在网络通信应用中,我们往往需要自定义应用层通信协议,例如基于UDP的Real-Time Transport Protocol以及基于TCP的RTP over HTTP。鉴于RTP协议的广泛性,wireshark(ethereal)内置了对RTP协议的支持,调试解析非常方便。RTP over HTTP作为一种扩展的RTP协议,尚未得到wireshark的支持。在《RTP Payload Format for Transport of MPEG-4 Elementary Streams over http》中,使用wireshark只能抓获到原始的TCP数据包,需要我们自己解析蕴含其中的RTP报文,剥离RTP over HTTP 16字节的报文头,然后萃取出MP4V_ES码流数据。 怎么样使wireshark支持自定义通信协议的解析呢?基于GPL v2的wireshark强大的插件系统支持用户编写自定义协议解析器插件。wireshark使用C语言编写而成,它支持动态链接库形式的插件扩展。除此之外,wireshark内置了Lua脚本引擎,可以使用Lua脚本语言编写dissector插件。打开C:/Program Files/Wireshark/init.lua,确保disable_lua = false,以开启wireshark的Lua Console。 Lua是一种功能强大的、快速的、轻量的、嵌入式的脚本语言,使用Lua编写wireshark dissector插件是非常方便的。本文例解使用Lua编写ROH(RTP over HTTP)协议解析插件。 以下为GEThttp://,获取MP4V_ES的一个片段,在没有ROH解析支持时,Packet 294显示为TCP报文。
关于RTP over HTTP报文的解析,参考《RTP Payload Format for Transport of MPEG-4 Elementary Streams over http》。关于Lua语法,参考Wireshark User’s Guide的《Lua Support in Wireshark》一节。 以下为自定义RTP over HTTP协议解析器插件代码roh.lua: do --[[, desc) name: displayed in the column of “Protocol” in the packet list desc: displayed as the dissection tree root in the packet details --]] local PROTO_ROH = Proto("ROH", "Rtp Over Http")
--[[ ProtoField: to be used when adding items to the dissection tree --]] --[[ (1)Rtp Over Http Header --]] -- rtp over http header flag(1 byte) local f_roh_headerflag = ProtoField.uint8("ROH.HeaderFlag", "Header Flag", base.HEX) -- rtp over http interleaved channel(1 byte) local f_roh_interleave = ProtoField.uint8("ROH.InterleavedChannel", "Interleaved Channel", base.DEC) -- rtp over http packet length(2 bytes) local f_roh_packlen = ProtoField.uint16("ROH.PacketLen", "Packet Length", base.DEC) --[[ (2)RTP Over Http --]] -- rtp header(1 byte = V:2+P:1+X:1+CC:4) local f_rtp_header = ProtoField.uint8("ROH.Header", "Rtp Header", base.HEX) -- rtp payloadtype(1 byte = M:1+PT:7) local f_rtp_payloadtype = ProtoField.uint8("ROH.PayloadType", "Rtp Payload Type", base.HEX) -- rtp sequence number(2 bytes) local f_rtp_sequence = ProtoField.uint16("ROH.Sequence", "Rtp Sequence Number", base.DEC) -- rtp timestamp(4 bytes) local f_rtp_timestamp = ProtoField.uint32("ROH.Timestamp", "Rtp Timestamp", base.DEC) -- rtp synchronization source identifier(4 bytes) local f_rtp_s-s-rc = ProtoField.uint32("ROH.s-s-rC", "Rtp s-s-rC", base.DEC)
-- define the fields table of this dissector(as a protoField array) PROTO_ROH.fields = {f_roh_headerflag, f_roh_interleave, f_roh_packlen, f_rtp_header, f_rtp_payloadtype, f_rtp_sequence, f_rtp_timestamp, f_rtp_s-s-rc}
--[[ Data Section --]] local data_dis = Dissector.get("data")
--[[ ROH Dissector Function --]] local function roh_dissector(buf, pkt, root)
-- check buffer length local buf_len = buf:len() if buf_len < 16 then return false end
-- check header flag if buf(0,2):uint() ~= 0x2400 then return false end
--[[ packet list columns --]] pkt.cols.protocol = "ROH" = "Rtp Over Http"
--[[ dissection tree in packet details --]] -- tree root local t = root:add(PROTO_ROH, buf(0,16)) -- child items -- ROH Header t:add(f_roh_headerflag, buf(0,1)) t:add(f_roh_interleave, buf(1,1)) t:add(f_roh_packlen, buf(2,2)) -- ROH -- (1)header t:add(f_rtp_header, buf(4,1)) -- (2)payloadtype t:add(f_rtp_payloadtype, buf(5,1)) -- (3)sequence number t:add(f_rtp_sequence, buf(6,2)) -- (4)timestamp t:add(f_rtp_timestamp, buf(8,4)) -- (5)s-s-rc t:add(f_rtp_s-s-rc, buf(12,4))
if buf_len > 16 then local data_len = buf:len()-16;
local d = root:add(buf(16, data_len), "Data") d:append_text("("..data_len.." bytes)") d:add(buf(16, data_len), "Data: ") d:add(buf(16,0), "[Length: "..data_len.."]")
