获取用户当前的Windows临时文件夹 function GetWinTempPath: string; var TempDir: array[0..255] of char; begin GetTempPath(255, @TempDir); Result := strPas(TempDir); end;
function DelDirectory(const Source: string): boolean; var fo: TSHFILEOPSTRUCT; begin FillChar(fo, SizeOf(fo), 0); with fo do begin Wnd := 0; wFunc := FO_DELETE; pFrom := PChar(source + #0); pTo := #0#0; fFlags := FOF_NOCONFIRMATION + FOF_SILENT; end; Result := (SHFileOperation(fo) = 0); end;
创建目录和设置目录属性 var iFileAttrs: Word;
iFileAttrs := faSysFile + faHidden; ForceDirectories(ExtractFilePath(Application.Exename) + 'temp\');//如存在目录就不创建. FileSetAttr(ExtractFilePath(Application.Exename) + 'temp\', iFileAttrs);