1. 准备
把tools目录下的cocos2dx_extension.ini, genbindings.py, userconf.ini拷贝到
2. 修改genbindings.py -> build.py
NDK_ROOT = "/Users/staff/Documents/worksoft/android-ndk-r9"
2.2 三个目录,都是绝对路径
1、 工程目录,根据自己的实际情况获取
project_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
2. cocos_root 目录,也就是cococ2dx所在的目录
cocos_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(project_root, '../cocos2dx'))
3. cxx_generator_root目录,tools/bindings-generator目录,也就是generator.py所在目录,tolua的工具路径
cxx_generator_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(project_root, 'tools/bindings-generator'))
2.3 保存设置到userconf.ini文件,所以这个文件不需要拷贝
# save config to file
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
config.set('DEFAULT', 'androidndkdir', ndk_root)
config.set('DEFAULT', 'clangllvmdir', llvm_path)
config.set('DEFAULT', 'cocosdir', cocos_root)
config.set('DEFAULT', 'cxxgeneratordir', cxx_generator_root)
config.set('DEFAULT', "zqdir", project_root)
config.set('DEFAULT', 'extra_flags', '')
conf_ini_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'userconf.ini'))
print 'generating userconf.ini...'
with open(conf_ini_file, 'w') as configfile:
2.4 两个目录,都是绝对路径
1. tolua_root类似于tools/tolua目录,也就是cocos2dx_extension.ini文件所在目录
tolua_root = '%s/auto_build' % project_root
2. output_dir 输出目录,也就生成的.h 和 .cpp文件的目录
output_dir = '%s/bindings' % project_root
2.5 cmd_args 配置
//'zq' -s SECTION sets a specific section to be converted, 我们知道ini的配置文件都需要有section,每个section下面有很多配置项,这里对应zq.ini中的[zq] section,zq.ini中
>>[zq] //zq section
>>the prefix to be added to the generated functions. You might or might not
>>use this in your own
>>prefix = zq
//lua_zq_auto 生成的.h 和 .cpp文件名
cmd_args = {
'zq.ini': ('zq', 'lua_zq_auto')
target = 'lua' //生成目标
generator_py = '%s/generator.py' % cxx_generator_root
for key in cmd_args.keys():
args = cmd_args[key]
cfg = '%s/%s' % (tolua_root, key) //配置文件zq.ini文件
print 'Generating bindings for %s...' % (key[:-4])
//执行generator.py [options] {configfile} 命令
//generator.py --help
// Usage: generator.py [options] {configfile}
// Options:
// -h, --help show this help message and exit
// -s SECTION sets a specific section to be converted
// -t TARGET specifies the target vm. Will search for TARGET.yaml
// -o OUTDIR specifies the output directory for generated C++ code
// -n OUT_FILE specifcies the name of the output file, defaults to the prefix
in the .ini file
command = '%s %s %s -s %s -t %s -o %s -n %s' % (python_bin, generator_py, cfg, args[0], target, output_dir, args[1])