local start_code = buf(16,4):uint() if start_code == 0x000001b0 then d:add(buf(16,0), "[Stream Info: VOS]") elseif start_code == 0x000001b6 then local frame_flag = buf(20,1):uint() if frame_flag<2^6 then d:add(buf(16,0), "[Stream Info: I-Frame]") elseif frame_flag<2^7 then d:add(buf(16,0), "[Stream Info: P-Frame]") else d:add(buf(16,0), "[Stream Info: B-Frame]") end end end
return true end
--[[ Dissect Process --]] function PROTO_ROH.dissector(buf, pkt, root) if roh_dissector(buf, pkt, root) then -- valid ROH diagram else data_dis:call(buf, pkt, root) end end
--[[ Specify Protocol Port --]] local tcp_encap_table = DissectorTable.get("tcp.port") tcp_encap_table:add(60151, PROTO_ROH) end 通过菜单“ToolsàLuaàEvaluate”打开Lua调试窗口,将以上代码输入Evaluate窗口,然后点击“Evaluate”按钮,若无错误提示,且末尾提示“--[[ Evaluated --]]”,则说明代码无语法错误。这时,通过菜单“HelpàSupported Protocols”可以发现,wireshark已经添加了ROH协议调试支持,在Display Filter中输入“roh”,则可以看到具体解析结果。 将以上代码保存为C:/Program Files/Wireshark/roh.lua。在C:/Program Files/Wireshark/init.lua末尾添加代码行:dofile("roh.lua")。这样在以后启动wireshark时,自动加载roh.lua。 增加roh.Lua插件扩展后,Packet 294将解析为RTP over HTTP报文。最后的Data部分为剥离16字节报文头后的码流。
由于尚未掌握Lua的位域(bitfield)操作,因此上面对于RTP的解析不完整,第一个字节(V:2+P:1+X:1+CC:4)和第二字节(M:1+PT:7)的相关位域没有解析出来。 既然wireshark内置了对RTP协议的支持,我们在解析完RTP over HTTP的头4个字节后,可以将余下的报文交由RTP协议解析器解析。以下为调用内置RTP协议解析器代码roh_rtp.lua: do --[[, desc) name: displayed in the column of “Protocol” in the packet list desc: displayed as the dissection tree root in the packet details --]] local PROTO_ROH = Proto("ROH", "Rtp Over Http") local PROTO_PANASONIC_PTZ = Proto("PANASONIC_PTZ", "Panasonic PTZ Protocol")
--[[ ProtoField: to be used when adding items to the dissection tree --]] --[[ 1.ROH ProtoField --]] --rtp over http header flag(1 byte) local f_roh_headerflag = ProtoField.uint8("ROH.HeaderFlag", "Header Flag", base.HEX) --rtp over http interleaved channel(1 byte) local f_roh_interleave = ProtoField.uint8("ROH.InterleavedChannel", "Interleaved Channel", base.DEC) --rtp over http packet length(2 bytes) local f_roh_packlen = ProtoField.uint16("ROH.PacketLen", "Packet Length", base.DEC) --define the fields table of this dissector(as a protoField array) PROTO_ROH.fields = {f_roh_headerflag, f_roh_interleave, f_roh_packlen}
--[[ 2.PANASONIC_PTZ ProtoField --]] -- panasonic ptz header flag(32 ascii) local f_panasonic_ptz_flag = ProtoField.bytes("PANASONIC_PTZ", "Header Flag") -- panasonic ptz command(6~17 ascii) local f_panasonic_ptz_cmd = ProtoField.bytes("PANASONIC_PTZ", "Command") --define the fields table of this dissector(as a protoField array) PROTO_PANASONIC_PTZ.fields = {f_panasonic_ptz_flag, f_panasonic_ptz_cmd}
--[[ Data Section --]] local data_dis = Dissector.get("data")
--[[ ROH Dissector Function --]] local function roh_dissector(buf, pkt, root) -- check buffer length local buf_len = buf:len() if buf_len < 16 then return false end
-- check header flag if buf(0,2):uint() ~= 0x2400 then return false end
--[[ packet list columns --]] pkt.cols.protocol = "ROH" = "Rtp Over Http"
--[[ dissection tree in packet details --]] -- tree root local t = root:add(PROTO_ROH, buf(0,4)) -- child items t:add(f_roh_headerflag, buf(0,1)) t:add(f_roh_interleave, buf(1,1)) t:add(f_roh_packlen, buf(2,2))
return true end
--[[ PANASONIC_PTZ Dissector Function Helper --]] local function get_cmd_len(buf) local found=0 for i=0,17 do if buf(i,1):uint() == 0x26 then found = i break end end return found end
--[[ PANASONIC_PTZ Dissector Function --]] local function panasonic_ptz_dissector(buf, pkt, root)
-- check buffer length local buf_len = buf:len() if buf_len < 32 then return false end
-- check header flag if buf(0,32):string() ~= "GET /nphControlCamera?Direction=" then return false end
-- check direction local sub_buf = buf(32, 18):tvb() local cmd_len = get_cmd_len(sub_buf)
if cmd_len > 0 then --[[ packet list columns --]] pkt.cols.protocol = "PANASONIC_PTZ" = "Panasonic PTZ Protocol"
--[[ dissection tree in packet details --]] -- tree root local t = root:add(PROTO_PANASONIC_PTZ, buf(0,buf_len)) -- child items local flag = t:add(f_panasonic_ptz_flag, buf(0,32)) flag:add(buf(0,31), "["..buf(0,31):string().."]") local cmd = t:add(f_panasonic_ptz_cmd, buf(32,cmd_len)) cmd:add(buf(32,cmd_len), "["..buf(32,cmd_len):string().."]") else return false end
return true end
--[[ Dissect Process --]] function PROTO_ROH.dissector(buf, pkt, root) if roh_dissector(buf, pkt, root) then -- skip over rtp over http header local rtp_buf = buf(4,buf:len()-4):tvb() -- call internal rtp dissector local rtp_dissector = Dissector.get("rtp") rtp_dissector:call(rtp_buf, pkt, root) elseif panasonic_ptz_dissector(buf, pkt, root) then -- valid ptz datagram else data_dis:call(buf, pkt, root) end end
--[[ Specify Protocol Port --]] local tcp_encap_table = DissectorTable.get("tcp.port") tcp_encap_table:add(60151, PROTO_ROH) end 此外,wireshark内置了对MP4V_ES码流解析器,选择菜单“EditàPreferencesàProtocolsàMP4V_ES”,在“MP4V_ES dynamic payload type:”中填写“96”。 将以上代码保存为C:/Program Files/Wireshark/roh_rtp.lua。在C:/Program Files/Wireshark/init.lua末尾添加代码行:dofile("roh_rtp.lua"),在dofile("roh.lua")前添加“--”注释,以免端口冲突(在roh.lua中tcp.port=60151)。保存init.lua后,重启wireshark。 自定义应用层协议基于传输层(UDP/TCP),自定义的协议端口号不能与wireshark内置应用层协议冲突。若将ROH协议指定为TCP 80,则需要选择菜单“AnalyzeàEnabled Protocols”勾掉HTTP,这样TCP 80的报文将按照ROH协议解析。 在Display Filter中输入“roh”可查看RTP+MP4V_ES解析结果,如下图所示:
此外,在Display Filter中输入“panasonic_ptz”可查看PTZ控制报文。
参考: 《Small is Beautiful: the design of Lua》