function _M:sysdelemail() local readrewarded = {} local readunrewarded = {} local unread = {}
for k , v in pairs( self.__data ) do if 1 == v.isread then if 1 == v.isreward then table.insert( readrewarded , v.csv_id ) else table.insert( readunrewarded , v.csv_id ) end else local tmp = {} tmp.csv_id = v.csv_id tmp.acctime = v.acctime table.insert( unread , tmp ) end end --delete read and getrewarded first
for _ , v in ipairs( readrewarded ) do local tmp = self.__data[ tostring( v ) ] tmp.isdel = 1 tmp:__update_db( { "isdel" } ) self.__data[ tostring( v ) ] = nil self.__count = self.__count - 1 end
if self.__count <= self.__MAXEMAILNUM then return end -- if still more than MAXEMAILNUMM then delete read , unrewarded for _ , v in ipairs( readunrewarded ) do local tmp = self.__data[ tostring( v ) ] tmp.isdel = 1 tmp:__update_db( { "isdel" } ) self.__data[ tostring( v ) ] = nil self.__count = self.__count - 1 end
if self.__count <= self.__MAXEMAILNUM then return end -- last delete the earlist unread emails table.sort( unread , function ( ta , tb ) return ta.acctime < tb.acctime end )
--[[ 如果在此打印排序后的邮件列表变回出现描述的问题打印到一半结束,去掉后却正常
for k , v in ipairs( unread ) do
print( k , v )
local diff = self.__count - self.__MAXEMAILNUM print( "sizeof diff is ****************************************" , diff , #unread ) local tmp = {} for i = 1 , diff do tmp = self.__data[ tostring( unread[ i ].csv_id ) ] assert( tmp ) tmp.isdel = 1 tmp:__update_db( { "isdel" } ) self.__data[ tostring( unread[ i ].csv_id ) ] = nil
self.__count = self.__count - 1 end print( "sizeof unread is ****************************************" , self.__count ) end
昨天以为是缓存区满了,但今天又测试的一下,输出更多的log,没有出现昨天的问题。纠结中,现在用的是 skynet 框架 ,仍在学习中。感觉这会是个定时炸弹,不知哪天爆了。希望用skynet并pengdao过类似问题的同学不吝赐教。。