boolean = True); implementation
procedure DataSetToExcel(Columns: TObject; DataSet: TDataSet; Caption: String = '';
SubCaption: String = ''; LeftCaption: String = ''; CenterCaption: String = ''; RightCaption: String = ''; Flag: Integer = 1; ColAutoSize: Boolean = True); const MaxColWidth = 80; RowCaption = 1; RowUse = 5; FontSizeCaption = 15;
FontSizeSubCaption = 10; FontSizeLeftCaption = 12; FontSizeCenterCaption = 12; FontSizeRightCaption = 12; FontSizeColumns = 10; FontSizeData = 10; FontNameCaption = '楷体';
FontNameSubCaption = '宋体'; FontNameLeftCaption = '宋体'; FontNameCenterCaption = '宋体'; FontNameRightCaption = '宋体'; FontNameColumns = '宋体'; FontNameData = '宋体'; TextAlignLeft = 2;
TextAlignCenter = 3; TextAlignRight = 4; TextAlignTop = 1;
TextAlignVCenter = 2; TextAlignBottom = 3; var Excel, Sheet: Variant; RowIndex: Integer; ColSum: Integer; Form: TForm; lb: TLabel; function GetExcel(): Integer; begin Result := DataSet.RecordCount + RowUse; if (Result > 65536 ) then begin if (MessageDlg(' 需要导出的数据过大,Excel最大只能容纳65536行,'+ #13'将会截断超过部分,是否还要继续?', mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrNo) then begin Result := 0; exit; end else Result := 65536; end; try Excel := CreateOleobject('Excel.Application'); except ShowMessage(#13' Excel没有正确安装!'); end; end; function GetColumnsWidth(): Integer;
var i: Integer; begin Result := 0; for i := 1 to ColSum do Result := Result + Sheet.Columns[i].ColumnWidth; Result := Excel.InchesToPoints((Result * 2.2862) / 25.4); end; procedure SetColumns( Columns: TListColumns); overload;
var i: Integer; s: String; begin for i := 0 to (Columns.Count - 1) do begin s := Columns[i].Caption; Sheet.Columns[i + 1].ColumnWidth := Length(s); Sheet.Cells[RowIndex, i + 1].value := s; end; end; procedure SetColumns( Columns: TFields); overload;
var i: Integer; s: String; begin for i := 0 to (Columns.Count - 1) do begin s := Columns[i].FieldName; Sheet.Columns[i + 1].ColumnWidth := Length(s); Sheet.Cells[RowIndex, i + 1].value := s; end; end; procedure SetColumns( Columns: TStringGrid); overload;
var i: Integer; s: String; begin for i := 1 to (Columns.ColCount - 1) do begin s := Columns.Cells[i, 0]; Sheet.Columns[i].ColumnWidth := Length(s); Sheet.Cells[RowIndex, i].value := s; end; end; procedure DoDataSetToExcel();
function GetDateTimeStr(DT: TDateTime): String; var nDT: Integer; begin Result := TimeToStr(DT); nDT := Trunc(DT); if nDT < 1000 then begin if nDT - 2 >= 1 then Result := IntToStr(nDT - 2) + '天' + Result; end else Result := DateToStr(DT) + ' ' + Result; end; var i, RowEnd, Len: Integer; s: String; begin RowEnd := DataSet.RecordCount + RowIndex - 1; if RowEnd > 65536 then RowEnd := 65536; DataSet.First(); while not DataSet.Eof do begin for i := 0 to DataSet.Fields.Count - 1 do begin if DataSet.Fields[i].DataType in [ftDateTime, ftDate, ftTime] then begin if DataSet.Fields[i].IsNull then s := '' else s := GetDateTimeStr(DataSet.Fields[i].AsDateTime); end else s := DataSet.Fields[i].AsString; if ColAutoSize then begin Len := Length(s) - 1; if Len > MaxColWidth then Len := MaxColWidth; if Sheet.Columns[i + 1].ColumnWidth < Len then Sheet.Columns[i + 1].ColumnWidth := Len; end; Sheet.Cells[RowIndex, i + 1].value := s; end; if RowIndex = RowEnd then break; if RowIndex mod 10 = 0 then begin lb.Caption := Format('正在导出数据,已经完成:%d', [Trunc(RowIndex / RowEnd * 100)]) + '%'; Form.Update(); Application.ProcessMessages(); end; RowIndex := RowIndex + 1; DataSet.Next(); end; lb.Caption := '数据导出完毕......'; Form.Update(); end; function RowColToStr( R1, C1, R2, C2: Integer): String;
