来自:lili_0522 时间:2005-7-14 16:21:05 在Delphi中,通常可以用以下三种方法来实现程序的延时,即TTtimer控件,Sleep函数,GetTickCount函数。但是其精度是各不相同的。 一、三种方法的简单介绍 1)TTtimer控件 TTtimer控件的实质是调用Windows API定时函数SetTimer和KillTimer来实现的,并简化了对WM_TIMER 消息的处理过程。通过设置OnTimer事件和Interval属性,我们可以很方便的产生一些简单的定时事件。 2)Sleep函数 Sleep函数用来使程序的执行延时给定的时间值。Sleep的调用形式为Sleep(milliseconds),暂停当前的进程milliseconds毫秒。Sleep的实现方法其实也是调用Windows API的Sleep函数。例如: sleep(1000); //延迟1000毫秒 Sleep会引起程序停滞,如果你延迟的时间较长的话,你的程序将不能够响应延时期间的发生的其他消息,所以程序看起来好像暂时死机。 3)GetTickCount函数 在主程序中延时,为了达到延时和响应消息这两个目的,GetTickCount()构成的循环就是一种广为流传的方法。例如: procedure Delay(MSecs: Longint); //延时函数,MSecs单位为毫秒(千分之1秒) var FirstTickCount, Now: Longint; begin FirstTickCount := GetTickCount(); repeat Application.ProcessMessages; Now := GetTickCount(); until (Now - FirstTickCount >= MSecs) or (Now < FirstTickCount); end; 二、高精度的微妙级性能计数器(high-resolution performance counter)介绍 为了比较以上方法的精度,首先需要找到一个参考的定时器。在这里,我提供了两个参考的定时器。一是用单片机每隔1.024ms产生一个实时中断RTI,作为计数器;二是选用了一个高精度的微妙级性能计数器(参见: ,或者 ) 1)计数器的Delphi源代码 { A high-precision counter/timer. Retrieves time differences downto microsec. Quick Reference: THPCounter inherits from TComponent. Key-Methods: Start: Starts the counter. Place this call just before the code you want to measure. Read: Reads the counter as a string. Place this call just after the code you want to measure. ReadInt: Reads the counter as an Int64. Place this call just after the code you want to measure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } unit HPCounter; interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls; type TInt64 = TLargeInteger; THPCounter = class(TComponent) private Frequency: TLargeInteger; lpPerformanceCount1: TLargeInteger; lpPerformanceCount2: TLargeInteger; fAbout: string; procedure SetAbout(Value: string); { Private declarations } public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Start; function Read: string; function ReadInt: TLargeInteger; { Private declarations } published property About: string read fAbout write SetAbout; { Published declarations } end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('MAs Prod.', [THPCounter]); end; constructor THPCounter.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); fAbout:= 'Version 1.1, 2000® Mats Asplund, EMail: [email protected], Site:'; end; destructor THPCounter.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; function THPCounter.Read: string; begin QueryPerformanceCounter(TInt64((@lpPerformanceCount2)^)); QueryPerformanceFrequency(TInt64((@Frequency)^)); Result:=IntToStr(Round(1000000 * (lpPerformanceCount2 - lpPerformanceCount1) / Frequency)); end; function THPCounter.ReadInt: TLargeInteger; begin QueryPerformanceCounter(TInt64((@lpPerformanceCount2)^)); QueryPerformanceFrequency(TInt64((@Frequency)^)); Result:=Round(1000000 * (lpPerformanceCount2 - lpPerformanceCount1) / Frequency); end; procedure THPCounter.SetAbout(Value: string); begin Exit; end; procedure THPCounter.Start; begin QueryPerformanceCounter(TInt64((@lpPerformanceCount1)^)); end; end. 2)使用方法: unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, HPCounter, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Edit1: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Edit1.Text:= ''; Application.ProcessMessages; with THPCounter.Create(Self) do begin Start; // Place code to measure here Sleep(1000); // Place code to measure here Edit1.Text:=Read; Free; end; end; end. 二、三种方法的精度比较 为了比较,采用以上3种方法,分别设置延时时间为1ms、2ms、5ms、10ms、20ms、50ms、100ms、200ms、500ms、1000ms,循环次数为5次,得到实际的延时时间。 1)TTtimer控件 实际延时时间(ms) 1ms: 8.012 21.551 6.875 21.647 9.809 2ms: 9.957 20.675 14.671 11.903 20.551 5ms: 9.952 20.605 9.924 20.705 12.682 10ms:14.852 9.96 21.547 9.82 20.634 20ms:27.512 34.291 26.427 31.244 30.398 50ms:61.196 61.307 64.027 62.048 63.059 100ms:102.495 108.408 112.318 110.322 102.531 200ms:193.955 202.135 207.016 205.082 202.194 500ms:496.659 500.534 503.398 495.551 500.394 1000ms:999.699 1003.576 993.698 1004.443 995.625 2)Sleep函数 1ms: 1.895 1.895 1.896 1.897 1.898 2ms: 2.868 2.874 2.852 2.872 2.869 5ms: 5.8 5.797 5.79 5.79 5.791 10ms:10.675 10.683 10.611 10.669 10.67 20ms:20.404 20.434 20.447 20.477 20.368 50ms:50.67 50.691 50.69 50.682 50.671 100ms:100.515 100.469 100.484 100.481 100.484 200ms:200.101 200.126 199.892 200.066 200.108 500ms:499.961 499.961 499.958 499.961 499.96 1000ms:1000.034 1000.04 1000.03 1000.018 1000.029 3)GetTickCount函数 1ms: 15.54 15.596 15.527 15.566 15.838 2ms: 15.561 15.563 15.603 15.477 15.571 5ms: 15.519 15.549 15.569 15.666 15.394 10ms:15.558 15.561 15.522 15.568 15.518 20ms:31.186 31.137 31.17 31.17 31.19 50ms:62.445 62.4 63.893 60.88 62.404 100ms:109.276 109.298 109.273 109.28 109.28 200ms:203.027 203.084 203.021 203.027 203.046 500ms:499.959 499.961 499.963 499.967 499.965 1000ms:1000.023 1000.022 1000.026 1000.029 1000.021 可见,相对而言,Sleep的精度最高,尤其是在10ms以内的延时,只有sleep函数才能够做到。TTimer控件的定时精度最差,而且稳定性不好,波动很大。GetTickCount函数所能实现的最短延时为15ms左右,稳定性相对TTimer要好一些。 |