//获取网卡MAC地址 function GetMacAddress: string; var lib:Cardinal; Func: function(GUID:PGUID):Longint; stdcall; GUID1,GUID2:TGUID; begin Result := ''; Lib := Loadlibrary('rpcrt4.dll'); if Lib <> 0 then begin if Win32Platform <> VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then @Func := GetProcAddress(lib,'UuidCreate') else @Func := GetProcAddress(lib,'UuidCreateSequential') ; if Assigned(Func) then begin if (Func(@GUID1) = 0) and (Func(@GUID2) = 0) and (GUID1.D4[2] = GUID2.D4[2]) and (GUID1.D4[3] = GUID2.D4[3]) and (GUID1.D4[4] = GUID2.D4[4]) and (GUID1.D4[5] = GUID2.D4[5]) and (GUID1.D4[6] = GUID2.D4[6]) and (GUID1.D4[7] = GUID2.D4[7]) then begin result := IntToHex(GUID1.D4[2], 2) + IntToHex(GUID1.D4[3], 2) + IntToHex(GUID1.D4[4], 2) + IntToHex(GUID1.D4[5], 2) + IntToHex(GUID1.D4[6], 2) + IntToHex(GUID1.D4[7], 2) ; end; end; FreeLibrary(Lib); end; end;