(一) 使用动态创建的方法 首先创建 Excel 对象,使用ComObj: var ExcelApp: Variant; ExcelApp := CreateOleObject( 'Excel.Application' ); 1) 显示当前窗口: ExcelApp.Visible := True; 2) 更改 Excel 标题栏: ExcelApp.Caption := '应用程序调用 Microsoft Excel'; 3) 添加新工作簿: ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Add; 4) 打开已存在的工作簿: ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Open( 'C:/Excel/Demo.xls' ); 5) 设置第2个工作表为活动工作表: ExcelApp.WorkSheets[2].Activate; 或 ExcelApp.WorksSheets[ 'Sheet2' ].Activate; 6) 给单元格赋值: ExcelApp.Cells[1,4].Value := '第一行第四列'; 7) 设置指定列的宽度(单位:字符个数),以第一列为例: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Columns[1].ColumnsWidth := 5; 8) 设置指定行的高度(单位:磅)(1磅=0.035厘米),以第二行为例: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Rows[2].RowHeight := 1/0.035; // 1厘米 9) 在第8行之前插入分页符: ExcelApp.WorkSheets[1].Rows.PageBreak := 1; 10) 在第8列之前删除分页符:ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Columns[4].PageBreak := 0; 11) 指定边框线宽度: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Range[ 'B3:D4' ].Borders[2].Weight := 3; 1-左 2-右 3-顶 4-底 5-斜( / ) 6-斜( / ) 12) 清除第一行第四列单元格公式: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Cells[1,4].ClearContents; 13) 设置第一行字体属性:ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Rows[1].Font.Name := '隶书'; ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Rows[1].Font.Color := clBlue; ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Rows[1].Font.Bold := True; ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Rows[1].Font.UnderLine := True; 14) 进行页面设置: a.页眉: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader := '报表演示'; b.页脚: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterFooter := '第&P页'; c.页眉到顶端边距2cm: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.HeaderMargin := 2/0.035; d.页脚到底端边距3cm: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.HeaderMargin := 3/0.035; e.顶边距2cm: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.TopMargin := 2/0.035; f.底边距2cm: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.BottomMargin := 2/0.035; g.左边距2cm: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftMargin := 2/0.035; h.右边距2cm: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightMargin := 2/0.035; i.页面水平居中: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterHorizontally := 2/0.035; j.页面垂直居中: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterVertically := 2/0.035; k.打印单元格网线: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintGridLines := True; 15) 拷贝操作: a.拷贝整个工作表: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Used.Range.Copy; b.拷贝指定区域: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Range[ 'A1:E2' ].Copy; c.从A1位置开始粘贴: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Range.[ 'A1' ].PasteSpecial; d.从文件尾部开始粘贴: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Range.PasteSpecial; 16) 插入一行或一列: a. ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Rows[2].Insert; b. ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Columns[1].Insert; 17) 删除一行或一列: a. ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Rows[2].Delete; b. ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Columns[1].Delete; 18) 打印预览工作表: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PrintPreview; 19) 打印输出工作表: ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PrintOut; 20) 工作表保存: if not ExcelApp.ActiveWorkBook.Saved then ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PrintPreview; 21) 工作表另存为: ExcelApp.SaveAs( 'C:/Excel/Demo1.xls' ); 22) 放弃存盘: ExcelApp.ActiveWorkBook.Saved := True; 23) 关闭工作簿: ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Close; 24) 退出 Excel: ExcelApp.Quit; (二) 使用Delphi 控件方法 在Form中分别放入ExcelApplication, ExcelWorkbook和ExcelWorksheet。 1) 打开Excel ExcelApplication1.Connect; 2) 显示当前窗口: ExcelApplication1.Visible[0]:=True; 3) 更改 Excel 标题栏: ExcelApplication1.Caption := '应用程序调用 Microsoft Excel'; 4) 添加新工作簿: ExcelWorkbook1.ConnectTo(ExcelApplication1.Workbooks.Add(EmptyParam,0)); 5) 添加新工作表: var Temp_Worksheet: _WorkSheet; begin Temp_Worksheet:=ExcelWorkbook1. WorkSheets.Add(EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,0) as _WorkSheet; ExcelWorkSheet1.ConnectTo(Temp_WorkSheet);End; 6) 打开已存在的工作簿: ExcelApplication1.Workbooks.Open (c:/a.xls EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam, EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam, EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,0) 7) 设置第2个工作表为活动工作表: ExcelApplication1.WorkSheets[2].Activate; 或 ExcelApplication1.WorksSheets[ 'Sheet2' ].Activate; 8) 给单元格赋值: ExcelApplication1.Cells[1,4].Value := '第一行第四列'; 9) 设置指定列的宽度(单位:字符个数),以第一列为例: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Columns[1].ColumnsWidth := 5; 10) 设置指定行的高度(单位:磅)(1磅=0.035厘米),以第二行为例: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Rows[2].RowHeight := 1/0.035; // 1厘米 11) 在第8行之前插入分页符: ExcelApplication1.WorkSheets[1].Rows.PageBreak := 1; 12) 在第8列之前删除分页符: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Columns[4].PageBreak := 0; 13) 指定边框线宽度: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Range[ 'B3:D4' ].Borders[2].Weight := 3; 1-左 2-右 3-顶 4-底 5-斜( / ) 6-斜( / ) 14) 清除第一行第四列单元格公式: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Cells[1,4].ClearContents; 15) 设置第一行字体属性: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Rows[1].Font.Name := '隶书'; ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Rows[1].Font.Color := clBlue; ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Rows[1].Font.Bold := True; ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Rows[1].Font.UnderLine := True; 16) 进行页面设置: a.页眉: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader := '报表演示'; b.页脚: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterFooter := '第&P页'; c.页眉到顶端边距2cm: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.HeaderMargin := 2/0.035; d.页脚到底端边距3cm: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.HeaderMargin := 3/0.035; e.顶边距2cm: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.TopMargin := 2/0.035; f.底边距2cm: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.BottomMargin := 2/0.035; g.左边距2cm: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftMargin := 2/0.035; h.右边距2cm: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightMargin := 2/0.035; i.页面水平居中: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterHorizontally := 2/0.035; j.页面垂直居中: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterVertically := 2/0.035; k.打印单元格网线: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintGridLines := True; 17) 拷贝操作: a.拷贝整个工作表: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Used.Range.Copy; b.拷贝指定区域: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Range[ 'A1:E2' ].Copy; c.从A1位置开始粘贴: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Range.[ 'A1' ].PasteSpecial; d.从文件尾部开始粘贴: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Range.PasteSpecial; 18) 插入一行或一列: a. ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Rows[2].Insert; b. ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Columns[1].Insert; 19) 删除一行或一列: a. ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Rows[2].Delete; b. ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.Columns[1].Delete; 20) 打印预览工作表: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.PrintPreview; 21) 打印输出工作表: ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.PrintOut; 22) 工作表保存: if not ExcelApplication1.ActiveWorkBook.Saved then ExcelApplication1.ActiveSheet.PrintPreview; 23) 工作表另存为: ExcelApplication1.SaveAs( 'C:/Excel/Demo1.xls' ); 24) 放弃存盘: ExcelApplication1.ActiveWorkBook.Saved := True; 25) 关闭工作簿: ExcelApplication1.WorkBooks.Close; 26) 退出 Excel: ExcelApplication1.Quit; ExcelApplication1.Disconnect; 本人 收藏
Xl.Cells.Select;//Select All Cells Xl.Selection.Locked = True;// Lock Selected Cells
procedure TForm1.BitBtn4Click(Sender: TObject); var ExcelApp, Sheet: Variant; begin if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin ExcelApp := CreateOleObject( 'Excel.Application' ); ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(OpenDialog1.FileName); Sheet := ExcelApp.ActiveSheet; Caption := 'Row Count: ' + IntToStr(Sheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count); ExcelApp.Quit; Sheet := Unassigned; ExcelApp := Unassigned; end; end;
procedure CopyDbDataToExcel(Target: TDbgrid); var iCount, jCount: Integer; XLApp: Variant; Sheet: Variant; begin Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; if not VarIsEmpty(XLApp) then begin XLApp.DisplayAlerts := False; XLApp.Quit; VarClear(XLApp); end; //通过ole创建Excel对象 try XLApp := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); except Screen.Cursor := crDefault; Exit; end; XLApp.WorkBooks.Add[XLWBatWorksheet]; XLApp.WorkBooks[1].WorkSheets[1].Name := '测试工作薄'; Sheet := XLApp.Workbooks[1].WorkSheets['测试工作薄']; if not Target.DataSource.DataSet.Active then begin Screen.Cursor := crDefault; Exit; end; Target.DataSource.DataSet.first;
for iCount := 0 to Target.Columns.Count - 1 do begin Sheet.cells[1, iCount + 1] := Target.Columns.Items[iCount].Title.Caption; end; jCount := 1; while not Target.DataSource.DataSet.Eof do begin for iCount := 0 to Target.Columns.Count - 1 do begin Sheet.cells[jCount + 1, iCount + 1] := Target.Columns.Items[iCount].Field.AsString; end; Inc(jCount); Target.DataSource.DataSet.Next; end; XlApp.Visible := True; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end;
看看我的函数 function ExportToExcel(Header: String; vDataSet: TDataSet): Boolean; var I,VL_I,j: integer; S,SysPath: string; MsExcel:Variant; begin Result:=true; if Application.MessageBox('您确信将数据导入到Excel吗?','提示!',MB_OKCANCEL + MB_DEFBUTTON1) = IDOK then begin SysPath:=ExtractFilePath(application.exename); with TStringList.Create do try vDataSet.First ; S:=S+Header; // system.Delete(s,1,1); add(s); s:='; For I:=0 to vDataSet.fieldcount-1 do begin If vDataSet.fields[I].visible=true then S:=S+#9+vDataSet.fields[I].displaylabel; end; system.Delete(s,1,1); add(s); while not vDataSet.Eof do begin S := '; for I := 0 to vDataSet.FieldCount -1 do begin If vDataSet.fields[I].visible=true then S := S + #9 + vDataSet.Fields[I].AsString; end; System.Delete(S, 1, 1); Add(S); vDataSet.Next; end; Try SaveToFile(SysPath+'/Tem.xls'); Except ShowMessage('写文件时发生保护性错误,Excel 如在运行,请先关闭!'); Result:=false; exit; end; finally Free; end; Try MSExcel:=CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); Except ShowMessage('Excel 没有安装,请先安装!'); Result:=false; exit; end; Try MSExcel.workbooks.open(SysPath+'/Tem.xls'); Except ShowMessage('打开临时文件时出错,请检查'+SysPath+'/Tem.xls'); Result:=false; exit; end; MSExcel.visible:=True; for VL_I :=1 to 4 do MSExcel.Selection.Borders[VL_I].LineStyle := 0; MSExcel.cells.select; MSExcel.Selection.HorizontalAlignment :=3; MSExcel.Selection.Borders[1].LineStyle := 0;
