开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):safaricom/mpesa-node-library开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):JavaScript 100.0%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):Node.js M-Pesa APIM-Pesa Library for Node.js using REST API Prerequisites
InstallationUse npm/yarn:
Pre-UsagePlease make sure you have read the documentation on Daraja before continuing. You need the following before getting to use this library:
Getting StartedThis library is extremely modular, meaning you can create more than one Mpesa instance const Mpesa = require('mpesa-node')
const mpesaApi = new Mpesa({ consumerKey: '<your consumer key>', consumerSecret: '<your consumer secret>' })
// another instance
// const instance = new Mpesa({ consumerKey: 'test', consumerSecret: 'test', environment: 'production' })
.then((result) => {
//do something
.catch((err) => {
// retry?
}) While working with the Mpesa Class, you only need two key-value items, ie: consumerKey and consumerSecret. Nonetheless, prefilling some things means you dont have to re-enter them again. A complete config object looks like this new Mpesa({
consumerKey: '<your consumer key>',
consumerSecret: '<your consumer secret>',
environment: 'sandbox',
shortCode: '600111',
initiatorName: 'Test Initiator',
lipaNaMpesaShortCode: 123456,
lipaNaMpesaShortPass: '<some key here>',
securityCredential: '<credential here>',
certPath: path.resolve('keys/myKey.cert')
}) APIPlease note that this library is in active development, use in production with caution. Current API: const mpesaApi = new Mpesa({ consumerKey: '<your consumer key>', consumerSecret: '<your consumer secret>' })
const {
} = mpesaApi Ofcourse you dont need to import all methods, you can import the only ones you need. All methods return a MethodsThis initiates a business to customer transactions from a company (shortcode) to end users (mobile numbers) of their services. /*
* b2c(senderParty, receiverParty, amount, queueUrl, resultUrl, commandId = 'BusinessPayment', initiatorName = null, remarks = 'B2C Payment', occasion = null)
* Example:
const { shortCode } = mpesaApi.configs
const testMSISDN = 254708374149
await mpesaApi.b2c(shortCode, testMSISDN, 100, URL + '/b2c/timeout', URL + '/b2c/success') This initiates a business to business transaction between one company to another. /*
* b2c(senderParty, receiverParty, amount, queueUrl, resultUrl, senderType = 4, receiverType = 4, initiator = null, commandId = 'BusinessToBusinessTransfer', accountRef = null, remarks = 'B2B Request')
* Example:
const { shortCode } = mpesaApi.configs
const testShortcode2 = 600000
await mpesaApi.b2b(shortCode, testShortcode2, 100, URL + '/b2b/timeout', URL + '/b2b/success') This initiates a C2B confirmation and validation registration for a company's URLs /*
* c2bRegister(confirmationUrl, validationUrl, shortCode = null, responseType = 'Completed')
* Example:
await mpesaApi.c2bRegister(URL + '/c2b/validation', URL + '/c2b/success') This initiates a C2B transaction between an end-user and a company (paybill or till number) /*
* c2bSimulate(msisdn, amount, billRefNumber, commandId = 'CustomerPayBillOnline', shortCode = null)
* Example:
const testMSISDN = 254708374149
await mPesa.c2bSimulate(testMSISDN, 100, Math.random().toString(35).substr(2, 7)) • M-Pesa Express Request - Lipa Na M-Pesa Online Payment API This initiates a Lipa Na M-Pesa Online Payment transaction using STK Push. /*
* lipaNaMpesaOnline(senderMsisdn, amount, callbackUrl, accountRef, transactionDesc = 'Lipa na mpesa online', transactionType = 'CustomerPayBillOnline', shortCode = null, passKey = null)
* Example:
const testMSISDN = 254708374149
const amount = 100
const accountRef = Math.random().toString(35).substr(2, 7)
await mpesaApi.lipaNaMpesaOnline(testMSISDN, amount, URL + '/lipanampesa/success', accountRef) • M-Pesa Express Query Request - Lipa Na M-Pesa Query Request API This API checks the status of a Lipa Na M-Pesa Online Payment transaction /*
* lipaNaMpesaQuery(checkoutRequestId, shortCode = null, passKey = null)
* Example:
const checkoutRequestId ='ws_co_123456789'
await mpesaApi.lipaNaMpesaQuery(checkoutRequestId) This initiates an M-Pesa transaction reversal on B2B, B2C or C2B API /*
* reversal(transactionId, amount, queueUrl, resultUrl, shortCode = null, remarks = 'Reversal', occasion = 'Reversal', initiator = null, receiverIdType = '11', commandId = 'TransactionReversal')
* Example:
await mpesaApi.reversal('LKXXXX1234', 100, URL + '/reversal/timeout', URL + '/reversal/success') This API is used to check the status of B2B, B2C and C2B transactions /*
* transactionStatus(transactionId, receiverParty, idType, queueUrl, resultUrl, remarks = 'TransactionReversal', occasion = 'TransactionReversal', initiator = null, commandId = 'TransactionStatusQuery')
* Example:
await mpesaApi.transactionStatus('LKXXXX1234', shortCode, 4, URL + '/transactionstatus/timeout', URL + '/transactionstatus/success') This initiates a request for the account balance of a shortcode /*
* accountBalance(shortCode, idType, queueUrl, resultUrl, remarks = 'Checking account balance', initiator = null, commandId = 'AccountBalance')
* Example:
const { shortCode } = mpesaApi.configs
await mpesaApi.accountBalance(shortCode, 4, URL + '/accountbalance/timeout', URL + '/accountbalance/success') TestingTesting needs you to clone this repo. The command below runs both integration and unit test. Integration tests launch a ngrok instance and await callbacks (you will need an active internet connection for this). To run each separately, check
Going Live/ProductionYou will need to first click on "Going Live" on Daraja The only thing you need to tweek in this Libs config is new Mpesa({
consumerKey: '<your consumer key>',
consumerSecret: '<your consumer secret>',
environment: 'production', //<------
}) Pending Stuff
Credits| Contributor |
LicenseMIT |