Delphi 7里Messages.pas里所有消息。经统计,共104种重定义消息种类,方便使用,180种不同的消息名称。省得像VC里一样,处处自己解析wParam和LParam参数进行分析。有空我要把它们一个一个标注和学习一下。另外要强调一点:Delphi里所有的消息都没有包含Handle,Handle本身不是消息的一部分(VC里也是这样),除非有些消息要用到2个Handle。但是注意,另有TMsg结构,定义在windows.pas文件里。除此之外,还定义有 TEventMsg TCreateStruct 等许多结构,都是需要学习和注意的地方。
tagMSG = packed record hwnd: HWND; message: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM; time: DWORD; pt: TPoint; end; TMsg = tagMSG;
// ====================正文开始======================================
PMessage = ^TMessage; TMessage = packed record Msg: Cardinal; // 无论什么消息,第一个成员都是消息编号(消息字符串名称所对应的编号) case Integer of 0: ( WParam: Longint; LParam: Longint; Result: Longint); // 返回值 1: ( WParamLo: Word; WParamHi: Word; LParamLo: Word; LParamHi: Word; ResultLo: Word; // 返回值 ResultHi: Word); end;
{ Common message format records }
// 无论消息怎么重定义,总长度都是4个integer
TWMNoParams = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Unused: array[0..3] of Word; Result: Longint; end;
TWMKey = packed record // 按键 Msg: Cardinal; CharCode: Word; Unused: Word; KeyData: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMMouse = packed record // 鼠标 Msg: Cardinal; Keys: Longint; case Integer of 0: ( XPos: Smallint; YPos: Smallint); 1: ( Pos: TSmallPoint; Result: Longint); end;
TWMMouseWheel = packed record // 鼠标滚轮 Msg: Cardinal; Keys: SmallInt; WheelDelta: SmallInt; case Integer of 0: ( XPos: Smallint; YPos: Smallint); 1: ( Pos: TSmallPoint; Result: Longint); end;
TMSHMouseWheel = packed record // MS鼠标滚轮 Msg: Cardinal; WheelDelta: Integer; case Integer of 0: ( XPos: Smallint; YPos: Smallint); 1: ( Pos: TSmallPoint; Result: Longint); end;
TWMWindowPosMsg = packed record // 窗口位置 Msg: Cardinal; Unused: Integer; WindowPos: PWindowPos; Result: Longint; end;
TWMScroll = packed record // 滚动条消息 Msg: Cardinal; ScrollCode: Smallint; { SB_xxxx } Pos: Smallint; ScrollBar: HWND; Result: Longint; end;
{ Message records }
TWMActivate = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Active: Word; { WA_INACTIVE, WA_ACTIVE, WA_CLICKACTIVE } Minimized: WordBool; ActiveWindow: HWND; Result: Longint; end;
TWMActivateApp = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Active: BOOL; ThreadId: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMAskCBFormatName = packed record Msg: Cardinal; NameLen: Word; Unused: Word; FormatName: PChar; Result: Longint; end;
TWMCancelMode = TWMNoParams;
TWMChangeCBChain = packed record // 难道是Hook消息? Msg: Cardinal; Remove: HWND; Next: HWND; Result: Longint; end;
TWMChar = TWMKey;
TWMCharToItem = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Key: Word; CaretPos: Word; ListBox: HWND; Result: Longint; end;
TWMChildActivate = TWMNoParams;
TWMChooseFont_GetLogFont = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Unused: Longint; LogFont: PLogFont; Result: Longint; end;
TWMClear = TWMNoParams; TWMClose = TWMNoParams;
TWMCommand = packed record Msg: Cardinal; ItemID: Word; NotifyCode: Word; Ctl: HWND; Result: Longint; end;
TWMCompacting = packed record Msg: Cardinal; CompactRatio: Longint; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMCompareItem = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Ctl: HWnd; CompareItemStruct: PCompareItemStruct; Result: Longint; end;
TWMCopy = TWMNoParams;
TWMCopyData = packed record Msg: Cardinal; From: HWND; CopyDataStruct: PCopyDataStruct; Result: Longint; end;
TWMCreate = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Unused: Integer; CreateStruct: PCreateStruct; Result: Longint; end;
TWMCtlColor = packed record Msg: Cardinal; ChildDC: HDC; ChildWnd: HWND; Result: Longint; end;
TWMCtlColorBtn = TWMCtlColor; TWMCtlColorDlg = TWMCtlColor; TWMCtlColorEdit = TWMCtlColor; TWMCtlColorListbox = TWMCtlColor; TWMCtlColorMsgbox = TWMCtlColor; TWMCtlColorScrollbar = TWMCtlColor; TWMCtlColorStatic = TWMCtlColor;
TWMCut = TWMNoParams;
TWMDDE_Ack = packed record Msg: Cardinal; PostingApp: HWND; case Word of WM_DDE_INITIATE: ( App: Word; Topic: Word; Result: Longint); WM_DDE_EXECUTE {and all others}: ( PackedVal: Longint); end;
TWMDDE_Advise = packed record Msg: Cardinal; PostingApp: HWND; PackedVal: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMDDE_Data = packed record Msg: Cardinal; PostingApp: HWND; PackedVal: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMDDE_Execute = packed record Msg: Cardinal; PostingApp: HWND; Commands: THandle; Result: Longint; end;