MSExcel.Range['A1'].Select; MSExcel.Selection.Font.Size :=24;
J:=0 ; for i:=0 to vdataset.fieldcount-1 do if vDataSet.fields[I].visible then J:=J+1;
VL_I :=J; MSExcel.Range['A1:'+F_ColumnName(VL_I)+'1'].Select; MSExcel.Range['A1:'+F_ColumnName(VL_I)+'1'].Merge; end else Result:=false; end;
转别人的组件 unit OleExcel;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, comobj, DBTables, Grids; type TOLEExcel = class(TComponent) private FExcelCreated: Boolean; FVisible: Boolean; FExcel: Variant; FWorkBook: Variant; FWorkSheet: Variant; FCellFont: TFont; FTitleFont: TFont; FFontChanged: Boolean; FIgnoreFont: Boolean; FFileName: TFileName; procedure SetExcelCellFont(var Cell: Variant); procedure SetExcelTitleFont(var Cell: Variant); procedure GetTableColumnName(const Table: TTable; var Cell: Variant); procedure GetQueryColumnName(const Query: TQuery; var Cell: Variant); procedure GetFixedCols(const StringGrid: TStringGrid; var Cell: Variant); procedure GetFixedRows(const StringGrid: TStringGrid; var Cell: Variant); procedure GetStringGridBody(const StringGrid: TStringGrid; var Cell: Variant); protected procedure SetCellFont(NewFont: TFont); procedure SetTitleFont(NewFont: TFont); procedure SetVisible(DoShow: Boolean); function GetCell(ACol, ARow: Integer): string; procedure SetCell(ACol, ARow: Integer; const Value: string);
function GetDateCell(ACol, ARow: Integer): TDateTime; procedure SetDateCell(ACol, ARow: Integer; const Value: TDateTime); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure CreateExcelInstance; property Cell[ACol, ARow: Integer]: string read GetCell write SetCell; property DateCell[ACol, ARow: Integer]: TDateTime read GetDateCell write SetDateCell; function IsCreated: Boolean; procedure TableToExcel(const Table: TTable); procedure QueryToExcel(const Query: TQuery); procedure StringGridToExcel(const StringGrid: TStringGrid); procedure SaveToExcel(const FileName: string); published property TitleFont: TFont read FTitleFont write SetTitleFont; property CellFont: TFont read FCellFont write SetCellFont; property Visible: Boolean read FVisible write SetVisible; property IgnoreFont: Boolean read FIgnoreFont write FIgnoreFont; property FileName: TFileName read FFileName write FFileName; end;
procedure Register;
constructor TOLEExcel.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FIgnoreFont := True; FCellFont := TFont.Create; FTitleFont := TFont.Create; FExcelCreated := False; FVisible := False; FFontChanged := False; end;
destructor TOLEExcel.Destroy; begin FCellFont.Free; FTitleFont.Free; inherited Destroy; end;
procedure TOLEExcel.SetExcelCellFont(var Cell: Variant); begin if FIgnoreFont then exit; with FCellFont do begin Cell.Font.Name := Name; Cell.Font.Size := Size; Cell.Font.Color := Color; Cell.Font.Bold := fsBold in Style; Cell.Font.Italic := fsItalic in Style; Cell.Font.UnderLine := fsUnderline in Style; Cell.Font.Strikethrough := fsStrikeout in Style; end; end;
procedure TOLEExcel.SetExcelTitleFont(var Cell: Variant); begin if FIgnoreFont then exit; with FTitleFont do begin Cell.Font.Name := Name; Cell.Font.Size := Size; Cell.Font.Color := Color; Cell.Font.Bold := fsBold in Style; Cell.Font.Italic := fsItalic in Style; Cell.Font.UnderLine := fsUnderline in Style; Cell.Font.Strikethrough := fsStrikeout in Style; end; end;
procedure TOLEExcel.SetVisible(DoShow: Boolean); begin if not FExcelCreated then exit; if DoShow then FExcel.Visible := True else FExcel.Visible := False; end;
function TOLEExcel.GetCell(ACol, ARow: Integer): string; begin if not FExcelCreated then exit; result := FWorkSheet.Cells[ARow, ACol]; end;
procedure TOLEExcel.SetCell(ACol, ARow: Integer; const Value: string); var Cell: Variant; begin if not FExcelCreated then exit; Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[ARow, ACol]; SetExcelCellFont(Cell); Cell.Value := Value; end;
function TOLEExcel.GetDateCell(ACol, ARow: Integer): TDateTime; begin if not FExcelCreated then begin result := 0; exit; end; result := StrToDateTime(FWorkSheet.Cells[ARow, ACol]); end;
procedure TOLEExcel.SetDateCell(ACol, ARow: Integer; const Value: TDateTime); var Cell: Variant; begin if not FExcelCreated then exit; Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[ARow, ACol]; SetExcelCellFont(Cell); Cell.Value := '' + DateTimeToStr(Value); end;
procedure TOLEExcel.CreateExcelInstance; begin try FExcel := CreateOLEObject('Excel.Application'); FWorkBook := FExcel.WorkBooks.Add; FWorkSheet := FWorkBook.WorkSheets.Add; FExcelCreated := True; except FExcelCreated := False; end; end;
function TOLEExcel.IsCreated: Boolean; begin result := FExcelCreated; end;
procedure TOLEExcel.SetTitleFont(NewFont: TFont); begin if NewFont <> FTitleFont then FTitleFont.Assign(NewFont); end;
procedure TOLEExcel.SetCellFont(NewFont: TFont); begin if NewFont <> FCellFont then FCellFont.Assign(NewFont); end;
procedure TOLEExcel.GetTableColumnName(const Table: TTable; var Cell: Variant); var Col: integer; begin for Col := 0 to Table.FieldCount - 1 do begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[1, Col + 1]; SetExcelTitleFont(Cell); Cell.Value := Table.Fields[Col].FieldName; end; end;
