开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):ipinfo/laravel开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):PHP 82.5%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):IPinfo Laravel Client LibraryThis is the official Laravel client library for the IP address API, allowing you to lookup your own IP address, or get any of the following details for an IP:
Check all the data we have for your IP address here. Getting StartedYou'll need an IPinfo API access token, which you can get by singing up for a free account at The free plan is limited to 50,000 requests per month, and doesn't include some of the data fields such as IP type and company data. To enable all the data fields and additional request volumes see Installation
Open your application's protected $middleware = [
]; Quick StartRoute::get('/', function (Request $request) {
$location_text = "The IP address {$request->ipinfo->ip}.";
return view('index', ['location' => $location_text]);
}); will return the following string to the
AuthenticationThe IPinfo library can be authenticated with your IPinfo API token. It also works without an authentication token, but in a more limited capacity. To set your access token, add the following to your app's 'ipinfo' => [
'access_token' => {{access_token}},
], To do this in a more secure manner and avoid putting secret keys in your codebase, create an 'ipinfo' => [
'access_token' => env('IPINFO_SECRET'),
], Details Data
>>> $request->ipinfo->hostname Country Name
>>> $request->ipinfo->country
>>> $request->ipinfo->country_name
United States Accessing all properties
>>> $request->ipinfo->all
'asn': { 'asn': 'AS20001',
'domain': '',
'name': 'Time Warner Cable Internet LLC',
'route': '',
'type': 'isp'},
'city': 'Los Angeles',
'company': { 'domain': '',
'name': 'Time Warner Cable Internet LLC',
'type': 'isp'},
'country': 'US',
'country_name': 'United States',
'hostname': '',
'ip': '',
'ip_address': IPv4Address(''),
'loc': '34.0293,-118.3570',
'latitude': '34.0293',
'longitude': '-118.3570',
'phone': '323',
'postal': '90016',
'region': 'California'
} CachingIn-memory caching of Modifying cache optionsDefault cache TTL and maximum size can be changed by setting values in the
'ipinfo' => [
'cache_maxsize' => {{cache_maxsize}},
'cache_ttl' => {{cache_ttl}},
], Using a different cacheIt is possible to use a custom cache by creating a child class of the CacheInterface class and setting the the 'ipinfo' => [
'cache' => new MyCustomCacheObject(),
], IP Selection MechanismBy default, the IP from the incoming request is used. Since the desired IP by your system may be in other locations, the IP selection mechanism is configurable and some alternative built-in options are available. Using built-in ip selectorsDefaultIPSelectorA DefaultIPSelector is used by default if no IP selector is provided. It returns the source IP from the incoming request. This selector can be set explicitly by setting the 'ipinfo' => [
'ip_selector' => new DefaultIPSelector(),
], OriginatingIPSelectorA OriginatingIPSelector selects an IP address by trying to extract it from the This selector can be set by setting the 'ipinfo' => [
'ip_selector' => new OriginatingIPSelector(),
], Using a custom IP selectorIn case a custom IP selector is required, you may implement the IPHandlerInterface interface and set the For example: 'ipinfo' => [
'ip_selector' => new CustomIPSelector(),
], InternationalizationWhen looking up an IP address, the response object includes a 'ipinfo' => [
'countries_file' => {{countries}},
], The file must be a
FilteringBy default, 'ipinfo' => [
'filter' => false,
], To set your own filtering rules, thereby replacing the default filter, you can set
To use your own filter function: 'ipinfo' => [
'filter' => $customFilterFunction,
], Suppressing ExceptionsLaravel middleware does not allow you to catch exceptions from other middleware, so if the IPinfo middleware throws an exception, it'll be quite hard to deal with it. We allow suppressing exceptions by specifying the 'ipinfo' => [
'no_except' => true,
], If an exception occurs when this setting is Other LibrariesThere are official IPinfo client libraries available for many languages including PHP, Python, Go, Java, Ruby, and many popular frameworks such as Django, Rails and Laravel. There are also many third party libraries and integrations available for our API. About IPinfoFounded in 2013, IPinfo prides itself on being the most reliable, accurate, and in-depth source of IP address data available anywhere. We process terabytes of data to produce our custom IP geolocation, company, carrier, VPN detection, hosted domains, and IP type data sets. Our API handles over 40 billion requests a month for 100,000 businesses and developers. |