颜色转换成整型保存{也可以用ColorToString / stringTOColor} 字体用下面的函数转换成字符串,然后保存
unit xFonts;
uses Classes, Graphics, SysUtils;
procedure StringToFont(sFont: string; Font: TFont; bIncludeColor: Boolean = True); function FontToString(Font: TFont; bIncludeColor: Boolean = True): string;
const csfsBold = '|Bold'; csfsItalic = '|Italic'; csfsUnderline = '|Underline'; csfsStrikeout = '|Strikeout';
// // Expected format: // "Arial", 9, [Bold], [clRed] // procedure StringToFont(sFont: string; Font: TFont; bIncludeColor: Boolean = True); var P : Integer; sStyle: string; begin with Font do try // get font name P := Pos(',', sFont); name := Copy(sFont, 2, P - 3); Delete(sFont, 1, P);
// get font size P := Pos(',', sFont); Size := StrToInt(Copy(sFont, 2, P - 2)); Delete(sFont, 1, P);
// get font style P := Pos(',', sFont); sStyle := '|' + Copy(sFont, 3, P - 4); Delete(sFont, 1, P);
// get font color if bIncludeColor then Color := StringToColor(Copy(sFont, 3, Length(sFont) - 3));
// convert str font style to // font style Style := []; if (Pos(csfsBold, sStyle) > 0) then Style := Style + [fsBold]; if (Pos(csfsItalic, sStyle) > 0) then Style := Style + [fsItalic]; if (Pos(csfsUnderline, sStyle) > 0) then Style := Style + [fsUnderline]; if (Pos(csfsStrikeout, sStyle) > 0) then Style := Style + [fsStrikeOut]; except end; end;
// // Output format: // "Aril", 9, [Bold|Italic], [clAqua] // function FontToString(Font: TFont; bIncludeColor: Boolean = True): string; var sStyle: string; begin with Font do begin // convert font style to string sStyle := ''; if (fsBold in Style) then sStyle := sStyle + csfsBold; if (fsItalic in Style) then sStyle := sStyle + csfsItalic; if (fsUnderline in Style) then sStyle := sStyle + csfsUnderline; if (fsStrikeOut in Style) then sStyle := sStyle + csfsStrikeout;
if ((Length(sStyle) > 0) and ('|' = sStyle[1])) then sStyle := Copy(sStyle, 2, Length(sStyle) - 1);
Result := Format('"%s", %d, [%s]',[name, Size, sStyle]); if bIncludeColor then Result := Result + Format(', [%s]',[ColorToString(Color)]); end; end;
{对INI文件的操作,这里就在叙述了,需要的朋友 必应一下 一大堆}