procedure TOLEExcel.TableToExcel(const Table: TTable); var Col, Row: LongInt; Cell: Variant; begin if not FExcelCreated then exit; if Table.Active = False then exit;
GetTableColumnName(Table, Cell); Row := 2; with Table do begin first; while not EOF do begin for Col := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[Row, Col + 1]; SetExcelCellFont(Cell); Cell.Value := Fields[Col].AsString; end; next; Inc(Row); end; end; end;
procedure TOLEExcel.GetQueryColumnName(const Query: TQuery; var Cell: Variant); var Col: integer; begin for Col := 0 to Query.FieldCount - 1 do begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[1, Col + 1]; SetExcelTitleFont(Cell); Cell.Value := Query.Fields[Col].FieldName; end; end;
procedure TOLEExcel.QueryToExcel(const Query: TQuery); var Col, Row: LongInt; Cell: Variant; begin if not FExcelCreated then exit; if Query.Active = False then exit;
GetQueryColumnName(Query, Cell); Row := 2; with Query do begin first; while not EOF do begin for Col := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[Row, Col + 1]; SetExcelCellFont(Cell); Cell.Value := Fields[Col].AsString; end; next; Inc(Row); end; end; end;
procedure TOLEExcel.GetFixedCols(const StringGrid: TStringGrid; var Cell: Variant); var Col, Row: LongInt; begin for Col := 0 to StringGrid.FixedCols - 1 do for Row := 0 to StringGrid.RowCount - 1 do begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[Row + 1, Col + 1]; SetExcelTitleFont(Cell); Cell.Value := StringGrid.Cells[Col, Row]; end; end;
procedure TOLEExcel.GetFixedRows(const StringGrid: TStringGrid; var Cell: Variant); var Col, Row: LongInt; begin for Row := 0 to StringGrid.FixedRows - 1 do for Col := 0 to StringGrid.ColCount - 1 do begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[Row + 1, Col + 1]; SetExcelTitleFont(Cell); Cell.Value := StringGrid.Cells[Col, Row]; end; end;
procedure TOLEExcel.GetStringGridBody(const StringGrid: TStringGrid; var Cell: Variant); var Col, Row, x, y: LongInt; begin Col := StringGrid.FixedCols; Row := StringGrid.FixedRows; for x := Row to StringGrid.RowCount - 1 do for y := Col to StringGrid.ColCount - 1 do begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[x + 1, y + 1]; SetExcelCellFont(Cell); Cell.Value := StringGrid.Cells[y, x]; end; end;
procedure TOLEExcel.StringGridToExcel(const StringGrid: TStringGrid); var Cell: Variant; begin if not FExcelCreated then exit; GetFixedCols(StringGrid, Cell); GetFixedRows(StringGrid, Cell); GetStringGridBody(StringGrid, Cell); end;
procedure TOLEExcel.SaveToExcel(const FileName: string); begin if not FExcelCreated then exit; FWorkSheet.SaveAs(FileName); end;
procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Tanglu', [TOLEExcel]); end;
end. ----------------------------------------------
unit AdoToOleExcel;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, comobj, DBTables, Grids,ADODB; type TAdoToOleExcel = class(TComponent) private FExcelCreated: Boolean; FVisible: Boolean; FExcel: Variant; FWorkBook: Variant; FWorkSheet: Variant; FCellFont: TFont; FTitleFont: TFont; FFontChanged: Boolean; FIgnoreFont: Boolean; FFileName: TFileName; procedure SetExcelCellFont(var Cell: Variant); procedure SetExcelTitleFont(var Cell: Variant); procedure GetTableColumnName(const AdoTable: TAdoTable; var Cell: Variant); procedure GetQueryColumnName(const AdoQuery: TAdoQuery; var Cell: Variant); procedure GetFixedCols(const StringGrid: TStringGrid; var Cell: Variant); procedure GetFixedRows(const StringGrid: TStringGrid; var Cell: Variant); procedure GetStringGridBody(const StringGrid: TStringGrid; var Cell: Variant); protected procedure SetCellFont(NewFont: TFont); procedure SetTitleFont(NewFont: TFont); procedure SetVisible(DoShow: Boolean); function GetCell(ACol, ARow: Integer): string; procedure SetCell(ACol, ARow: Integer; const Value: string);
function GetDateCell(ACol, ARow: Integer): TDateTime; procedure SetDateCell(ACol, ARow: Integer; const Value: TDateTime); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure CreateExcelInstance; property Cell[ACol, ARow: Integer]: string read GetCell write SetCell; property DateCell[ACol, ARow: Integer]: TDateTime read GetDateCell write SetDateCell; function IsCreated: Boolean; procedure ADOTableToExcel(const ADOTable: TADOTable); procedure ADOQueryToExcel(const ADOQuery: TADOQuery); procedure StringGridToExcel(const StringGrid: TStringGrid); procedure SaveToExcel(const FileName: string); published property TitleFont: TFont read FTitleFont write SetTitleFont; property CellFont: TFont read FCellFont write SetCellFont; property Visible: Boolean read FVisible write SetVisible; property IgnoreFont: Boolean read FIgnoreFont write FIgnoreFont; property FileName: TFileName read FFileName write FFileName; end;
procedure Register;
constructor TAdoToOleExcel.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FIgnoreFont := True; FCellFont := TFont.Create; FTitleFont := TFont.Create; FExcelCreated := False; FVisible := False; FFontChanged := False; end;
destructor TAdoToOleExcel.Destroy; begin FCellFont.Free; FTitleFont.Free; inherited Destroy; end;
procedure TAdoToOleExcel.SetExcelCellFont(var Cell: Variant); begin if FIgnoreFont then exit; with FCellFont do begin Cell.Font.Name := Name; Cell.Font.Size := Size; Cell.Font.Color := Color; Cell.Font.Bold := fsBold in Style; Cell.Font.Italic := fsItalic in Style; Cell.Font.UnderLine := fsUnderline in Style; Cell.Font.Strikethrough := fsStrikeout in Style; end; end;
procedure TAdoToOleExcel.SetExcelTitleFont(var Cell: Variant); begin if FIgnoreFont then exit; with FTitleFont do begin Cell.Font.Name := Name; Cell.Font.Size := Size; Cell.Font.Color := Color; Cell.Font.Bold := fsBold in Style; Cell.Font.Italic := fsItalic in Style; Cell.Font.UnderLine := fsUnderline in Style; Cell.Font.Strikethrough := fsStrikeout in Style; end; end;
procedure TAdoToOleExcel.SetVisible(DoShow: Boolean); begin if not FExcelCreated then exit; if DoShow then FExcel.Visible := True else FExcel.Visible := False; end;
function TAdoToOleExcel.GetCell(ACol, ARow: Integer): string; begin if not FExcelCreated then exit; result := FWorkSheet.Cells[ARow, ACol]; end;
procedure TAdoToOleExcel.SetCell(ACol, ARow: Integer; const Value: string); var Cell: Variant; begin if not FExcelCreated then exit; Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[ARow, ACol]; SetExcelCellFont(Cell); Cell.Value := Value; end;
function TAdoToOleExcel.GetDateCell(ACol, ARow: Integer): TDateTime; begin if not FExcelCreated then begin result := 0; exit; end; result := StrToDateTime(FWorkSheet.Cells[ARow, ACol]); end;
procedure TAdoToOleExcel.SetDateCell(ACol, ARow: Integer; const Value: TDateTime); var Cell: Variant; begin if not FExcelCreated then exit; Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[ARow, ACol]; SetExcelCellFont(Cell); Cell.Value := '' + DateTimeToStr(Value); end;
procedure TAdoToOleExcel.CreateExcelInstance; begin try FExcel := CreateOLEObject('Excel.Application'); FWorkBook := FExcel.WorkBooks.Add; FWorkSheet := FWorkBook.WorkSheets.Add; FExcelCreated := True; except FExcelCreated := False; end; end;
function TAdoToOleExcel.IsCreated: Boolean; begin result := FExcelCreated; end;
procedure TAdoToOleExcel.SetTitleFont(NewFont: TFont); begin if NewFont <> FTitleFont then FTitleFont.Assign(NewFont); end;
procedure TAdoToOleExcel.SetCellFont(NewFont: TFont); begin if NewFont <> FCellFont then FCellFont.Assign(NewFont); end;
procedure TAdoToOleExcel.GetTableColumnName(const ADOTable: TADOTable; var Cell: Variant); var Col: integer; begin for Col := 0 to ADOTable.FieldCount - 1 do begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[1, Col + 1]; SetExcelTitleFont(Cell); Cell.Value := ADOTable.Fields[Col].FieldName; end; end;
procedure TAdoToOleExcel.ADOTableToExcel(const ADOTable: TADOTable); var Col, Row: LongInt; Cell: Variant; begin if not FExcelCreated then exit; if ADOTable.Active = False then exit;
GetTableColumnName(ADOTable, Cell); Row := 2; with ADOTable do begin first; while not EOF do begin for Col := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[Row, Col + 1]; SetExcelCellFont(Cell); Cell.Value := Fields[Col].AsString; end; next; Inc(Row); end; end; end;
procedure TAdoToOleExcel.GetQueryColumnName(const ADOQuery: TADOQuery; var Cell: Variant); var Col: integer; begin for Col := 0 to ADOQuery.FieldCount - 1 do begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[1, Col + 1]; SetExcelTitleFont(Cell); Cell.Value := ADOQuery.Fields[Col].FieldName; end; end;
procedure TAdoToOleExcel.ADOQueryToExcel(const ADOQuery: TADOQuery); var Col, Row: LongInt; Cell: Variant; begin if not FExcelCreated then exit; if ADOQuery.Active = False then exit;
GetQueryColumnName(ADOQuery, Cell); Row := 2; with ADOQuery do begin first; while not EOF do begin for Col := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[Row, Col + 1]; SetExcelCellFont(Cell); Cell.Value := Fields[Col].AsString; end; next; Inc(Row); end; end; end;
procedure TAdoToOleExcel.GetFixedCols(const StringGrid: TStringGrid; var Cell: Variant); var Col, Row: LongInt; begin for Col := 0 to StringGrid.FixedCols - 1 do for Row := 0 to StringGrid.RowCount - 1 do begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[Row + 1, Col + 1]; SetExcelTitleFont(Cell); Cell.Value := StringGrid.Cells[Col, Row]; end; end;
procedure TAdoToOleExcel.GetFixedRows(const StringGrid: TStringGrid; var Cell: Variant); var Col, Row: LongInt; begin for Row := 0 to StringGrid.FixedRows - 1 do for Col := 0 to StringGrid.ColCount - 1 do begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[Row + 1, Col + 1]; SetExcelTitleFont(Cell); Cell.Value := StringGrid.Cells[Col, Row]; end; end;
procedure TAdoToOleExcel.GetStringGridBody(const StringGrid: TStringGrid; var Cell: Variant); var Col, Row, x, y: LongInt; begin Col := StringGrid.FixedCols; Row := StringGrid.FixedRows; for x := Row to StringGrid.RowCount - 1 do for y := Col to StringGrid.ColCount - 1 do begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[x + 1, y + 1]; SetExcelCellFont(Cell); Cell.Value := StringGrid.Cells[y, x]; end; end;
procedure TAdoToOleExcel.StringGridToExcel(const StringGrid: TStringGrid); var Cell: Variant; begin if not FExcelCreated then exit; GetFixedCols(StringGrid, Cell); GetFixedRows(StringGrid, Cell); GetStringGridBody(StringGrid, Cell); end;
procedure TAdoToOleExcel.SaveToExcel(const FileName: string); begin if not FExcelCreated then exit; FWorkSheet.SaveAs(FileName); end;
procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Freeman', [TAdoToOleExcel]); end;
数据导出为Excel格式 首先要创建一个公共单元,名字你们可以随便起。 以下是我创建的公共单元的全部代码: unit UnitDatatoExcel; interface uses Windows,Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,Dialogs, DB, ComObj; type TKHTMLFormatCellEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; CellRow,CellColumn: Integer; FieldName: string; var CustomAttrs, CellData: string) of object; TDataSetToExcel = class(TComponent) private FDataSet: TDataSet; FOnFormatCell: TKHTMLFormatCellEvent; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Transfer(const FileName: string; Title: string = '); published property DataSet: TDataSet read FDataSet write FDataSet; end; implementation constructor TDataSetToExcel.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FDataSet := nil; end; destructor TDataSetToExcel.Destroy; begin inherited; end; procedure TDataSetToExcel.Transfer(const FileName:string;Title:string = '); var ExcelApp, MyWorkBook: Variant; i: byte; j, a: integer; s, k, b, CustomAttrs: string; begin try ExcelApp := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); MyWorkBook := CreateOleObject('Excel.Sheet'); except on Exception do raise exception.Create('无法打开Excel文件,请确认已经安装Execl') end; MyWorkBook := ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Add; MyWorkBook.WorkSheets[1].Range['A1:D1'].Merge(True); MyWorkBook.WorkSheets[1].Range['A1:D2'].HorizontalAlignment := $FFFFEFF4; MyWorkBook.WorkSheets[1].Cells[1, 1].Value := Title; with FDataSet do begin i := 2; for j := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do begin if Fields[j].Visible then begin b := Fields[j].DisplayLabel; CustomAttrs := '; if Assigned(FOnFormatCell) then FOnFormatCell(Self, 1, i, Fields[j].FieldName, CustomAttrs, b); MyWorkBook.WorkSheets[1].Cells[i, j + 1].Value := b; end; end; i := 3; Close; Open; First; a := 2; while not Eof do begin for j := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do begin if Fields[j].Visible then begin CustomAttrs := '; k := Fields[j].Text; if Assigned(FOnFormatCell) then FOnFormatCell(Self, i, a, Fields[j].FieldName, CustomAttrs, k); MyWorkBook.WorkSheets[1].Cells[i, j + 1].Value := k; inc(a); end; end; Inc(i); Next; end; end; s := 'A3:D' + IntToStr(i - 1); s := 'A1:D' + IntToStr(i - 1); MyWorkBook.WorkSheets[1].Columns[1].ColumnWidth := 20; MyWorkBook.WorkSheets[1].Columns[4].ColumnWidth := 25; MyWorkBook.WorkSheets[1].Rows[1].RowHeight := 50; MyWorkBook.WorkSheets[1].Rows[1].VerticalAlignMent := $FFFFEFF4; MyWorkBook.WorkSheets[1].Range[s].Font.Name := '仿宋'; s := 'A2:D' + IntToStr(i - 1); MyWorkBook.WorkSheets[1].Range[s].Borders.LineStyle := 1; MyWorkBook.WorkSheets[1].PageSetup.CenterHorizontally := True; MyWorkBook.WorkSheets[1].PageSetup.PrintTitleRows := 'A1'; try MyWorkBook.Saveas(FileName); MyWorkBook.Close; except MyWorkBook.Close; end; ExcelApp.Quit; ExcelApp := UnAssigned; end; end. 然后在调用它的单元里引用它就行了。 下面是调用它的代码: procedure ToGetherExcel(NewData: TDataSet; NewString: string); var DataExcel: TDataSetToExcel; saveDlg: TSaveDialog; begin saveDlg := TSaveDialog.Create(nil); //创建一个存储对话框 DataExcel := TDataSetToExcel.Create(nil); try saveDlg.Filter := 'Execl 文件(*.XLS)|*.XLS'; saveDlg.DefaultExt := 'XLS'; saveDlg.FileName := NewString; if saveDlg.Execute then begin DataExcel.DataSet := NewData; //连接的数据集 DataExcel.DataSet.DisableControls; DataExcel.Transfer(saveDlg.FileName, NewString); DataExcel.DataSet.EnableControls; AlterMesg('导出完毕', '提示信息'); end; finally saveDlg.Free; DataExcel.Free; end; end; 如果谁还有比着更好的办法,请告诉我,咱们共同进步:)
我给大伙发一个吧,调用过程,很方便, 这里DBGrid可更改为Query等与数据库相关的 procedure DBTOExcel(sDBGrid: DBGrid; Title,Fn: string); //uses ComObj; //sDBGrid:数据源 //Title:标题 //Fn:保存文件 var ExcelApp: Variant; i,j,k: Integer; __ColStr,__s:String; begin try ExcelApp := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); except //on Exception do raise exception.Create('无法创建Xls文件,请确认是否安装EXCEL'); application.MessageBox('系统中的MS Excel软件没有安装或安装不正确!', '错误', MB_ICONERROR + MB_OK); exit; end; ExcelApp.visible := False; ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Add; ExcelApp.caption := Title; __ColStr:=Chr(65+sDBGrid.FieldCount-1); ExcelApp.worksheets[1].range['A1:'+__ColStr+'1'].Merge(True); //写入标题行 ExcelApp.Cells[1, 1].Value := Title; ExcelApp.worksheets[1].range['A1:'+__ColStr+'3'].HorizontalAlignment := $FFFFEFF4; ExcelApp.worksheets[1].range['A1:'+__ColStr+'3'].VerticalAlignment := $FFFFEFF4; ExcelApp.worksheets[1].range['A2:B2'].Merge(True); ExcelApp.worksheets[1].range['C2:D2'].Merge(True); ExcelApp.Cells[2, 1].Value := '制表人:'+Myvalue.FUserName; ExcelApp.Cells[2, 3].Value := '制表日期:'+DateToStr(Date()); for i := 1 to sDBGrid.FieldCount do begin //各个字段的宽度 ExcelApp.worksheets[1].Columns[i].ColumnWidth:=sDBGrid.Fields[i-1].DisplayWidth; //字段标题 ExcelApp.Cells[3, i].Value := sDBGrid.Columns[i-1].Title.caption; end; ExcelApp.worksheets[1].Range['A1:'+__ColStr+'1'].Font.Name := '黑体'; ExcelApp.worksheets[1].Range['A1:'+__ColStr+'1'].Font.Size := 16; ExcelApp.worksheets[1].range['A1:'+__ColStr+'3'].font.bold:=true; ExcelApp.worksheets[1].Range['A2:'+__ColStr+'3'].Font.Size := 10; i := 4; k := 0; sDBGrid.DataSource.DataSet.First; while not sDBGrid.DataSource.DataSet.Eof do begin for j := 0 to sDBGrid.FieldCount - 1 do begin ExcelApp.Cells[i, j + 1].Value := sDBGrid.Fields[j].AsString; end; sDBGrid.DataSource.DataSet.Next; i := i + 1; k:=k+1; __s:= 'A3:'+__ColStr+IntToStr(i-1); end; sDBGrid.DataSource.DataSet.First; ExcelApp.worksheets[1].Range[__s].HorizontalAlignment := $FFFFEFF4; ExcelApp.worksheets[1].Range[__s].VerticalAlignment := $FFFFEFF4; ExcelApp.worksheets[1].Range[__s].Font.Name := '宋体'; ExcelApp.worksheets[1].Range[__s].Font.Size := 10; ExcelApp.worksheets[1].Range[__s].Borders.LineStyle := 1; ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightMargin := 0.5/0.035; ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftMargin := 2/0.035; ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.BottomMargin := 0.5/0.035; ExcelApp.visible := True; ExcelApp.ActiveCell.Cells.Select; ExcelApp.Selection.Columns.AutoFit; try ExcelApp.ActiveWorkBook.SaveAs(Fn); except end; end;
//导出数据到Excel procedure ToExcel(DBGrid:TDBGrid); var ExcelApp: Variant; i,j,k:integer; FileName:string; DlgSave:TsaveDialog; Begin DlgSave:=TsaveDialog.Create(nil); DlgSave.Filter:='*.xls|*.xls'; if DlgSave.Execute then Begin application.ProcessMessages; Filename:=DlgSave.FileName; ExcelApp := CreateOleObject( 'Excel.Application' ); ExcelApp.Caption :='能创监控系统日志数据';//'Microsoft Excel'; ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Add; application.ProcessMessages; ExcelApp.WorkSheets[1].Activate; K:=1; For i:=0 To DBGrid.Columns.Count-1 Do Begin if DBGrid.Columns[i].Visible Then Begin ExcelApp.Cells[1,K]:=DBGrid.Columns[i].Title.Caption; k:=k+1; End;{if} End;{for} ExcelApp.rows[1].font.name:='宋体'; ExcelApp.rows[1].font.size:=10; ExcelApp.rows[1].Font.Color:=clBlack; ExcelApp.rows[1].Font.Bold:=true; j:=1; For i:=0 To DBGrid.Columns.Count-1 Do Begin If DBGrid.Columns[i].Visible Then Begin ADOQuery_DB.First; for k:=1 To ADOQuery_DB.RecordCount-1 Do Begin ExcelApp.Cells[K+1,j]:=ADOQuery_DB.FieldByName(DBGrid.Columns[i].FieldName).Asstring; ADOQuery_DB.Next; End;{for} j:=j+1; End;{if} End;{for} For I:=1 To ADOQuery_DB.recordcount Do ExcelApp.rows[i].Font.SIZE:=9; ExcelApp.Columns.AutoFit; ExcelApp.ActiveWorkBook.SaveAs(FileName); ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Close; Application.MessageBox('数据导出成功....','数据导出',0); ExcelApp.Quit; ExcelApp:=Unassigned; DlgSave.Destroy; End; end; 测试通过!
我可以发一段给你 先在程序上放上三个控件,TExcelApplication,TExcelWorkbook,TExcelWorkSheet,它们都在Server组件板上。 要控制Excel,就是采用自动化编程。以Excel作为自动化服务器。 首先,建立与自动化服务器的连接: Excelapplication1.Connect; Excelapplication1.Visible[0]:=true; Excelapplication1.Caption:='你要的标题'; ExcelWorkbook1.ConnectTo(Excelapplication1.Workbooks.Add(null,0) ); Excelworksheet1.ConnectTo(Excelworkbook1.Worksheets[0] as _worksheet) ;
然后就可以对Excel进行控件了: 从数据库导入数据: Excel.cells.item[row,col]:=table1.field[i].value; .... 最后不要忘了断开连接 Excelapplication1.disconnect; Excelapplication1.quit; 至今是delphi菜鸟
如何把在dbgrid的指定几列导到excel表里? 我的做法:用listbox1显示dbgrid的所用供选择列,listbox2用来显示要导出的列: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin if kadaoTable1.Active then kadaoTable1.GetFieldNames(Listbox1.Items); end; procedure TForm1.addbitbtnClick(Sender: TObject);//选择字段 begin try if listbox1.Items.Count=0 then exit; if listbox1.Selected[listbox1.ItemIndex] then begin Listbox2.Items.Add(Listbox1.Items[Listbox1.ItemIndex]); Listbox1.Items.Delete(Listbox1.ItemIndex); if Listbox2.Items.Count>=1 then DeleteBitBtn.Enabled:=True; end; except showmessage('你没有选择相应字段!'); end; end; procedure TForm1.DeleteBitBtnClick(Sender: TObject);//撤消选择 begin try if Listbox2.Items.Count=0 then exit; if listbox2.Selected[Listbox2.ItemIndex] then begin Listbox1.Items.Add(Listbox2.items[Listbox2.itemindex]); Listbox2.Items.Delete(Listbox2.itemindex); end; if Listbox2.Items.Count=0 then DeleteBitBtn.Enabled:=False; except showmessage('你没有选择相应字段!'); end; end; procedure CopyDbDataToExcel(Args: array of const); var iCount, jCount: Integer; XLApp: Variant; Sheet: Variant; I: Integer; begin Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; if not VarIsEmpty(XLApp) then begin XLApp.DisplayAlerts := False; XLApp.Quit; VarClear(XLApp); end; try XLApp := CreateOleObject('excel.Application'); except Screen.Cursor := crDefault; Exit; end;
XLApp.WorkBooks.Add; XLApp.SheetsInNewWorkbook := High(Args) + 1; for I := Low(Args) to High(Args) do begin XLApp.WorkBooks[1].WorkSheets[I+1].Name := TDBGrid(Args[I].VObject).Name; Sheet := XLApp.Workbooks[1].WorkSheets[TDBGrid(Args[I].VObject).Name]; if not TDBGrid(Args[I].VObject).DataSource.DataSet.Active then begin Screen.Cursor := crDefault; Exit; end; TDBGrid(Args[I].VObject).DataSource.DataSet.first; for iCount := 0 to TDBGrid(Args[I].VObject).Columns.Count - 1 do Sheet.Cells[1, iCount + 1] := TDBGrid(Args[I].VObject).Columns.Items[iCount].Title.Caption; jCount := 1; while not TDBGrid(Args[I].VObject).DataSource.DataSet.Eof do begin for iCount := 0 to TDBGrid(Args[I].VObject).Columns.Count - 1 do Sheet.Cells[jCount + 1, iCount + 1] := TDBGrid(Args[I].VObject).Columns.Items[iCount].Field.AsString; Inc(jCount); TDBGrid(Args[I].VObject).DataSource.DataSet.Next; end; end; XlApp.Visible := True; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; procedure TForm1.BitBtn3Click(Sender: TObject);//导出操作 begin CopyDbDataToExcel([DBGrid4]); end; 我 想解决问题有两种办法:一、直接修改CopyDbDataToExcel。二、实现dbgrid4显示的字段列与listbox2中字段同步, dbgrid4中的其余字段要删除掉,不是隐藏。也就是用listbox2中字段来控制哪些字段导入到excel表中呀,如何实现呀? 请高手指点!