function ColToStr(C: Integer): String; var nDiv: Integer; begin Result := ''; if C > 26 then begin nDiv := C div 26; C := (C mod 26); if C = 0 then begin C := 26; nDiv := nDiv - 1; end; Result := Char(Integer('A') + nDiv); end; Result := Result + Char(Integer('A') + C - 1); end; begin Result := ColToStr(C1) + IntToStr(R1) + ':' + ColToStr(C2) + IntToStr(R2); end; var
Range, RangeFind: Variant; RowEnd: Integer; function RepString(FindStr, ReplacedStr: String): Boolean; begin Result := False; RangeFind := Excel.Cells.Find(FindStr, EmptyParam, xlFormulas, xlPart, xlByRows, xlNext, False, False); try RowIndex := RangeFind.Row; RangeFind.Select; Excel.ActiveCell.value := ReplacedStr; Result := True; except end; end; procedure SetFormat();
var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to DataSet.Fields.Count - 1 do begin case DataSet.Fields[i].DataType of ftSmallint, ftInteger, ftWord, ftAutoInc, ftLargeint: begin Range := Sheet.Range[RowColToStr(RowIndex, i + 1, RowEnd, i + 1)]; Range.HorizontalAlignment := TextAlignRight; //Range.NumberFormat := '#,##0;-#,##0'; end; ftFloat: begin Range := Sheet.Range[RowColToStr(RowIndex, i + 1, RowEnd, i + 1)]; Range.HorizontalAlignment := TextAlignRight; Range.NumberFormat := '#,##0.000000;-#,##0.00000'; end; ftDate, ftTime, ftDateTime: begin Range := Sheet.Range[RowColToStr(RowIndex, i + 1, RowEnd, i + 1)]; Range.HorizontalAlignment := TextAlignRight; Range.NumberFormatLocal := '@'; if DataSet.Fields[i].AsDateTime < 1000 then Sheet.Columns[i + 1].ColumnWidth := 9.1 else Sheet.Columns[i + 1].ColumnWidth := 17; end; end; end; end; procedure CheckPageWidth();
var PageW, WordW, BorderMargin: Integer; tmp: Integer; i: Integer; ftmp: real; begin if (xlPaperA4 = Sheet.PageSetup.PaperSize) and (xlPortrait = Sheet.PageSetup.Orientation) then begin BorderMargin := Sheet.PageSetup.LeftMargin * 2; WordW := GetColumnsWidth(); PageW := Excel.InchesToPoints(21 / 2.54); if WordW > PageW - BorderMargin then begin Sheet.PageSetup.Orientation := xlLandscape; PageW := Excel.InchesToPoints(29.7 / 2.54); tmp := PageW - WordW - BorderMargin; ftmp := tmp / WordW; if (tmp < 0) and (ftmp >= -0.15) then begin ftmp := 1 + ftmp; for i := 1 to ColSum do Sheet.Columns[i].ColumnWidth := Sheet.Columns[i].ColumnWidth * ftmp; end; end; end; end; var
Workbook: Variant; CursorSave: TCursor; ColCenter: Integer; FileName: String; begin ColSum := DataSet.Fields.Count; if ColSum = 0 then begin ShowMessage(#13' 数据表的列数为0,无法导出!'); exit; end; CursorSave := Screen.Cursor; Form := TForm.Create(nil); Form.BorderStyle := bsNone; Form.FormStyle := fsStayOnTop; Form.Width := 300; Form.Height := 90; Form.Left := (Screen.Width - Form.Width) div 2; Form.Top := (Screen.Height - Form.Height) div 2; lb := TLabel.Create(Form); lb.Parent := Form; lb.AutoSize := False; lb.Left := 5; lb.Top := 35; lb.Width := 290; lb.Height := 30; lb.Font.Size := 10; lb.Font.Color := clBlue; Form.Show();
try Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; lb.Caption := '正在创建Excel......'; Form.Update(); RowEnd := GetExcel(); if RowEnd > 0 then begin try try lb.Caption := '正在打开Excel......'; Form.Update(); FileName := ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName) + '\' + Caption + '_模板.xls'; if FileExists(FileName) then begin FileName := ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName) + '\' + Caption + '.xls'; CopyFile(PChar(ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName) + '\' + Caption + '_模板.xls'), PChar(FileName), False) ; end else FileName := ''; if FileName <> '' then begin Workbook := Excel.Workbooks.Open(FileName) end else begin Workbook := Excel.Workbooks.Add; Excel.WorkSheets[1].Name := Caption; end; Excel.WorkSheets[1].Activate; Sheet := Excel.Workbooks[1].WorkSheets[1]; Sheet.Cells.NumberFormatLocal := '@'; RowIndex := RowCaption; ColCenter := (ColSum + 1) div 2; lb.Caption := '正在设置标题......';
Form.Update(); Sheet.Range['A1:A1'].Select; if Caption <> '' then begin //设置标题 if (FileName = '') or (not RepString('%标题%', Caption)) then begin Range := Sheet.Range[RowColToStr(RowIndex, 1, RowIndex, ColSum)]; Range.NumberFormatLocal := '@'; Range.HorizontalAlignment := TextAlignCenter; Range.VerticalAlignment := TextAlignVCenter; Range.Characters.Font.Name := FontNameCaption; Range.Characters.Font.FontStyle := '加粗'; Range.Characters.Font.Size := FontSizeCaption; Sheet.Cells[RowIndex, ColCenter].value := Caption; Range.Merge; end; end; if SubCaption <> '' then
begin //设置子标题 if (FileName = '') or (not RepString('%子标题%', SubCaption)) then begin RowIndex := RowIndex + 1; Range := Sheet.Range[RowColToStr(RowIndex, 1, RowIndex, ColSum)]; Range.HorizontalAlignment := TextAlignCenter; Range.VerticalAlignment := TextAlignTop; Range.Characters.Font.Name := FontNameSubCaption; Range.Characters.Font.FontStyle := '加粗'; Range.Characters.Font.Size := FontSizeSubCaption; Sheet.Cells[RowIndex, ColCenter].value := SubCaption; Range.Merge; //合并 RowIndex := RowIndex + 1; end; end; if (FileName = '') then
begin Sheet.Rows[Format('%d:%d', [RowIndex, RowIndex])].Select; Excel.Selection.RowHeight := 8; RowIndex := RowIndex + 1; end; if LeftCaption <> '' then
begin //设置左标题 if (FileName = '') or (not RepString('%左标题%', LeftCaption)) then begin //设置左标题 Range := Sheet.Range[RowColToStr(RowIndex, 1, RowIndex, 1)]; Range.HorizontalAlignment := TextAlignLeft; Range.Characters.Font.Name := FontNameLeftCaption; Range.Characters.Font.FontStyle := '加粗'; Range.Characters.Font.Size := FontSizeLeftCaption; Sheet.Cells[RowIndex, 1].value := LeftCaption; end; end; if CenterCaption <> '' then
begin //设置中标题 if (FileName = '') or (not RepString('%中标题%', CenterCaption)) then begin Range := Sheet.Range[RowColToStr(RowIndex, ColCenter, RowIndex, ColCenter)]; Range.HorizontalAlignment := TextAlignCenter; Range.Characters.Font.Name := FontNameCenterCaption; Range.Characters.Font.FontStyle := '加粗'; Range.Characters.Font.Size := FontSizeCenterCaption; Sheet.Cells[RowIndex, ColCenter].value := CenterCaption; end; end; if RightCaption <> '' then
begin //设置右标题 if (FileName = '') or (not RepString('%右标题%', RightCaption)) then begin Range := Sheet.Range[RowColToStr(RowIndex, ColSum, RowIndex, ColSum)]; Range.HorizontalAlignment := TextAlignRight; Range.Characters.Font.Name := FontNameRightCaption; Range.Characters.Font.FontStyle := '加粗'; Range.Characters.Font.Size := FontSizeRightCaption; Sheet.Cells[RowIndex, ColSum].value := RightCaption; end; end; if RowIndex <> RowCaption then
RowIndex := RowIndex + 1; //设置栏目字体
