= Things you should know about Lua's performance =
This wiki is a result of some lua performance tests (the widget is included with ca sandbox). [[BR]][[BR]][[BR]]
== TEST 1: localize == Code: {{{ #!lua local min = math.min }}} Results: {{{ #!html <div style="margin-left:25px"> <font color="red" style="font-weight:bold">normal way: 0.719 (158%)</font><br> <font color="green" style="font-weight:bold">localized: 0.453 (100%)</font> </div> }}} Conclusion: {{{ -> Yeah, we should localize all used funtions. }}}
== TEST 2: localized class-methods (with only 3 accesses!) == Code1: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do local x = class.test() local y = class.test() local z = class.test() end }}} Code2: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do local test = class.test local x = test() local y = test() local z = test() end }}} Results: {{{ #!html <div style="margin-left:25px"> normal way: 1.203 (102%)<br> localized: 1.172 (100%) </div> }}} Conclusion: {{{ -> No, it isn't faster to localize a class method IN the function call. }}}
== TEST 3: unpack a table == Code1: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do local x = min( a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4] ) end }}} Code2: {{{ #!lua local unpack = unpack for i=1,1000000 do local x = min( unpack(a) ) end }}} Code3: {{{ #!lua local function unpack4(a) return a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4] end for i=1,1000000 do local x = min( unpack4(a) ) end }}} Results: {{{ #!html <div style="margin-left:25px"> <font color="green" style="font-weight:bold">with [ ]: 0.485 (100%)</font><br> <font color="red" style="font-weight:bold">unpack(): 1.093 (225%)</font><br> custom unpack4: 0.641 (131%) </div> }}} Conclusion: {{{ -> Don't use unpack() in time critical code! }}}
== TEST 4: determine maximum and set it ('>' vs. max) == Code1: {{{ #!lua local max = math.max for i=1,1000000 do x = max(random(cnt),x) end }}} Code2: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do local r = random(cnt) if (r>x) then x = r end end }}} Results: {{{ #!html <div style="margin-left:25px"> <font color="red" style="font-weight:bold">math.max: 0.437 (156%)</font><br> <font color="green" style="font-weight:bold">'if > then': 0.282 (100%)</font> </div> }}} Conclusion: {{{ -> Don't use math.[max|min]() in time critical code! }}}
== TEST 5: nil checks ('if' vs. 'or') == Code1: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do local y,x if (random()>0.5) then y=1 end if (y==nil) then x=1 else x=y end end }}} Code2: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do local y if (random()>0.5) then y=1 end local x=y or 1 end }}} Results: {{{ #!html <div style="margin-left:25px"> <font color="red" style="font-weight:bold">nil-check: 0.297 (106%)</font><br> <font color="green" style="font-weight:bold">a=x or y: 0.281 (100%)</font> </div> }}} Conclusion: {{{ -> WOW! the or-operator is faster than a nil-check. Use it! :D }}}
== TEST 6: 'x^2^' vs. 'x*x' == Code1: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do local y = x^2 end }}} Code2: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do local y = x*x end }}} Results: {{{ #!html <div style="margin-left:25px"> <font color="red" style="font-weight:bold">x^2: 1.422 (110%)</font><br> <font color="green" style="font-weight:bold">x*x: 1.297 (100%)</font> </div> }}}
== TEST 7: modulus operators (math.mod vs. %) == Code1: {{{ #!lua local fmod = math.fmod for i=1,1000000 do if (fmod(i,30)<1) then local x = 1 end end }}} Code2: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do if ((i%30)<1) then local x = 1 end end }}} Results: {{{ #!html <div style="margin-left:25px"> <font color="red" style="font-weight:bold">math.mod: 0.281 (355%)</font><br> <font color="green" style="font-weight:bold">%: 0.079 (100%)</font> </div> }}} Conclusion: {{{ -> Don't use math.fmod() for positive numbers (for negative ones % and fmod() have different results!)! }}}
== TEST 8: functions as param for other functions == Code1: {{{ #!lua local func1 = function(a,b,func) return func(a+b) end
for i=1,1000000 do local x = func1(1,2,function(a) return a*2 end) end }}} Code2: {{{ #!lua local func1 = function(a,b,func) return func(a+b) end local func2 = function(a) return a*2 end
for i=1,1000000 do local x = func1(1,2,func2) end }}} Results: {{{ #!html <div style="margin-left:25px"> <font color="red" style="font-weight:bold">defined in function param: 3.890 (1144%)</font><br> <font color="green" style="font-weight:bold">defined as local: 0.344 (100%)</font> </div> }}} Conclusion: {{{ -> REALLY, LOCALIZE YOUR FUNCTIONS ALWAYS BEFORE SENDING THEM INTO ANOTHER FUNCTION!!! i.e if you use gl.BeginEnd(), gl.CreateList(), ...!!! }}}
== TEST 9: for-loops == Code1: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do for j,v in pairs(a) do x=v end end }}} Code2: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do for j,v in ipairs(a) do x=v end end }}} Code3: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do for i=1,100 do x=a[i] end end }}} Code4: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do for i=1,#a do x=a[i] end end }}} Code5: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do local length = #a for i=1,length do x=a[i] end end }}} Results: {{{ #!html <div style="margin-left:25px"> pairs: 3.078 (217%)<br> <font color="red" style="font-weight:bold">ipairs: 3.344 (236%)</font><br> <font color="green" style="font-weight:bold">for i=1,x do: 1.422 (100%)</font><br> for i=1,#atable do 1.422 (100%)<br> for i=1,atable_length do: 1.562 (110%) </div> }}} Conclusion: {{{ -> Don't use pairs() or ipairs()! Try to save the table-size somewhere and use "for i=1,x do"! }}}
== TEST 10: array access (with [ ]) vs. object access (with .method) == Code1: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do x = a["foo"] end }}} Code2: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do x = a.foo end }}} Results: {{{ #!html <div style="margin-left:25px"> atable["foo"]: 1.125 (100%)<br> atable.foo: 1.141 (101%) </div> }}}
== TEST 11: buffered table item access == Code1: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do for n=1,100 do a[n].x=a[n].x+1 end end }}} Code2: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do for n=1,100 do local y = a[n] y.x=y.x+1 end end }}} Results: {{{ #!html <div style="margin-left:25px"> <font color="red" style="font-weight:bold">'a[n].x=a[n].x+1': 1.453 (127%)</font><br> <font color="green" style="font-weight:bold">'local y=a[n]; y.x=y.x+1': 1.140 (100%)</font> </div> }}}
== TEST 12: adding table items (table.insert vs. [ ]) == Code1: {{{ #!lua local tinsert = table.insert for i=1,1000000 do tinsert(a,i) end }}} Code2: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do a[i]=i end }}} Code3: {{{ #!lua for i=1,1000000 do a[#a+1]=i end }}} Code4: {{{ #!lua local count = 1 for i=1,1000000 do d[count]=i count=count+1 end }}} Results: {{{ #!html <div style="margin-left:25px"> <font color="red" style="font-weight:bold">table.insert: 1.250 (727%)</font><br> <font color="green" style="font-weight:bold">a[i]: 0.172 (100%)</font><br> a[#a+1]=x: 0.453 (263%)<br> a[count++]=x: 0.203 (118%) </div> }}} Conclusion: {{{ -> Don't use table.insert!!! Try to save the table-size somewhere and use "a[count+1]=x"! }}}