1、Lua保留的关键字: and,bread,do,else,elseif,end,false,for,function,if,in,local,nil,not,or,repeat,return ,then,true,until,while 2、字符串多行显示 a = [[multiple line with ''single' and "double" quoted strings inside.]] 3、支持同时定义多个变量 a,b,c,d = 1,2,"louis","song"; 4、奇葩的交换值 a,b=b,a; print(a,b);--输出2,1 5、用..连接字符串和数字 a,b = 123,"louisong"; print("a="..a,"b="..louissong);--输出a=123 b="louissong" 6、输出 print "Hello Lua!" print ("Hello Lua!"); 7、标准输入输出,不换行 io.write("hello!") io.write("hello!") --output-- hellohello 8、创建表 有点类似as3的Object,创建后可以通过.和[]引用其属性 a = {} b = {1,2,3} c = {"a","b"} = "louissong" a.adress = "ShangHai" print(,a["adress"]); 9、if条件语句else a=1 if a==1 then print("a is one") else 10、多重条件用elseif if a==1 then print("a is 1") elseif a==2 then print(a is 2) else print(a is 3); end 11、条件表达式 a = 1 b = (a == 1) and "good" or "bad" print(b) --output-- good 12、while语法 a = 1 while a~=5 do --Lua里面用~表示不等于,类似其他语言的! a=a+1 io.write(a) end 13、repeat untile语法 a = 0 repeat a = a+1 print(a) until a == 5 14、for循环 for a=1,4 do io.write(a) end print() for a=1,6,3 do io.write(a) end 遍历table t = {1,"fds",3,4} print(t[2]) for key,value in pairs(t) do print(key,value) end 15、break语法 a = 0 while true do a = a+1 if(a == 10) then break end end print(a) 16、函数,关键字function function test() print("hello") end test() --output hello function test2(num) if(num > 3) then return "good" else return "bad" end end a = test2(3) print(a); --output hello bad 17、所有的变量默认为全局的,方法里面的变量也不例外,若要声明局部变量,在变量前加local关键字