Delphi新版本虽然集成了PngImage但是分割复制什么的却非常难用.稍微封装了一下.可以把一张PNG 横向分割成N张.透明通道什么的都可以保持不变. type TPngArray = array of TPngImage; procedure CopyPng(const Src: TPngImage; dest: TPngImage; const sOffset: Integer); var i, j, s: Integer; p1, p2: PByteArray; pa1, pa2: PByteArray; begin for i := 0 to Src.Height - 1 do begin p1 := Src.Scanline[i]; p2 := dest.Scanline[i]; pa1 := Src.AlphaScanline[i]; pa2 := dest.AlphaScanline[i]; for j := 0 to dest.Width - 1 do begin s := j + sOffset; p2[3 * j] := p1[3 * s]; p2[3 * j + 1] := p1[3 * s + 1]; p2[3 * j + 2] := p1[3 * s + 2]; pa2[j] := pa1[s]; end; end; end; function SplitePng(const Src: TPngImage; Count : Integer) : TPngArray; var I, lwidth,loffset : Integer; begin SetLength(Result, Count); lwidth := Src.Width div Count; loffset := 0; for i := 0 to Count -1 do
begin Result[i] := TPngImage.CreateBlank(COLOR_RGBALPHA, 8, lwidth, Src.Height); CopyPng(Src, Result[i], lOffset); Inc(loffset, lwidth); end; end;