---------------------------------------------------------- --面向对象核心库 ----------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------- --base object object = {}
function object:getName() return "unknow" end
function object:resetHashCode() self.__hashcode = nil self:getHashCode() end
function object:getHashCode() self.__hashcode = self.__hashcode or (os.time() + math.random()) return self.__hashcode end
---------------------------------------------- -- create interface helper function createInterface(object,name,func) warning(object[name] == nil,"Interface exists,create fail" .. name) end
function callInsterface(object,name,...) local func = object[name] return func(object,...) end
function callmethod(object,name,...) local func = object[name] return func(object,...) end
function implementInterface(object,name,func) object[name] = func end
function createAbstract(object,name,func) object[name] = function(self) warning(false,"not implement Abstract " .. name) return nil end end
function createVirtualFunction(object,name,func) implementInterface(object,name,func) end
function override(object,name,func) implementInterface(object,name,func) end
function sealed(object) object.__sealed = true end
---------------------------------------------- --oop helpers
local function addctor(class) assert(class,"class is nil value") if class.ctor == nil then class.ctor = function(self) end end end
function registerFun_getInstance(cls) -- warning(cls.getInstance == false,"cls has function:getInstacnce") cls.__instance = nil; cls.getInstance =function() if cls.__instance == nil then assert( and type( "function","not found ctor function :new"); cls.__instance = cls:new() return cls.__instance end return cls.__instance end end
---向对象中添加临时数据 function setTempVariable(object,key,value) assert(key,"key is a nil value") assert(value~=nil,"value is a nil value") object.__tempData = object.__tempData or {} object.__tempData["__"..key] = value end
---查找对象中保存的临时数据 function getTempVariable(object,key) assert(object,"object is a nil value") assert(key,"key is a nil value") if object.__tempData == nil then return nil end return object.__tempData["__"..key] end
function callSupper(instance,supperName,name,cls,...)
if instance ~= nil then if instance.supper == nil then return end if instance.supper[supperName] ~=nil then for key, var in pairs( instance.supper[supperName]) do if key == name then local fun = var local returnValue,e = pcall(fun,cls or instance,...) assert(e==nil,e) return returnValue,true end end else for key, var in pairs(instance.supper) do if type(var) == "table" and key~="__index" and key ~= "__child" then local returnValue,result = callSupper(var,supperName,name,instance,...) if result == true then return returnValue,true end end end end
if instance.__child ~=nil then local returnValue,result = callSupper(instance.__child,supperName,name,cls,...) if result == false and instance.__child.__child then returnValue,result = callSupper(instance.__child.__child,supperName,name,cls,...) end return returnValue,true end end return nil,false end
---调用基类中的函数 function callSupperA(instance,supperName,name,...) return callSupper(instance,supperName,name,instance,...) end
local function copyAllSupper(class,base) if base ~= nil and class ~= nil and base.supper ~= nil then class.supper = class.supper or {} for key, var in pairs(base.supper) do if class.supper[key] == nil then class.supper[key] = var end end end end
--继承帮助函数 --ext:扩展类, --base:基类 --supper name --------------------------------------------- --@param #table ext 当前类的定义 --@param #table base 当前类的要继承的类,一般也为table --@param #string suppername 当前继承的基类的别名 --@return #table 一个新的对旬的实列 function inheritanceA(ext,base,suppername) -- assert(ext,"not set ext object.") -- assert(base,"not set base object.") -- assert(base.__sealed == nil,"基类设置为了禁止继承.") if base.__sealed ~= nil then assert(base.__sealed == nil,"基类设置为了禁止继承.") return end
--metatable copy local function setmetatableA(tag,source) for k,v in pairs(source) do if tag[k] == nil then if type(v) == "table" and k ~= "__index" and k~= "__child" then tag[k] = {} setmetatableA (tag[k],v) tag[k].__index = tag[k] else tag[k] = v end end end return tag end
ext = setmetatableA(ext,base) ext.__index = ext --添加自己的构造函数 if == nil then function ( self ) local instance = {} setmetatableA(instance,self) instance.__index = instance instance:ctor() instance:resetHashCode() return instance,ext.supper end addctor(ext) end
ext.supper = ext.supper or {} setmetatableA(ext.supper,base) ext.supper.__child = ext ext.supper.__index = ext.supper;
---添加基类的默认构造函数 if ext.supper and == nil then ---此逻辑的意义不大 = or function ( self ) local instance = {} setmetatableA(instance,self) instance:resetHashCode() return ext.supper,ext.supper or {} end addctor(ext.supper) end
if suppername ~= nil and type(ext.supper[suppername])~= "function" then ext.supper[suppername] = ext.supper[suppername] or {} setmetatableA(ext.supper[suppername],base) ext.supper[suppername].__index = ext.supper[suppername] end
ext.__index = ext; ---注册单列接口 registerFun_getInstance(ext) return ext,ext.supper end
---继承对象实例 --@param #table ext 当前对象的实例 --@param #table base 基类的实例 function inheritance(ext,base) -- assert(false,"调用本函数只能通过supper来访问,如果多少继承,只有最后一次继承的会生效") return inheritanceA(ext or {},base,"__supper") end
---继承自model 文件 --@param #table ext 当前对象的实例 --@param #string mname 当前要继承的模块对象 function inheritanceM(ext,mname) local obj = require (mname) assert(obj~=nil,"load mode error,mode name:"..mname) return inheritanceA(ext,obj,mname) end
return object |