将dbgrid中数据导出到excel后,如何编写程序使excel的列宽调整为最适合的列宽? ExcelWorkSheet1.Columns.AutoFit;
var s:string; i,j:integer; begin s:='d:/aa/aa.xls'; //文件名 if fileexists(s) then deletefile(s); v:=CreateOLEObject('Excel.Application'); //建立OLE对象 V.WorkBooks.Add; if Checkbox1.Checked then begin V.Visible:=False; //使Excel可见,并将本程序最小化,以观察Excel的运行情况 end else begin V.Visible:=True; //True end; //使Excel窗口不可见
//Application.BringToFront; //程序前置 try try Cursor:=crSQLWait; query1.DisableControls; For i:=0 to query1.FieldCount-1 do //字段数 //注意:Delphi中的数组的下标是从0开始的, // 而Excel的表格是从1开始编号 begin V.Goto('R1'+'C'+IntToStr(i+1)); //Excel的表格是从1开始编号 V.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1:=query1.Fields[i].FieldName;//传送字段名 end; j:=2; query1.First; while not query1.EOF do begin For i:=0 to query1.FieldCount-1 do //字段数 begin V.Goto('R'+IntToStr(j)+'C'+IntToStr(i+1)); V.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1:=query1.Fields[i].AsString;//传送内容 end; query1.Next; j:=j+1; end; //设置保护 ShowMessage('数据库到Excel的数据传输完毕!'); except //发生错误时 ShowMessage('没有发现Excel!'); end; finally Cursor:=crDefault; query1.First; query1.EnableControls; end; end;
//和上面的差不多,不过不是从DBGrid中导出的!上面的也不是,只是从Query中 导出来。我也想知从DBGrid 中怎么样导出来,或直接打印也行! ************************************************
直接使用Excel对象,它是标准的COM对象,可以在Delphi中引用的。 我给你一个函数: function ExportDataToExcel(cds: TClientDataSet; dbGrid: TDBGrid; ExcelAppData: TExcelApplication; Title, strWhere: String): Boolean; var sheet,Range: Variant; i,j: Integer; str,fVal: String; begin Result := False; if (cds = nil) or (not cds.Active) then Exit; try if ExcelAppData.Tag = 1 then begin ExcelAppData.Disconnect; ExcelAppData.Tag := 0; end; ExcelAppData.Connect; ExcelAppData.Visible[0] := True; ExcelAppData.Tag := 1; except ShowMessage('启动Excel失败,Excel可能没有安装。'); Abort; end; cds.DisableControls; try if Trim(Title) = ' then Title := '查询结果'; ExcelAppData.Caption := Title; ExcelAppData.Workbooks.Add(emptyparam,0); sheet := ExcelAppData.Workbooks[ExcelAppData.Workbooks.Count].Worksheets[1];
sheet.name := Title; i := (dbGrid.Columns.Count div 2) - 1; if i < 1 then i:=1; Sheet.Cells[1,i] := Title; ExcelAppData.StandardFontSize[0] := 9; //设置表格字体 if dbGrid.Columns.Count < 24 then begin str := Char(Ord('A') + dbGrid.Columns.Count -1); // 计算最后一列的列标 Range := Sheet.Range['A3:' + str + '3']; //取出表头的边界 Range.Columns.Interior.ColorIndex := 8; //设置表头的颜色 //计算表格区域 str := 'A3:' + str + IntToStr(cds.RecordCount + 3); Range := Sheet.Range[str]; //取出表格数据区域边界 Range.Borders.LineStyle := xlContinuous; // 设置表格的线条 end; Sheet.Cells[2,1] := strWhere;//'日期:' + DateToStr(Date); //写表头 for j := 0 to dbGrid.Columns.Count -1 do begin Sheet.Cells[3,j + 1] := dbGrid.Columns.Items[j].Title.Caption; Sheet.Columns.Columns[j+1].ColumnWidth := dbGrid.Columns.Items[j].Width div 6; end;
//写表的内容 cds.First; for i:= 4 to cds.RecordCount + 3 do begin for j := 0 to dbGrid.Columns.Count - 1 do begin fVal := Trim(cds.FieldByName(dbGrid.Columns.Items[j].FieldName).AsString); Sheet.Cells[i,j + 1] := fVal; end; cds.Next; end; Sleep(1000); //延时1秒,等待Excel处理完成 Result := True; except on E: Exception do ShowMessage('数据导出时出现异常!' + E.Message); end; ExcelAppData.Disconnect; cds.EnableControls; end;