利用主板序列号来注册的一个例子,希望对大家有帮助. Unit RegObj;
Uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Forms;
Type TRegObj= Class Private FSerial: String; //主板序列号 FKey: String; //密码 FMaxTimes: Integer; //最大运行次数 FCompany: String; //公司名称 FEmail: String; //联系用的电子邮件 Protected Procedure SetSerial; //取得主扳的序列号 Procedure GetKey; //从用户序列号文件中读取序列号 Function GetTimes: Integer; //从文件中读取程序的运行次数 Function CheckKey: Boolean; //检查序列号和密码是否匹配的函数 Public Constructor Create; Function Execute: Boolean; //运行对象方法 Published Property Company: String Read FCompany Write FCompany; Property MaxTimes: Integer Read FMaxTimes Write FMaxTimes; Property Email: String Read FEmail Write FEmail; End;
Constructor TRegObj.Create; Begin Inherited; End;
Function TRegObj.GetTimes: Integer; Const //用于存储运行次数的文件,开发人员可自定义或使用注册表存储运行次数 //起此名字用于迷惑破解者,使用前不要和系统的动态链接库同名 Tmp= 'ispnet.dll'; Var Ch: Char; Dir: Array[ 0..255 ] Of Char; Fn: String; I: Integer; List: Tstrings; Begin //取得Windows系统的目录 GetSystemDirectory( @Dir, 255 ); For I := 0 To 255 Do Begin If Ord( Dir[ I ] )= 0 Then Break; Fn := Fn+ Dir[ I ]; End; Fn := Fn+ '\'+ Tmp; Try List := TStringList.Create; If Not FileExists( Fn ) Then Ch := Chr( 1 ) Else Begin List.LoadFromFile( Fn ); Ch := List.Text[ 1 ]; Ch := Chr( Ord( Ch )+ 1 ); End; List.Text := Ch; //存储运行次数 List.SaveToFile( Fn ); Result := Ord( Ch ); Finally List.Free; End; End;
Procedure TRegObj.SetSerial; Begin //取得主板的序列号 FSerial := String( Pchar( Ptr( $FEC71 ) ) ); End;
Procedure TRegObj.GetKey; Const Sn= 'Key.dat'; Var List: TStrings; Fn, Path: String; Begin Path := ExtractFilePath( Application.ExeName ); Fn := Path+ Sn; If Not FileExists( Fn ) Then Begin FKey := ''; Exit; End; Try List := TStringList.Create; List.LoadFromFile( Fn ); FKey := List.Values[ 'Key' ]; Finally List.Free; End; End;
Function TRegObj.CheckKey: Boolean; Begin //开发人员根据自己的需要进行修改,在这里是为了简单起见 Result := FKey= FSerial; End;
Function TRegObj.Execute: Boolean; Var Msg: String; T: Integer; Begin T := GetTimes; GetKey; SetSerial; If FKey<> FSerial Then Begin Msg := ' 您这是第'+ IntToStr( T )+ '次运行此程序(最大次数:'+ IntToStr( FMaxTimes )+ ')!'; Application.MessageBox( PChar( Msg ), '用户信息', Mb_Ok+ Mb_IconWarning ); Msg := '欢迎使用'+ Company+ '的软件,如果您觉得满意的话,请注册或购买正版软件!'; Application.MessageBox( PChar( Msg ), '建议', Mb_Ok+ Mb_IconInformation ); If T> FMaxTimes Then Begin If Application.MessageBox( ' 是否注册?', '注册', Mb_YesNo+ Mb_IconQuestion )= Id_Yes Then Begin Msg := '您的注册号是:“'+ FSerial+ '”'+ Chr( 13 )+ Chr( 10 )+ '请您将以上序列号通过电子邮件寄给以下信箱:'+ FEmail; Application.MessageBox( PChar( Msg ), '软件 注册', Mb_Ok+ Mb_Iconinformation ); End; Application.Terminate; End; End; End;
Procedure TForm1.FormCreate( Sender: TObject ); Var AObj: TRegObj; Begin Try AObj := TRegObj.Create; AObj.MaxTimes := 30; AObj.Company := 'Savagers'; AObj.Email := '[email protected]'; AObj.Execute; Finally AObj.Free; End; End;
就这么简单了. 好了,介绍完了,文章最早在大富翁上面看见,自己测试了下正常. 原作者不详了,不过我们还是要感谢他.