TWMDDE_Initiate = packed record Msg: Cardinal; PostingApp: HWND; App: Word; Topic: Word; Result: Longint; end;
TWMDDE_Poke = packed record Msg: Cardinal; PostingApp: HWND; PackedVal: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMDDE_Request = packed record Msg: Cardinal; PostingApp: HWND; Format: Word; Item: Word; Result: Longint; end;
TWMDDE_Terminate = packed record Msg: Cardinal; PostingApp: HWND; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMDDE_Unadvise = packed record Msg: Cardinal; PostingApp: HWND; Format: Word; Item: Word; Result: Longint; end;
TWMDeadChar = TWMChar;
TWMDeleteItem = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Ctl: HWND; DeleteItemStruct: PDeleteItemStruct; Result: Longint; end;
TWMDestroy = TWMNoParams; TWMDestroyClipboard = TWMNoParams;
TWMDevModeChange = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Unused: Integer; Device: PChar; Result: Longint; end;
TWMDrawClipboard = TWMNoParams;
TWMDrawItem = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Ctl: HWND; DrawItemStruct: PDrawItemStruct; Result: Longint; end;
TWMDropFiles = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Drop: THANDLE; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMEnable = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Enabled: LongBool; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMEndSession = packed record Msg: Cardinal; EndSession: LongBool; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMEnterIdle = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Source: Longint; { MSGF_DIALOGBOX, MSGF_MENU } IdleWnd: HWND; Result: Longint; end;
TWMEnterMenuLoop = packed record Msg: Cardinal; IsTrackPopupMenu: LongBool; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMExitMenuLoop = TWMEnterMenuLoop;
TWMEraseBkgnd = packed record // 擦除背景 Msg: Cardinal; DC: HDC; // 已经含有DC句柄了 Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMFontChange = TWMNoParams; TWMGetDlgCode = TWMNoParams; TWMGetFont = TWMNoParams;
TWMGetIcon = packed record Msg: Cardinal; BigIcon: Longbool; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMGetHotKey = TWMNoParams;
TWMGetMinMaxInfo = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Unused: Integer; MinMaxInfo: PMinMaxInfo; Result: Longint; end;
TWMGetText = packed record Msg: Cardinal; TextMax: Integer; Text: PChar; Result: Longint; end;
TWMGetTextLength = TWMNoParams;
TWMHotKey = packed record Msg: Cardinal; HotKey: Longint; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMHScroll = TWMScroll;
TWMHScrollClipboard = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Viewer: HWND; ScrollCode: Word; {SB_BOTTOM, SB_ENDSCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN, SB_LINEUP, SB_PAGEDOWN, SB_PAGEUP, SB_THUMBPOSITION, SB_THUMBTRACK, SB_TOP } Pos: Word; Result: Longint; end;
TWMIconEraseBkgnd = TWMEraseBkgnd;
TWMInitDialog = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Focus: HWND; InitParam: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMInitMenu = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Menu: HMENU; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMInitMenuPopup = packed record Msg: Cardinal; MenuPopup: HMENU; Pos: Smallint; SystemMenu: WordBool; Result: Longint; end;
TWMKeyDown = TWMKey; TWMKeyUp = TWMKey;
TWMKillFocus = packed record Msg: Cardinal; FocusedWnd: HWND; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMLButtonDblClk = TWMMouse; TWMLButtonDown = TWMMouse; TWMLButtonUp = TWMMouse; TWMMButtonDblClk = TWMMouse; TWMMButtonDown = TWMMouse; TWMMButtonUp = TWMMouse;
TWMMDIActivate = packed record Msg: Cardinal; case Integer of 0: ( ChildWnd: HWND); 1: ( DeactiveWnd: HWND; ActiveWnd: HWND; Result: Longint); end;
TWMMDICascade = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Cascade: Longint; { 0, MDITILE_SKIPDISABLED } Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMMDICreate = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Unused: Integer; MDICreateStruct: PMDICreateStruct; Result: Longint; end;
TWMMDIDestroy = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Child: HWND; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMMDIGetActive = TWMNoParams; TWMMDIIconArrange = TWMNoParams;
