lua命令: #enter shell lua #excute script file lua xxx.lua lua脚本: #!/usr/local/bin/lua 核心概念: As a extension language, Lua has no notion of a 'Main’ program: it only works embedded in a host client, called the embedding program or simply the host. The host program can invoke functions to execute a piece of Lua code, can write and read Lua variables, and can register C functions to be called by Lua code. Lua distrubition includes a sample host program called lua, which uses the Lua library to offer a complete, standalone Lua interpreter, for interactive or batch use. Lua is a dynamically typed language. This means that variables do not have types; only values do. There are no type definitions in the language. All values carry their own type. Lua can call functions written in Lua and functions written in C. Both are represented by the type function. 特性: 轻量级 可配置,可扩展 兼容性
类C的语言,大小写敏感 在Lua中,一切都是变 量,除了关键字 特点:
注释: 单行:-- 多行:--[[ ]] 关键字: and break do else elseif end false for function if in local nil not or repeat return then true until while 元表与元方法: Every value in Lua can have a metetable. This meatball is an ordinary Lua table that define the behavior of the original value under certain special operations. You can change several aspects of the behavior of operations over a value by setting specific fields in its metatable. The keys in a meatball are derived from the event names; the corresponding values are called metamethods. You can query the metatable of any value using the getmetatable function. You can replace the metatable of tables using the setmetatable function. You can not change the metatable of other types from Lua code(except by using the debug library); you must use the C API for that. Tables and full userdata have individual metatables. Values of all other types share one single meatball per type; that is, there is one single metatable for all numbers, one for all strings, etc. By default, a value has no metatable, but the string library sets a metatable for the string type. 变量类型: type(<var-name>) Nil Boolean Number String Function Table Thread Userdata ======================================== Nil: nil Number:double 例子: num = 234 num = 0.4 num = 4.57e-3 num = 0.3e12 num = 0xef45 函数: tostr: tostring(123) String:‘’ “” [[ ]] 例子: ’This is a "string".\n' "This is a string.\n” [[ string in line 'one' string in line "two" ]] [=[ string in line [[one]] string in line [[two]] ]=] 函数: 拼接: ‘abc’..’def’ tonum: tonumber(‘123’) len: print(#’12345')
Boolean: true,false Condition - False: false,nil Function: 定义: 固定参数: function <func-name>(<args>) …… end 变长参数: function <func-name>(…) local args = {…} …... end 限制: 在Lua 里函数定义必须在调用之前执行,这是因为Lua里的函数定义本质上是变量赋值。 function foo() …… end ==== foo = function () …… end 参数传递: 在常用基本类型中,除Table是按地址传递外, 其它都是按值传递的。 返回值: Lua中函数可以返回多个值,如下: 定义: function swap(a, b) return b, a end 使用: a, b = 1, 2 a, b = swap(a, b) 虚变量: 当一个方法返回多个值时,有些返回值有时候用不到,要是声明很多变量来一一接收并不太合适,于是Lua提供了一个虚变量(dummy variable),以单个下划线(“_”)来命名,用它来丢弃不需要的数据,仅仅起到占位符的作用。 local start, finish = string.find(‘Hello’, ‘he’) local start = string.find(‘Hello’, ‘he’) local _, finish = string.find(‘Hello’, ‘he’) 函数与方法: 静态方法和函数没有区别: func1(……) table.static_method(……) 实例方法和静态方法的唯一区别在于实例方法的第一个参数: table.instance_method(table, ……) table:instance_method(……) 动态调用: 定义: local function doAction(method, …) local args = {…} or {} mothed(unpack(args, 1, table.maxn(args)) end 使用: local function run(x, y) ngx.say(‘run’, x, y) end doAction(run, 1, 2) Table:{} 关联数组 说明: Table是关联数组,不仅可以使用整数来索引,还可以使用除了nil之外的其他值进行索引。 Lua 中的模块、包、对象,元表均是使用table来表示的。 在Lua中,数组下标从1开始计数。 例子: T1 = {[1]=‘one’, [2]=’two’} one = T1[1] T1[3] = ’three’ T1[‘four’] = 4 T1.four = 4 print(T1.four) 方法: Thread: Userdata: 作用域: 在默认情况下,函数外的变量总被认为是全局的,除非你在前面加上”local”;函数内的变量与函数的参数默认为局部变量。局部变量的作用域为从声明位置开始到所在语句块结束或者是直到下一个同名局部变量的声明。变量的默认值均为 nil。 local a,b,c = 1,2,3 -- a,b,c都是局部变量 迭代: 迭代文件: io.lines() 迭代Table: pairs(<value-of-table>) 逻辑: 算数: + - * / ^ % .. 逻辑: == ~= > < >= <= and or not 分组: () 语句分割: 在Lua中,语句之间可以用分号";"隔开,也可以用空白隔开。 结构: if-else: if <condition> then …… elseif <condition> then ……. else ……. end for: for i = <start>,<end>,<step> do …… break end
for i, v in pairs(<value-of-table>) do …... end while: while <condition> do …… end until: repeat …… until <condition> function: def: function <func-name>(<args>) …… end call: <func-name>(<args>) closure:
return: return <value> multiple assign: a, b, c = 1, 2, 3 模块: Lua 的模块是由变量、函数等已知元素组成的 table。 引用模块: 函数 require 有它自己的文件路径加载策略,它会尝试从 Lua 文件或 C 程序库中加载模块。 lua模块:app/utils.lua local utils = require “app.utils" 创建模块: lua模块:app/utils.lua(/path/to/folder) module("app.utils", package.seeall) 设置搜索路径:以;为分割符 .lua - package.path - package.loadfile package.path的默认值为LUA_PATH环境变量的值。 package.path = [[/path/to/folder/?.lua;]] .. package.path .so - package.cpath - package.loadlib package.cpath的默认值为LUA_CPATH环境变量的值。 互操作与嵌入: 与C语言的互操作: 在C函数中调用Lua脚本 在Lua脚本中调用C函数 在Host 程序中嵌入Lua: Lua的官方实现完全采用ANSI C编写,能以C程序库的形式嵌入到宿主程序中。 标准库: basic: 环境:Lua将其所有的全局变量保存在一个常规的table中,这个table称为“环境”。 _G — 全局环境表(全局变量) _VERSION — 返回当前Lua的版本号 函数: type (v) print (…) getmetatable (object) setmetatable (table, metatable) getfenv (f) setfenv (f, table) collectgarbage (opt [, arg]) require (modname) module(modname, package.seeall) rawlen (v) rawequal (v1, v2) rawget (table, index) rawset (table, index, value) next (table [, index]) ipairs (table) pairs (table) dofile (filename) load (func [, chunkname]) loadfile ([filename]) loadstring (string [, chunkname]) pcall (f, arg1, ···) xpcall (f, err) select (index, ···) tonumber (e [, base]) tostirng (e) unpack (list [, i [, j]]) assert (v [, message]) error (message [, level]) io: (.:) io.close io.flush io.input io.lines io.output io.popen io.stderr io.stdin io.stdout io.tmpfile io.type io.write file:close file:flush file:lines file:read file:seek file:setvbuf file:write string: (.) string.upper string.lower table: (.) table.insert table.remove table.sort utf8: (.) utf8.char utf8.len coroutine: (.) coroutine.create coroutine.status debug: (.) debug.debug debug.getinfo os: (.) os.time os.rename os.remove os.execute package: (.) package.path package.cpath package.loaded math: (.) math.max math.min math.pi math.random C API: 辅助库: