{ Source:Source string } { Sub:Sub string } { Return:Count } { Ex:StrSubCount( 'abcdbcd ', 'bc ')=2 } function StrSubCount(const Source, Sub: string): integer; var Buf : string; i : integer; Len : integer; begin Result := 0; Buf:=Source; i := Pos(Sub, Buf); Len := Length(Sub); while i <> 0 do begin Inc(Result); Delete(Buf, 1, i + Len -1); i:=Pos(Sub,Buf); end; end; { StrSubCount } { 下面这个函数返回SubStr在S中指定位置开始后的位置 } { 例如:PosExx( 'ab ', 'abcabcab ',3)返回4 } function PosExx(const substr: AnsiString; const s: AnsiString; const start: Integer): Integer; type StrRec = record allocSiz: Longint; refCnt: Longint; length: Longint; end; const skew = sizeof(StrRec); asm { -> EAX Pointer to substr } { EDX Pointer to string } { ECX Pointer to start //cs } { <-EAX Position of substr in s or 0 } TEST EAX,EAX JE @@noWork TEST EDX,EDX JE @@stringEmpty TEST ECX,ECX JE @@stringEmpty PUSH EBX PUSH ESI PUSH EDI MOV ESI,EAX { Point ESI to } MOV EDI,EDX { Point EDI to } MOV EBX,ECX MOV ECX,[EDI-skew].StrRec.length PUSH EDI { remembers position to calculate index } CMP EBX,ECX JG @@fail MOV EDX,[ESI-skew].StrRec.length { EDX = bstr } DEC EDX { EDX = Length(substr) - } JS @@fail { < 0 ? return } MOV AL,[ESI] { AL = first char of } INC ESI { Point ESI to 2 'nd char of substr } SUB ECX,EDX { #positions in s to look } { = Length(s) - Length(substr) + 1 } JLE @@fail DEC EBX SUB ECX,EBX JLE @@fail ADD EDI,EBX @@loop: REPNE SCASB JNE @@fail MOV EBX,ECX { save outer loop } PUSH ESI { save outer loop substr pointer } PUSH EDI { save outer loop s } MOV ECX,EDX REPE CMPSB POP EDI { restore outer loop s pointer } POP ESI { restore outer loop substr pointer } JE @@found MOV ECX,EBX { restore outer loop nter } JMP @@loop @@fail: POP EDX { get rid of saved s nter } XOR EAX,EAX JMP @@exit @@stringEmpty: XOR EAX,EAX JMP @@noWork @@found: POP EDX { restore pointer to first char of s } MOV EAX,EDI { EDI points of char after match } SUB EAX,EDX { the difference is the correct index } @@exit: POP EDI POP ESI POP EBX @@noWork: end; { PosEx返回Sub在Source中第Index次出现的位置,若出现的次数不足,返回0,若找不到,返回0 } { 例如:PosEx( 'abcdbcd ', 'bcd ',2)返回5,PosEx( 'abcdbcd ', 'adb ')返回0,PoxEx( 'abc ', 'a ',2)返回0 } function PosEx(const Source, Sub: string; Index: integer): integer; var Buf : string; i, Len, C : integer; begin C := 0; Result := 0; Buf := Source; i := Pos(Sub, Source); Len := Length(Sub); while i <> 0 do begin inc(C); Inc(Result, i); Delete(Buf, 1, i + Len - 1); i := Pos(Sub, Buf); if C > = Index then Break; if i > 0 then Inc(Result, Len - 1); end; if C < Index then Result := 0; end; 下面是ZsWang写的代码,效率可能要高一些: function PosEx1(const Source, Sub: string; Index: Integer = 1): Integer; var I, J, K, L: Integer; T: string; begin Result := 0; T := Source; K := 0; L := Length(Sub); for I := 1 to Index do begin J := Pos(Sub, T); if J <= 0 then Exit; Delete(T, 1, J + L - 1); Inc(K, J + L - 1); end; Dec(K, L - 1); Result := K; end; { PosEx1 } 下面是Dirk写的,用的实递归: function PosN(Substring, Mainstring: string; n: Integer): Integer; { Function PosN get recursive - the N th position of "Substring " in "Mainstring ". Does the Mainstring not contain Substrign the result is 0. Works with chars and strings. } begin if Pos(substring, mainstring) = 0 then begin posn := 0; Exit; end else begin if n = 1 then posn := Pos(substring, mainstring) else begin posn := Pos(substring, mainstring) + posn(substring, Copy(mainstring, (Pos(substring, mainstring) + 1), Length(mainstring)), n - 1); end; end; end; function SubStrConut(mStr: string; mSub: string): Integer; { 返回子字符串出现的次数 } begin Result := (Length(mStr) - Length(StringReplace(mStr, mSub, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]))) div Length(mSub); end |