// 加密方法一(通过密钥加密解密) function EncryptString(Source, Key: string): string; function UnEncryptString(Source, Key: string): string; //加密方法二(通过移位加密解密) function Encode(Str: string): string; function Decode(Str: string): string; //加密方法三(异或加密解密) function Enc(str: string): string; function Dec(str: string): string;
function TFrmRegister.EncryptString(Source, Key: string): string; // 对字符串加密(Source:源 Key:密匙) var KeyLen: integer; KeyPos: integer; Offset: integer; Dest: string; SrcPos: integer; SrcAsc: integer; Range: integer; begin KeyLen := Length(Key); if KeyLen = 0 then Key := 'delphi'; KeyPos := 0; Range := 256; randomize; Offset := random(Range); Dest := format('%1.2x', [Offset]); for SrcPos := 1 to Length(Source) do begin SrcAsc := (Ord(Source[SrcPos]) + Offset) mod 255; if KeyPos < KeyLen then KeyPos := KeyPos + 1 else KeyPos := 1; SrcAsc := SrcAsc xor Ord(Key[KeyPos]); Dest := Dest + format('%1.2x', [SrcAsc]); Offset := SrcAsc; end; result := Dest; end;
function TFrmRegister.UnEncryptString(Source, Key: string): string; // 对字符串解密(Src:源 Key:密匙) var KeyLen: integer; KeyPos: integer; Offset: integer; Dest: string; SrcPos: integer; SrcAsc: integer; TmpSrcAsc: integer; begin KeyLen := Length(Key); if KeyLen = 0 then Key := 'delphi'; KeyPos := 0; Offset := strtoint('$' + copy(Source, 1, 2)); SrcPos := 3; repeat SrcAsc := strtoint('$' + copy(Source, SrcPos, 2)); if KeyPos < KeyLen then KeyPos := KeyPos + 1 else KeyPos := 1; TmpSrcAsc := SrcAsc xor Ord(Key[KeyPos]); if TmpSrcAsc <= Offset then TmpSrcAsc := 255 + TmpSrcAsc - Offset else TmpSrcAsc := TmpSrcAsc - Offset; Dest := Dest + chr(TmpSrcAsc); Offset := SrcAsc; SrcPos := SrcPos + 2; until SrcPos >= Length(Source); result := Dest; end;
function TFrmRegister.Decode(Str: string): string; var TmpChr: AnsiChar; i, Len: Integer; begin Result := Str; len := Length(Result); TmpChr := result[len]; for i := Len downto 2 do begin Result[i] := result[i - 1]; Result[1] := TmpChr; end; end;
function TFrmRegister.Encode(Str: string): string; var TmpChr: AnsiChar; i, Len: Integer; begin Result := Str; len := Length(Result); TmpChr := result[1]; for i := 1 to len - 1 do begin Result[i] := result[i + 1]; Result[len] := TmpChr; end; end;
XorKey: array[0..7] of Byte = ($B2, $09, $AA, $55, $93, $6D, $84, $47);
function TFrmRegister.Enc(str: string): string; var i, j: Integer; begin Result := ''; j := 0; for i := 1 to Length(str) do begin Result := Result + IntToHex(Byte(str[i]) xor XorKey[j], 2); j := (j + 1) mod 8; end; end;
function TFrmRegister.Dec(str: string): string; var i, j: Integer; begin Result := ''; j := 0; for i := 1 to Length(str) div 2 do begin Result := Result + Char(StrToInt('$' + Copy(str, i * 2 - 1, 2)) xor XorKey[j]); j := (j + 1) mod 8; end; end;