TWMMDIMaximize = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Maximize: HWND; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMMDINext = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Child: HWND; Next: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMMDIRefreshMenu = TWMNoParams;
TWMMDIRestore = packed record Msg: Cardinal; IDChild: HWND; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMMDISetMenu = packed record Msg: Cardinal; MenuFrame: HMENU; MenuWindow: HMENU; Result: Longint; end;
TWMMDITile = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Tile: Longint; { MDITILE_HORIZONTAL, MDITILE_SKIPDISABLE, MDITILE_VERTICAL } Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMMeasureItem = packed record Msg: Cardinal; IDCtl: HWnd; MeasureItemStruct: PMeasureItemStruct; Result: Longint; end;
TWMMenuChar = packed record Msg: Cardinal; User: Char; Unused: Byte; MenuFlag: Word; { MF_POPUP, MF_SYSMENU } Menu: HMENU; Result: Longint; end;
TWMMenuSelect = packed record Msg: Cardinal; IDItem: Word; MenuFlag: Word; { MF_BITMAP, MF_CHECKED, MF_DISABLED, MF_GRAYED, MF_MOUSESELECT, MF_OWNERDRAW, MF_POPUP, MF_SEPARATOR, MF_SYSMENU } Menu: HMENU; Result: Longint; end;
TWMMouseActivate = packed record Msg: Cardinal; TopLevel: HWND; HitTestCode: Word; MouseMsg: Word; Result: Longint; end;
TWMMouseMove = TWMMouse;
TWMMove = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Unused: Integer; case Integer of 0: ( XPos: Smallint; YPos: Smallint); 1: ( Pos: TSmallPoint; Result: Longint); end;
TWMMoving = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Edge: Integer; DragRect: PRect; end;
TWMNCActivate = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Active: BOOL; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMNCCalcSize = packed record Msg: Cardinal; CalcValidRects: BOOL; CalcSize_Params: PNCCalcSizeParams; Result: Longint; end;
TWMNCCreate = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Unused: Integer; CreateStruct: PCreateStruct; Result: Longint; end;
TWMNCDestroy = TWMNoParams;
TWMNCHitTest = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Unused: Longint; case Integer of 0: ( XPos: Smallint; YPos: Smallint); 1: ( Pos: TSmallPoint; Result: Longint); end;
TWMNCHitMessage = packed record Msg: Cardinal; HitTest: Longint; XCursor: Smallint; YCursor: Smallint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMNCLButtonDblClk = TWMNCHitMessage; TWMNCLButtonDown = TWMNCHitMessage; TWMNCLButtonUp = TWMNCHitMessage; TWMNCMButtonDblClk = TWMNCHitMessage; TWMNCMButtonDown = TWMNCHitMessage; TWMNCMButtonUp = TWMNCHitMessage; TWMNCMouseMove = TWMNCHitMessage;
TWMNCPaint = packed record Msg: Cardinal; RGN: HRGN; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMNCRButtonDblClk = TWMNCHitMessage; TWMNCRButtonDown = TWMNCHitMessage; TWMNCRButtonUp = TWMNCHitMessage;
TWMNextDlgCtl = packed record Msg: Cardinal; CtlFocus: Longint; Handle: WordBool; Unused: Word; Result: Longint; end;
TWMNotify = packed record Msg: Cardinal; IDCtrl: Longint; NMHdr: PNMHdr; Result: Longint; end;
TWMNotifyFormat = packed record Msg: Cardinal; From: HWND; Command: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMPaint = packed record Msg: Cardinal; DC: HDC; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMPaintClipboard = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Viewer: HWND; PaintStruct: THandle; Result: Longint; end;
TWMPaintIcon = TWMNoParams;
TWMPaletteChanged = packed record Msg: Cardinal; PalChg: HWND; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMPaletteIsChanging = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Realize: HWND; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMParentNotify = packed record Msg: Cardinal; case Event: Word of WM_CREATE, WM_DESTROY: ( ChildID: Word; ChildWnd: HWnd); WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_MBUTTONDOWN, WM_RBUTTONDOWN: ( Value: Word; XPos: Smallint; YPos: Smallint); 0: ( Value1: Word; Value2: Longint; Result: Longint); end;
TWMPaste = TWMNoParams;
TWMPower = packed record Msg: Cardinal; PowerEvt: Longint; { PWR_SUSPENDREQUEST, PWR_SUSPENDRESUME, PWR_CRITICALRESUME } Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMQueryDragIcon = TWMNoParams;
TWMQueryEndSession = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Source: Longint; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMQueryNewPalette = TWMNoParams; TWMQueryOpen = TWMNoParams; TWMQueueSync = TWMNoParams;
TWMQuit = packed record Msg: Cardinal; ExitCode: Longint; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMRButtonDblClk = TWMMouse; TWMRButtonDown = TWMMouse; TWMRButtonUp = TWMMouse;
TWMRenderAllFormats = TWMNoParams;
TWMRenderFormat = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Format: Longint; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMSetCursor = packed record Msg: Cardinal; CursorWnd: HWND; HitTest: Word; MouseMsg: Word; Result: Longint; end;
TWMSetFocus = packed record Msg: Cardinal; FocusedWnd: HWND; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMSetFont = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Font: HFONT; Redraw: WordBool; Unused: Word; Result: Longint; end;
TWMSetHotKey = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Key: Longint; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMSetIcon = packed record Msg: Cardinal; BigIcon: Longbool; Icon: HICON; Result: Longint; end;
TWMSetRedraw = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Redraw: Longint; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMSetText = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Unused: Longint; Text: PChar; Result: Longint; end;
TWMShowWindow = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Show: BOOL; Status: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMSize = packed record Msg: Cardinal; SizeType: Longint; { SIZE_MAXIMIZED, SIZE_MINIMIZED, SIZE_RESTORED, SIZE_MAXHIDE, SIZE_MAXSHOW } Width: Word; Height: Word; Result: Longint; end;
TWMSizeClipboard = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Viewer: HWND; RC: THandle; Result: Longint; end;
TWMSpoolerStatus = packed record Msg: Cardinal; JobStatus: Longint; JobsLeft: Word; Unused: Word; Result: Longint; end;
TWMStyleChange = packed record Msg: Cardinal; StyleType: Longint; StyleStruct: PStyleStruct; Result: Longint; end;
TWMStyleChanged = TWMStyleChange; TWMStyleChanging = TWMStyleChange;
TWMSysChar = TWMKey; TWMSysColorChange = TWMNoParams;
TWMSysCommand = packed record Msg: Cardinal; case CmdType: Longint of SC_HOTKEY: (ActivateWnd: HWND); SC_KEYMENU: (Key: Word); // 13种系统消息,另外热键和菜单消息 SC_CLOSE, SC_HSCROLL, SC_MAXIMIZE, SC_MINIMIZE, SC_MOUSEMENU, SC_MOVE, SC_NEXTWINDOW, SC_PREVWINDOW, SC_RESTORE, SC_SCREENSAVE, SC_SIZE, SC_TASKLIST, SC_VSCROLL: ( XPos: Smallint; YPos: Smallint; Result: Longint); end;
TWMSysDeadChar = packed record Msg: Cardinal; CharCode: Word; Unused: Word; KeyData: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMSysKeyDown = TWMKey; TWMSysKeyUp = TWMKey;
TWMSystemError = packed record Msg: Cardinal; ErrSpec: Word; Unused: Longint; Result: Longint; end;
TWMTimeChange = TWMNoParams;
TWMTimer = packed record Msg: Cardinal; TimerID: Longint; TimerProc: TFarProc; Result: Longint; end;
TWMUIState = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Action: Word; Flags: Word; Unused: Longint; end;
TWMChangeUIState = TWMUIState; TWMUpdateUIState = TWMUIState; TWMQueryUIState = TWMNoParams;
TWMUndo = TWMNoParams;
TWMVKeyToItem = TWMCharToItem;
TWMVScroll = TWMScroll;
TWMVScrollClipboard = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Viewer: HWND; ScollCode: Word; ThumbPos: Word; Result: Longint; end;
TWMWindowPosChanged = TWMWindowPosMsg; TWMWindowPosChanging = TWMWindowPosMsg;
TWMWinIniChange = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Unused: Integer; Section: PChar; Result: Longint; end;
TWMSettingChange = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Flag: Integer; Section: PChar; Result: Longint; end;
TWMHelp = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Unused: Integer; HelpInfo: PHelpInfo; Result: Longint; end;
TWMDisplayChange = packed record Msg: Cardinal; BitsPerPixel: Integer; Width: Word; Height: Word; Result: Longint; end;
TWMContextMenu = packed record Msg: Cardinal; hWnd: HWND; case Integer of 0: ( XPos: Smallint; YPos: Smallint); 1: ( Pos: TSmallPoint; Result: Longint); end;
TWMPrint = packed record Msg: Cardinal; DC: HDC; Flags: Cardinal; Result: Integer; end;
TWMPrintClient = TWMPrint;
如果注册成功时,直接返回消息号,消息号的范围在 0xC000 (3072) 到 0xFFFF (65535) 之间。
如果注册失败时,则该函数返回 0。
如果注册成功时,直接返回消息号,消息号的范围在 0xC000 (3072) 到 0xFFFF (65535) 之间。
如果注册失败时,则该函数返回 0。