I hardly maintain this repository anymore as all my free time goes into the new version: titan-starter
I do apologize about it (I still have live projects using this repository)
This is my starter project for most crud admin portals.
I try to keep it clean, flexibly and friendly to use and to help the community.
Please let me know about any issues or if you have any suggestions.
Change log
Please see the CHANGELOG for more information about changes.
My Packages Included
File Generators Laravel 5 File Generators with config and publishable stubs
Notify Laravel 5 Flash Notifications with icons and animations and with a timeout
Alert A helper package to flash a bootstrap alert to the browser via a Facade or a helper function.
Impersonate User This allows you to authenticate as any of your customers.
Sluggable Provides a HasSlug trait that will generate a unique slug when saving your Laravel Eloquent model.