I wanted some fuzzy feeling in the way I can search in my abbrevations. And some interaction with greenclip.
Two new tools in the spirit of texpander
For this to work one needs
greenclip installed and daemon running
rofi installed
zsh installed (bash would remove newlines where rofi needs them)
For arch based linux one can do
yay -S rofi-greenclip zsh xsel xdotool
systemctl --user enable greenclip.service
follow the rest of the original guide to setup this scipts in your desktop environment.
Texpander is a simple text expander for Linux. It is sort of like Autokey, except it works off of text files that you put in your ~/.texpander directory. Texpander is a bash script that uses xclip, xdotool, and zenity to let you type an abbreviation for something and it expands to whatever you have in the matching text file.
Put texpander.sh somewhere on your system, perhaps your ~/bin directory.
Create a keyboard shortcut that calls ~/bin/texpander.sh
Create a ~/.texpander directory where you store text files for expanding abbreviations
Texpander relies on a couple command line tools:
If those aren't already installed on your system you can probably grab them from your distros package manager without any trouble. For example for Ubuntu you can get what you need with the following commands.
The text expansion files reside in your ~/.texpander directory and can be organized in subdirectories. Name the files in the format of abbreviation where the filename is the thing you want to type and the content of the file is what you want to have pasted into your document.
I have crtl+space assigned to run ~/bin/texpander.sh. So, if I'm typing an email, it doesn't matter if I'm in gmail (using Firefox, Chrome, Opera, or Vivaldi), Thunderbird, Vim, or Nylas, the workflow is the same. I have a couple different email signatures that I use. For example, if want to use my email signature, I'll create a file ~/.texpander/sig.txt that has all of my contact information.
Setting Up Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
This process may be slightly different for you depending on what desktop environment and Linux distribution you have. I've personally tested this on Pop!_OS and Elementary OS 5.1 but each desktop environment has a slightly different way of setting up keyboard shortcuts. But the bottom line is I just map Ctrl+Shift+T to the texpander.sh bash script.
How To Use Texpander
After setting up the keyboard shortcut to launch Texpander, to use Texpander:
Start writing an email to somebody (or start editing any document)
Put your cursor where you want your email signature to be pasted
Type Ctrl+Shift+T (or whatever keyboard shortcut you set up)
A zenity window will appear asking for your abbreviation
Type in sig and hit Enter (or click "OK")
The contents of ~/.texpander/sig.txt is pasted into your document
If I'm not in a web browser I'm in the terminal working in Vim. I've got some texpander files that I use in Vim. The terminal works a little differently from other GUI apps in that you have to type ctrl+shift+v to paste stuff. In texpander.sh there is a check to see if the active window is a terminal. If so, it will paste using ctrl+shift+v if not then it will paste normally as ctrl+v
Fork Texpander
Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
Submit a pull request :D
Version 2.0 - November 24, 2017
Change: Replace xclip with xsel because xclip tends to strip newlines when pasting into certain application like Gmail on Firefox.
Change: Use shift+Insert to be compatible with more programs for pasting rather than trying to figure out if the current app should use ctrl+v or ctrl+shift+v.
New: Add an optional type mode so if pasting doesn't work, the xdotool can type (rather than paste) text into the active window.
Version 1.1.1 - November 22, 2016
Update: Look for "terminal" pattern anywhere in proc name to match names like "gnome-terminal" for pasting text into terminals.
Update: Update README with instructions for the new selection list functionality
Version 1.1 - November 7, 2016
New: Using zenity list to show abbreviations. You can still just type the abbreviations and then hit Enter, or select your choice with the mouse and click OK.
New: The value in the clipboard is preserved so it is not overwritten when expanding an abbreviation
New: Add pasting support for the terminator terminal emulator pasting
Update: Use the focus window rather than the active window as the target for pasting
Version 1.0.1 - June 23, 2016
New: If the active window is a terminal paste with ctrl+shift+v