lua的库文件地址: --[[ print string. multiple line comments. like {} in Tcl. ]]-- print ("hello") -- comments of this file. -- variables num = 1 str = "abc" tab = {} d = print -- print type the variables. print (type(num)) print (type(str)) print (type(tab)) print (type(d)) -- print global variables names. print ("This lua version is:",_VERSION) -- strings example. lineStr = "single 'quoted' string and double \"quoted\" string inside." print (lineStr) lineStr2 = 'single \'quoted\' string and double "quoted" string inside.' print (lineStr2) mutipleLine = [[ mutiple line 1 with 'single' line and "double" quoted strings inside. ]] print(mutipleLine) -- muliple assignments are valid. a,b,c,d,e = 1, 2, 'three', "four", 5.501 print (a,b,c,d,e) -- swap two variables print(a, b) a, b = b, a print(a, b) -- two dots (..) are used to concatenate strings. print("a="..a.."\n", "b="..b.."\n", c.." c add d is:"..d.."\n", e.." e add d is:"..d.."\n", d.." d add e is:"..e.."\n") -- io.write writes to stdout but without new line. io.write("io.write".."without new line.") -- print '\n' print() ------------------------------table structure-------------------------- -- table is like array in C. taba = {} tabb = {1,2,3.3,"four"} tabc = {"a", "b", "c", 4, 5.5} -- print table this pointer. print(taba, tabb, tabc) -- print value in table with index id. print(taba[0], tabb[1], tabc[2]) i = 1 while i < 6 do io.write(tabc[i].."\n") i = i + 1 end -- table with string index. addr = {} addr.street = "shunyi" = "北京顺义区" addr.age = 24 -- print street with two style. print(addr.street..addr["age"]) print(addr["street"], ---------------------------------condition----------------------------- if true then print("if is true") end a = 1 if a == 1 then print("if is true a == 1") end b = "happy" if b == "sad" then print("if b == \"sad\"") else print("else case.") end c = 3 if c == 1 then print("if c==1 case") elseif c ~= 2 then print("elseif c is not equal to 2 case") else print("else case:"..tostring(c)) end ---------------------------------conditional assignments---------------- a = 1 -- it is same to b = (a == 1) ? "one" : "not one" b = (a == 1) and "one" or "not one" -- is equialent to print("=(true or false) ?"..b) --[[ a = 1 if a == 1 then b = "one" else b = "not one" end print("=(true or false) ?"..b) ]]-- ---------------------------------while---------------------------------- -- while statement. like while in C. a = 10 while a > 0 do print("while a:"..a) a = a-1 end -- repeat statement. like do .. while in C. repeat print("repeat a:"..a) a = a+1 until a == 8 -- for statement. -- numeric iteration form. -- for a=start,end,step do statement end for a=1,10, 2 do print("for a:"..a) end -- Sequential iteration form. for key, value in pairs({"k1", 1, "k2", 3, 6, "value3"}) do -- key is index in pairs. print(index, key, value) end a={1,2,3,"four",5.5, 6.6} -- index is iteration for table(array in C) a. for index, v in pairs(a) do print(index, v) end -----------------------------------break------------------------------ a = 0 while true do a = a + 1 if a == 10 then print("a is 10 break while.") break else print("a is"..a.."no continue statement is running.") end end print("a is "..a.."after while break.") ----------------------------------function----------------------------- function func() print("function func is called.") return "func return string." end print(func()) a = func() print("func ret is:"..a) -- function with mutiple return variables. function infomation(a, b, c) print("function infomation is called with argument:",a,b,c) return a,b,c, "return string in infomation." end a,b,c=1,2,3 a,b,c,d=infomation(a,b,c) print(a,b,c,d) -- global and local -- local is local scope. -- all variables are global in scope by default. b = "global string for variable b." function myfunc() local b = "local string variable for variable b." print(b) a = "global string for variable a." end myfunc() print(a) -------------------------format------------------------------------ function printf(fmt, ...) io.write(string.format(fmt, ...)) end printf("Hello %s from %s in %s \n", os.getenv("USER") or "NULL", _VERSION, printf("int:(%d), string:(%s), double:(%.7f)\n", 100, "string test format", 3.1415926) --------------------------build in library------------------------- print("build in library test......") print(math.sqrt(36), math.pi, math.rad(100), math.random()) print(math.exp(10+2)) --------------------------string operation------------------------- str = "this is String." -- return ASCII code of one char like %C in C. print(str:byte(1).."-"..str:byte(3)) -- find the postion of substr in total string. print(string.find(str, "is")) print("strlen:"..string.len(str)) --repeat string 3 times. print("string.rep:"..string.rep(str, 3)) --reverse string by every byte. print("string.reverse:"..string.reverse(str)) -- to uppercase. print("string.upper:"..string.upper(str)) -- to lowercase. print("string.lower:"..string.lower(str)) --substr from index 2 to index 4. print("string.sub:"..string.sub(str, 2, 4)) print("string.sub:"..string.sub(str, 1, -1)) print("string.sub:"..string.sub(str, 2, -3)) print("string.dump:"..string.dump(printf)) --------------------------table operation-------------------------- a = {2} table.insert(a, 4) table.insert(a, 7) -- order by desc. table.sort(a, function(v1, v2) return v1 > v2 end) for i, v in ipairs(a) do print(i, v) end --Returns the largest positive numerical index of the given table print("max in table a is:"..table.maxn(a)) print("remove max number in table a is:"..table.remove(a, table.maxn(a))) for i, v in ipairs(a) do print("after remove:"..i, v) end table.concat(a, nil, 1, 2) for i, v in ipairs(a) do print("after concat:"..i, v) end --[[ --------------------------io operation----------------------------- -- print seconds from 1970.01.01 to now print("os.clock:"..os.clock()) print("os.time:"..os.time()) print("" -- print 12/08/13 21:11:00 print("""%c")) t1=os.time()-20 t2=os.time() -- get time inteval between two time t2,t1. print("os.difftime():"..os.difftime(t2,t1)) -- it is same to system in C or exec in Tcl. print("os.execute:"..os.execute("dir")) -- exit -- os.exit() -- getenv print("env PATH is:"..os.getenv("PATH")) print("get tmpfile:"..os.tmpname()) --print(os.rename("1.txt", "2.txt")) --print(os.remove("2.txt")) -- write log function function writelog(fmt, ...) local log ="log.2013", "a+") log:write(string.format(fmt, ...)) log:flush() io.close(log) end writelog("This is buffer:%s, int:%d\n", "log test", 1001) -- dump file content function. function dumpfile(fn) local log =, "r") for line in log:lines() do print(line) end io.close(log) end dumpfile("log.2013") ]]-- 格式化的时间串转成时间秒 function DateTime2Secs(timeStr) if string.find(timeStr, '-') and string.find(timeStr, '.') then local tab = {} tab["year"] = string.sub(timeStr, 1,4) tab["month"] = string.sub(timeStr, 6,7) tab["day"] = string.sub(timeStr, 9,10) tab["hour"] = string.sub(timeStr, 12,13) tab["min"] = string.sub(timeStr, 15,16) tab["sec"] = string.sub(timeStr, 18,19) tab["isdst"] = false return os.time(tab) end return 0 end 如: local timeSecs = Time2Secs("2016-09-27 13:38:49") print(timeSecs)