Range := Sheet.Range[RowColToStr(RowIndex, 1, RowIndex, ColSum)]; Range.Select; if (FileName <> '') and RepString('%栏目%', '') then begin Range.Characters.Font.Name := RangeFind.Characters.Font.Name; Range.Characters.Font.Size := RangeFind.Characters.Font.Size; Range.HorizontalAlignment := RangeFind.HorizontalAlignment; Range.Characters.Font.FontStyle := RangeFind.Characters.Font.FontStyle; Range.Borders[1].Weight := RangeFind.Borders[1].Weight; Range.Borders[2].Weight := RangeFind.Borders[2].Weight; Range.Borders[3].Weight := RangeFind.Borders[3].Weight; Range.Borders[4].Weight := RangeFind.Borders[4].Weight; end else begin Range.Characters.Font.Name := FontNameColumns; Range.Characters.Font.Size := FontSizeColumns; Range.HorizontalAlignment := TextAlignCenter; Range.Characters.Font.FontStyle := '加粗'; Range.Borders[1].Weight := 2; Range.Borders[2].Weight := 2; Range.Borders[3].Weight := 2; Range.Borders[4].Weight := 2; end; Sheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows := Format('$%d:$%d', [RowIndex, RowIndex]); lb.Caption := '正在设置栏目和数据区字体......';
Form.Update(); //设置栏目文字 if Columns is TFields then SetColumns(TFields(Columns)) else if Columns is TStringGrid then SetColumns(TStringGrid(Columns)) else if Columns is TListColumns then SetColumns(TListColumns(Columns)); RowIndex := RowIndex + 1; //设置数据字体
Range := Sheet.Range[RowColToStr(RowIndex, 1, RowEnd, ColSum)]; Range.Select; if (FileName <> '') and RepString('%数据%', '') then begin Range.Characters.Font.Name := RangeFind.Characters.Font.Name; Range.Characters.Font.Size := RangeFind.Characters.Font.Size; Range.HorizontalAlignment := RangeFind.HorizontalAlignment; Range.Characters.Font.FontStyle := RangeFind.Characters.Font.FontStyle; Range.Borders[1].Weight := RangeFind.Borders[1].Weight; Range.Borders[2].Weight := RangeFind.Borders[2].Weight; Range.Borders[3].Weight := RangeFind.Borders[3].Weight; Range.Borders[4].Weight := RangeFind.Borders[4].Weight; end else begin Range.Characters.Font.Name := FontNameData; Range.Characters.Font.Size := FontSizeData; Range.Borders[1].Weight := 2; Range.Borders[2].Weight := 2; Range.Borders[3].Weight := 2; Range.Borders[4].Weight := 2; end; //设置数字栏显示格式
if FileName = '' then SetFormat(); //加载数据到Excel
lb.Caption := '正在导出数据......'; Form.Update(); DoDataSetToExcel(); Sheet.Range['A1:A1'].Select;
if FileName = '' then
begin Sheet.PageSetup.LeftMargin := Excel.InchesToPoints(0.590551181102362);//Excel.InchesToPoints(0.393700787401575); Sheet.PageSetup.RightMargin := Sheet.PageSetup.LeftMargin; Sheet.PageSetup.TopMargin := Sheet.PageSetup.LeftMargin; Sheet.PageSetup.BottomMargin := Sheet.PageSetup.LeftMargin; Sheet.PageSetup.CenterHorizontally := True; Sheet.PageSetup.CenterVertically := True; Sheet.PageSetup.CenterFooter := '第 &P 页,共 &N 页'; end; CheckPageWidth(); case Flag of
1: //打印预览 begin Excel.Visible := True; Form.Hide(); Workbook.Saved := True; Excel.DisplayAlerts := False; Sheet.PrintPreview; Excel.Visible := False; Excel.Quit; end; 2: //直接打印 begin Form.Hide(); Sheet.PrintOut; Workbook.Saved := True; Excel.DisplayAlerts := False; Excel.Quit; end; else //打开Excel编辑 Form.Hide(); Excel.Visible := True; end; except Workbook.Saved := True; Excel.DisplayAlerts := False; Excel.Quit; end; finally Excel := UnAssigned; end; end; finally lb.Destroy(); Form.Destroy(); Screen.Cursor := CursorSave; end; end; end.